
How the hell you gonna cheat on demigawd Zack Oliver Morris? bytch... Zack and that CZW reject Always Cutthroat Slater was tag teaming all the hoes in Bayside High until you came into the picture. Zack had his pick of the litter, personally I always thought he should have picked that luscious chocolate turtle Lisa who stayed wearing her Manolo Blahniks to homeroom

or Jessica Spano that had the straight A and fought for womens rights but would quickly strip naked and push Gina Gershon down a flight of stairs so she can get SO EXCITED for a speed rush

but he chose you and decided to walk away from the game to settle down and follow his million dollar blueprint: graduate Bayside, graduate college, smash Vanna White (she was the pawg of the 90s

), have 3.4 kids (that .4 would be an adopted baby from Iceland or some rare country), get rich then buy Bayside to fire Belding

. Zack penciled you in his blueprint but what do you do... you cheat on him with some Melrose Place looking reject that even Kimberly's crazy ass wouldn't waste time blowing up inside a building

. Zack could have led you to the penthouse but instead you chose a basement of a restaurant called "The Max" in which MTV should have sued them over for that name since they had a better "The Max" on television at that time but I digress. Even then fake Rico Suave just hit it and quit it leaving you with a Denny's application reference as he kept it moving

, looking back how he didn't go to jail for smashing an underage broad I'll never know

... goddamn I miss the 90s. Our Prince Zack never lost his cool, he should have called her a dimebag whore that will fukk anybody that shows her attention but instead Zack kept it G, kept his cool and was like "My bytch chose him.... it's all in the game and the game's the game

) and kept it moving with his head held high cause nobody was gonna hold him down

. Zack was a true inspiration... an inspiration to a young up and coming prince name Finn Walden

who was supposed to be the chosen one to lead all of us out of the recession but Abu Nazir had other plans for him....
