Who you think getting that inheritance, breh? You really wanna act like my nikka Finn doesn't have multiple income streams anyway? He has hoes on every other corner in D.C.

Got young buls slanging white all through east D.C. Slanging mollies, xanies and percs to them college kids at Howard and Goergtown. Being the VP's son was just a front, breh, the best front a nikka could ever ask for. We talking about a dude with more bodies than a Chinese graveyard but never caught a charge. New Balances?

Try Ferragamo's, breh. Old Navy?

Try, Burberry, nikka. Tater tots and mystery meat?

Try having your own personal chef cooking you the finest pheasant, caviar, crab legs with the heavy butter, etc. Juicy juice?

Try the finest of Argentinian Malbecs and Hennesy Paradis as a digestif. Y'all nikkas really burying the gawd? My dude is on the private jet to the Turks & Caicos with Cris caseloads right now, breh. You hittin the pause button on the gawds empire but that boy-game advanced, complete the genesis.