Is there any chance of rekindling that relationship breh? Sometimes a woman is just done. I've been there. We all have. But, on rare occasions, they just wanna be babied and buttered up and you can get them back in the right circumstance. But you're young breh. Your 20s are for growth and having fun and discovering who you are. I had so many women in my 20s, I'm literally embarrassed to repeat the number. As you start to get older, you value companionship more and not just the flesh, at least I do....
I hear you on that, but unfortunately she graduated and that might have been the last I'll see of her. And just based off my judgment and hindsight, it seemed very evident that she might have been looking to switch mans and wanted that butter up as you say, but I was being who I am and annoyingly detached because at the time I was not interested in a relationship and only wanted to chase and get booty so I didn't follow through on her signals. I try to live without regrets but that was prob one of the biggest mistakes Ive made. I could try hitting her up again but idk if she'll respond
And yeah, racking up bodies sounded cool to me but I feel like I might have gotten it out of my system at this point. Also I think for my generation, having that queen piece to hold you down is actually seen as cooler than just hoeing around because getting a relationship going isn't easy and you're seen as more valuable if you're in one