This was so generic. None of the jokes worked and a lot of the forced Han/Chewbacca/Lando lore references are pointless (did we really need Han saying that he'll come up with a nickname for Chewbacca because his name is too long?).
It also features three of the worst characters in Star Wars history between awfully designed four armed monkey Rio, social justice warrior droid L3 and
teenage Aloy the marauder.
The best thing was Donald Glover's performance, particularly his chemistry with Ehrenreich. Dude seemed far more comfortable with his portrayal of Han playing off Glover than he did with anyone else. A full Lando/Solo team-up movie would have been way better than this.
I also didn't care much for the teaser cameo. It seems like such a cheap ploy to get you to watch some of these other shytty spin-offs they got planned.