Well brehs,

yesterday (and well that entire shyt show of an offense without an identity half of the season) happened. Many of the brehs here saw it coming. We simply can't state it enough: this team will not go anywhere with Jerry Jones at the helm. Its not the fact that he built his stadium East-West instead of North-South..

or the fact that his country ass can't hire anything but lazy and/or yes men that cater to his ego.. or the fact that he has a track record of being strong armed into horrific contracts.. its the fact that this billionaire has all the money in the world but can't buy a clue that he is the problem.
The defense did more than enough to win the game, much like the Chiefs and Cardinals game. The difference being the QB, OC, and offensive line penalties.
Trashcott is who he is, the sooner the OC (assuming it won't be Moore next season) realizes that the gameplan should revolve around someone other than the QB the better off this team will be. The most effective drives we had during the game featured the run game. That was the bread and butter. Pollard should have had a much bigger role in the offense yesterday. The politics have and will continute to ruin this team. These 40+ attempt games with Trashcott always end the same. It is the OCs job to ensure their is a gameplan available to prevent your tier 3 QB from being the focal point of the offense - especially when every team that beats you says they prefer to make the "[QB] win the game for them".
The offensive line is horrific, it is time for the rebuild so when we draft another QB next spring the transition will be seamless. Connor is done, he is a certified drive killer and has no dawg in him whatsoever. The 9ers sent a 4 man rush most of the game and the line for whatever reason could not man the fukk up. Again, this is on the OC too, but this line deserves plenty of blame. Tyron's replacement is on the roster, but the center needs to be gone too.
A few other gripes, I love Zeke but he should not have been playing with that injury. That is not on him, that is pure incompetence by the head coach and Jerry Jones.
Dak is now the 3rd best passer on the roster. Anger needs more reps at QB.
I wish all the best for Pollard, Kearse, Gallup, and Schultz. Hope they get paid well and as far as possible from this organization. That being said, we should honestly get some pretty solid compensatory draft capital for these guys. These dumbass Joneses will prolly pay Williams and Gregory. But truth is they didn't show a damn thing vs the 9ers.

It is what it is.
We should set in the draft. BPA at 24 and trade back in to the 2nd round for some more key pieces.