I bought into the whole androgynous idea for like a semester in college. For those who don't know that means embodying an equal amount of feminine and masculine attributes so that you are no longer seen as exclusively masculine or feminine.
And while Jungian Psychology--which I ascribe to--says that we need to balance ourselves with out opposite to become whole, everything I have experienced and read when it comes to relationships tells me that women want a man who embodies all the truly masculine attributes and very little of the feminine attributes. Women want to be made to feel like women, they can't do that if their man is as feminine as them
And by masculine I mean, strong, assertive, confident, intelligent, dominant, decisive, wise, courageous, who take charge, are leaders and will protect those who are weaker, i.e. Women and children.
However, read The Manipulated Man and you will see that a lot of what passes for "masculinity" in our culture are social constructs contrived by women to make us do what they want us to