If you mean a threat to get Shabazz then yes
what team are you a fan of?
If you mean a threat to get Shabazz then yes
If you mean a threat to get Shabazz then yes
If you mean a threat to get Shabazz, Zeller, or Noel then yes
People still gassing up Lin....
Dude has game but once dudes had time to scout him he was getting exposed.
I doubt they contend this year...
but you think they'll be one of the three worst?...that's quite ridiculous of you
I doubt they contend this year...
but you think they'll be one of the three worst?...that's quite ridiculous of you
You don't have to be the three worst to get a top pick. Supposedly Stern said they do a lottery for the draft picks
all things equal - there's lil difference between their efficiency (from outside the rim). kmart is the better shooter as well. as i said before, kmarts FG% should go up considerably and harden's will DEFINITELY go down, ain't no doubt about it. he should avg around 23 ppg and martin should give the thunder around the same production, harden provided for them (providing he plays the same amount of minutes).he was an efficient scorer...he shot 49% from the field last year...that's efficient scoring for a guard
Kevin Martin shot an appalling 41%
so yes...they'll miss that
comes down to serges progression on offense, and hardens inability to take 4.5 million less like russ did.can someone explain to me why the Thunder didn't just pay Harden?
I don't think they got better with this trade...they might not have got worse in some people's opinion...but it's hard to make the argument that they got better
and the franchise turned what...30 million in profit last year?...the owners are billionaires...they can't afford Harden?...give me a break.
lin garbage, harden will be garbage by himself and asiky'all might be at the same spot if best.