harry potter weekend


Sep 11, 2013
I got a thing against watching any of the flicks on tv anyway. Watching movies with commercial interruptions always pisses me off lol, even as a kid. I used to hate that shyt..I got them all on the blu collection.

and it's funny you mention Goblet of Fire..you notice it's my 3rd least favorite:sas1: also felt like a very "transitional" movie

I noticed chamber of secrets is towards the bottom:birdman:
Your list is saved by having azkaban at number one:ufdup:


Sep 11, 2013
Only because the films before it are so much better. I like chamber of secrets a lot breh but that's the problem with having so many dope films in one series
Order of the phoenix is too high imo. I liked the book a lot but that book really focused on harry and his thoughts, characterization, and anger all of which they toned down or couldn't translate well to the movie.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Order of the phoenix is too high imo. I liked the book a lot but that book really focused on harry and his thoughts, characterization, and anger all of which they toned down or couldn't translate well to the movie.

Word? I thought they translated all of that perfectly. The scenes where he's imagining himself as voldemort or saying that he just feels angry or just the wordless acting that Daniel does for a lot of it. I feel like that's his best performance in the whole series because he does get angry and does let loose and is holding a lot under the surface. Film has gotta be translated differently than books and I think they did a great job on that one and a lot of that goes to Daniel

I don't compare the books to the movies. I got the books for the books and the movies for the movies. I try to judge them independently of each other


Sep 11, 2013
Word? I thought they translated all of that perfectly. The scenes where he's imagining himself as voldemort or saying that he just feels angry or just the wordless acting that Daniel does for a lot of it. I feel like that's his best performance in the whole series because he does get angry and does let loose and is holding a lot under the surface. Film has gotta be translated differently than books and I think they did a great job on that one and a lot of that goes to Daniel

I don't compare the books to the movies. I got the books for the books and the movies for the movies. I try to judge them independently of each other
Maybe you don't remember the book too well but no he wasn't really internalizing it at all:heh:

Edit: he was internalizing but not completely

He was frequently snapping at everyone, Ron and hermonie especially. They really toned down that aspect probably because they didn't want him to come off as unlikeable. But he Radcliffe did do a good job in order of the phoenix.

And its not like I dislike the movie it just wouldn't be in my top 3:manny:
Jan 20, 2015
I actually liked half blood prince:skip:

Can some of y'all go in depth about what you didn't like about it?

How much time do you have?

And actually, have you read the books? I found that people who didn't read the books seemed to like it more. Case in point, I got into an argument with my friend after the movie. She liked it and was trying to tell me why she didn't need to know the things that were left out. You don't know what was left out, how can you tell me it wasn't important? :wtb:

But I digress...

1) The intro with Harry in the train station. It was stupid and pointless.

2) Dumbledore didn't act like Dumbledore. He sends Harry to stay with the Weasleys without any prior warning. They're just wandering around the house like 'is Harry here? Why is his stuff here?' I know this seems like a small point, but it was completely out of character, Dumbledore was always unfailingly courteous. You should act least have the characters act like the characters.

3) Fred & George's shop. Ok props for that. That was cool. I also think they did a good job w/ Jim Broadbent as Slughorn.

4) That horrible scene where they burned down the Burrow. I read that they did it b/c they were trying to truncate things in the final movies and needed a reason why they wouldn't use the Burrow as a location. But then they did, so that was out. Also, the director/writer/someone felt they needed some action. So they added a pointless and boring chase through the fields. And it doesn't make sense b/c the Burrow was under all sorts of protective charms, so the Death Eaters wouldn't have been able to be there anyhow.

5) The whole way they just started telling us stuff. Like Mr Weasley providing the revelation of the Vanishing Cabinet. Just lazy writing. Actually, a lot of lazy writing throughout.

6) The scenes in the cave were cool, no lie. Gambon earned his paycheck on that one.

7) The scene where Malfoy traps Dumbledore and Harry is just waiting in the background. And then Snape comes by and puts his finger over his lips. Really? They couldn't have found a better way to do that?

8) They completely eliminated the battle between the DE's and the DA/Faculty. If they wanted action, here was a good time to do it. Instead, Snape and co just stroll out of Hogwarts as Bellatrix breaks ish up. (I won't say too much bad about her though b/c I love HBC as Bellatrix)

9) As a matter of fact, the whole film, particularly the escape just lacked any sense of urgency. Like.....total snooze. Even when harry is chasing Snape, it's just hurl a spell or two and then that was it. Just terrible.

10) And then the final conversation between Harry and Hermione. "You're a great wizard, but you're really thick" Gag.

So....yeah. Got that off my chest. And I'm probably missing a lot more. I finally just had to learn to appreciate the little moments (and there are some nice little moments) in the film. But I can now watch it without cussing, but it is never a favorite.

