Lol @ bringing down amygdala levels, FOH with your quack science
any drug altering that area is not a good thing, you don't know wut weed duz to it, u just making up pseudo intellectual bullshyt as you go along to feel better about your argument, but your only hurting yourself
Discovery sheds new light on marijuana’s anxiety relief effects
"An international group led by Vanderbilt University researchers has found cannabinoid receptors, through which marijuana exerts its effects, in a key emotional hub in the brain involved in regulating anxiety and the flight-or-fight response.
This is the first time cannabinoid receptors have been identified in the central nucleus of the amygdala in a mouse model, they report in the current issue of the journal
The natural endocannabinoid system regulates anxiety and the response to stress by dampening excitatory signals that involve the neurotransmitter glutamate.
• Chronic stress or acute, severe emotional trauma can cause a reduction in both the production of endocannabinoids and the responsiveness of the receptors. Without their “buffering” effect, anxiety goes up.
• While marijuana’s “exogenous” cannabinoids also can reduce anxiety, chronic use of the drug down-regulates the receptors, paradoxically increasing anxiety. This can trigger “a vicious cycle” of increasing marijuana use that in some cases leads to addiction.
What you say there now?
@nineteeneightysix if you read the last line, you can see why I think a poor diet, and a stressed brain makes some snap. If they are constantly smoking, and then living a poor lifestyle, I think this causes the amygdala to be highly active, and that's why you are seeing weed smokers being connected to the people you see snap in mental facilities. Herb needs to be part of a healthy lifestyle, or at least a "normal" one. If a person just eats junkfood that is void in a lot of nutrients or unbalanced, and they also have a stressful environment, they either need no herb(in extreme cases) or just very little of it weekly. I think they should still take it in this case because it can help them see the two states of mind they're in. One of stress, and one of relaxation. They just need guidance on how to stay in relaxed mode without needing weed all the time.