Yeah, TFA didn't feel fresh to me. Like you said, way too derivative, and I just really think Kylo is a weak antagonist. He's so whiny and there's no real sense of depth to him. Not sure I would put it on the same level as the prequels though.

That's cold, bruh. Ep 2 is the absolute WORST entry of any SW film. I liked 3 too though.
Because Kylo Ren is not complicated or intriguing. He's a whiny douchebag who we're supposed to suddenly feel sympathy for because Luke had a moment of weakness that was completely out of character. Nevermind that he killed his father for no good reason. Nevermind that he tried killing Rey. Suddenly they have a connection that is supposed to make us see the grey in him. Then you have Rey who just magically has all of these amazing force abilities that came out of NOWHERE. They weren't there before, she has no lineage to explain them, they just showed up at this point in her life for god knows what reason and she really wants to hate Kylo for killing his dad and her friend, but now she's torn because he's hot and he wasn't treated right. Don't get me started on Finn and the way they trolled black audiences with his potential and then pair him up with an Asian girl to go off and have decidedly non- SW like adventures that felt more like it a distraction than a part of the main story. It was a mess.