Oh I forgot

11) I feel like they did a shoddy job of exploring/explaining the memories and the Horocrux and why they were important. Then they had to do a rush job in DH1. Really I felt like they tried to make the film into a teenage romance or something instead of letting it be great.

OK I'm really done now.


Sep 11, 2013
How much time do you have?

And actually, have you read the books? I found that people who didn't read the books seemed to like it more. Case in point, I got into an argument with my friend after the movie. She liked it and was trying to tell me why she didn't need to know the things that were left out. You don't know what was left out, how can you tell me it wasn't important? :wtb:

But I digress...

1) The intro with Harry in the train station. It was stupid and pointless.

2) Dumbledore didn't act like Dumbledore. He sends Harry to stay with the Weasleys without any prior warning. They're just wandering around the house like 'is Harry here? Why is his stuff here?' I know this seems like a small point, but it was completely out of character, Dumbledore was always unfailingly courteous. You should act least have the characters act like the characters.

3) Fred & George's shop. Ok props for that. That was cool. I also think they did a good job w/ Jim Broadbent as Slughorn.

4) That horrible scene where they burned down the Burrow. I read that they did it b/c they were trying to truncate things in the final movies and needed a reason why they wouldn't use the Burrow as a location. But then they did, so that was out. Also, the director/writer/someone felt they needed some action. So they added a pointless and boring chase through the fields. And it doesn't make sense b/c the Burrow was under all sorts of protective charms, so the Death Eaters wouldn't have been able to be there anyhow.

5) The whole way they just started telling us stuff. Like Mr Weasley providing the revelation of the Vanishing Cabinet. Just lazy writing. Actually, a lot of lazy writing throughout.

6) The scenes in the cave were cool, no lie. Gambon earned his paycheck on that one.

7) The scene where Malfoy traps Dumbledore and Harry is just waiting in the background. And then Snape comes by and puts his finger over his lips. Really? They couldn't have found a better way to do that?

8) They completely eliminated the battle between the DE's and the DA/Faculty. If they wanted action, here was a good time to do it. Instead, Snape and co just stroll out of Hogwarts as Bellatrix breaks ish up. (I won't say too much bad about her though b/c I love HBC as Bellatrix)

9) As a matter of fact, the whole film, particularly the escape just lacked any sense of urgency. Like.....total snooze. Even when harry is chasing Snape, it's just hurl a spell or two and then that was it. Just terrible.

10) And then the final conversation between Harry and Hermione. "You're a great wizard, but you're really thick" Gag.

So....yeah. Got that off my chest. And I'm probably missing a lot more. I finally just had to learn to appreciate the little moments (and there are some nice little moments) in the film. But I can now watch it without cussing, but it is never a favorite.

Oh I forgot

11) I feel like they did a shoddy job of exploring/explaining the memories and the Horocrux and why they were important. Then they had to do a rush job in DH1. Really I felt like they tried to make the film into a teenage romance or something instead of letting it be great.

OK I'm really done now.
Well when you lay it all out like that...:ohhh:


Apr 3, 2014
Azkaban and Goblet are my favorites. The last two are dope as fukk too. Even Chamber of Secrets is dope to me. Worst one is EASILY order of the phoenix, lady umbridge acts like a nazi c*nt too well :pacspit:
Next to Joffrey in GoT, I hated that bytch the most in any form of recorded fictional media. My French teacher looked like her and I used to hate on her like mad purely off the strength of her looking like c*ntbridge.


Apr 30, 2014
Next to Joffrey in GoT, I hated that bytch the most in any form of recorded fictional media. My French teacher looked like her and I used to hate on her like mad purely off the strength of her looking like c*ntbridge.
I honestly wanted to murder that bytch. She was almost, if not as bad as most of the Death Eaters.


All Star
May 5, 2012
11) I feel like they did a shoddy job of exploring/explaining the memories and the Horocrux and why they were important. Then they had to do a rush job in DH1. Really I felt like they tried to make the film into a teenage romance or something instead of letting it be great.

OK I'm really done now.
This is the number one problem I had with this movie. Its like they were trying to compete with twilight with all the romance and love triangles. Between that and the god awful scene at the borrow that you already went in depth about, it was enough for me to really not get into it.

Also I know a lot of people love prisoner of Azkaban but I'm not a fan, which is weird bc its my favorite book. Its been a while since Ive seen it but I remember it being corny and leaving out a lot of things.
Jan 20, 2015
This is the number one problem I had with this movie. Its like they were trying to compete with twilight with all the romance and love triangles. Between that and the god awful scene at the borrow that you already went in depth about, it was enough for me to really not get into it.

Also I know a lot of people love prisoner of Azkaban but I'm not a fan, which is weird bc its my favorite book. Its been a while since Ive seen it but I remember it being corny and leaving out a lot of things.

It took me a while to get into PoA the movie. I remember not being that thrilled the first time I watched it. I wasn't fond of the kids wearing regular clothing instead of robes, kind of took away the magic. It later grew on me though.