Han Solo: A Star Wars Story [Official Thread] (2018)


Jul 6, 2014
Reaction from the Star Wars Standalone Set
The latest post from The Hollywood Reporter points to a developing storyline in the land of Lucasfilm. That storyline that indicates that President Kathleen Kennedy and Executive Producer/Screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan were not alone in their frustrations with the style of Phil Lord and Chris Miller.

In a piece entitled “Star Wars Firing Reveals a Disturbance in the Franchise,” Kim Masters wrote of the Han Solo standalone’s change in leadership:

…applause came at the end of the meeting in which the departure of Lord and Miller was announced and they were informed a new director would be arriving. These sources say the mood at the meeting was somber but there was applause “in support of the movie.”

This was a late update to the saga within the saga. Earlier versions previously indicated applause had broken out when Lucasfilm announced Ron Howard as director. The above amended that detail. However, one thing seems obvious (despite clarifications about the impetus of applause). The hiring of Academy Award-winner Ron Howard indicates a want by LFL to put the Han Solo film back on course.

And that course will take a more conventional approach.

The Boiling Point
Of the final straw on the Lord and Master-backed version of young Han Solo, THR reported:


The Original Crew

Matters had already reached a boiling point in mid-June when Phil Lord and Chris Miller, co-directors of the still-untitled young Han Solo movie, were in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon but didn’t start shooting until 1 p.m. That day the two used only three different setups — that is, three variations on camera placement — as opposed to the 12 to 15 that Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy had expected, according to sources with knowledge of the situation. Not only was the going slow, but the few angles that had been shot did not provide a wealth of options to use in editing the movie.

According to Masters’ source, the Millennium Falcon shoot only cemented thoughts from around the company that Lord and Miller were not “decisive” in their role as co-directors.

This led, Masters wrote, to a situation where “[p]roduction department heads began to complain. While the pair appeared to listen when told of festering problems, this person says their approach did not change.”

Improvisational Takes (a toll)
The co-directors’ approach to Han Solo–as portrayed by Alden Ehrenreich–led to shots straight out of Kasdan’s script. Then the pair filmed several more improvisational takes for each scene. Keep in mind, Ehrenreich’s name popped up in some media reports as another member of the crew left perplexed by his directors.


Alden Ehrenreich

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All of those takes then made their way back to Lucasfilm, where Kennedy and Co. first sought to support the directors, even going as far to hire an acting coach for Ehrenreich late in the filming.

However, none of the Lucasfilm work to mitigate the situation (a situation seemingly caused by a wish to hire less conventional filmmakers for the standalone films) worked.

Finally, trying to supplant Lord and Miller with Kasdan failed. There would be no arrangement similar to the work Tony Gilroy did on Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One. Citing “zero creative freedom” as well as “scheduling constraints,” Lord and Miller pushed back. They found themselves pushed out.

The story continues to amaze even the most hardened Hollywood observer. And the details figure to provide plenty more copy. Especially since neither Lucasfilm, nor Lord and Miller, are talking… yet.
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Aug 17, 2012
New York City

Wow, this is crazy but let's get something straight. Kathleen has lightyears more Classics, Legendary Films and Experience than Lord and Miller, that's just a fact. "Star Wars" is Lucas's baby and she's a Spielberg Disciple. Therefor if you are going to do a Star Wars film in this new era, you have to understand your role. She's the boss period, Lucas gave her the keys. Yes they want different viewpoints from new directors but they do not want something so far out there that isn't not "Star Wars". I like Lord and Miller but even I was a little skeptical based off their resume of slapstick humor and mostly doing animation. But I figured they would give it a new take so I was cool with it. I'm honestly torn on a Han Solo Solo film but after "Rouge One" surprised me, I'm willing to see what they do with it. Ron Howard is a Legend and nothing more than a stop gap measure. He directed the 80's cult classic "Willow" which was produced by Lucas so this is was basically calling in a favor.

They aren't going to redo the entire film probably just reshoots and take out whatever slapstick stuff was there from what I'm reading about the fallout. Han was funny for being Han. You don't have to make him goofy or do jokey things. His swag is why he was funny. "The Force Awakens" and "Rouge One" both had flaws but were massively successful films. Nobody thought "Rouge One" was going to do THAT good and it did with a cast of no-name Star Wars Characters. This is Han Solo, one of the most Legendary characters in not just Sci-Fi but movies. Lord and Miller had to know they were on a tight rope with this film. When Gereth Edwards had issues, he played ball and let Gilory do his thing. Lord and Miller should of let Kasden who wrote scirpt and has a Legecy with Lucas and the Franchise come in and help them and they probably wouldn't of fired. Kathleen has done this for decades, I find it hard to believe she just did this over some power trip. It was a last resort because they are running out of time. They really want this to come out May of Next Year.
May 27, 2012
Ron Howard Reshot Nearly All of Han Solo Movie

Ron Howard’s work on Solo: A Star Wars Story reportedly involved reshooting just about the entire film, which may have doubled the tentpole’s budget. Over the summer, Lucasfilm shocked the entertainment industry when they fired original Solo directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller (who were hired in 2015) after four months of filming due to creative differences. Shortly after, they hired Oscar-winner Howard to see the project across the finish line, and he’s been the man in charge ever since. Boarding the Millennium Falcon back in June, the director recently wrapped up production – with just seven months to go until Solo‘s theatrical release.

During his time filming, Howard served as the damage control department by posting fun pictures from behind-the-scenes, offering his social media followers a small taste of what was going on. While these were successful in changing the conversation to the content of the film itself (rather than the drama surrounding it), some couldn’t help but realize Howard wasn’t simply finishing what Lord and Miller started. As filming went on for a while, it became apparent there was considerable retooling going on. Now, any issues about who will receive director credit are a thing of the past.

On the latest episode of Star Wars News Net‘s The Resistance Broadcast, it is revealed from inside sources Howard reshot “nearly all” of Solo, for possibly “twice the budget.” The estimate that at least 80 percent of the spinoff was reshot under Howard’s watch, which comes as a bit of a shock since there were allegedly a few weeks left in principal photography when Lord and Miller were dismissed. The duo’s footage was said to be “very usable” at the time, but apparently Lucasfilm is opting to leave it all in the vault.

There are a couple of ways to read this development. On one hand, it’s arguably for the best Solo will not be a Frankenstein’s monster of contrasting styles. Lord & Miller and Howard are great at what they do, but for very different reasons. That the anthology will ultimately go down as a “Ron Howard film” and not a mishmash means it should be tonally consistent and have a clear vision behind it. However, Solo probably could have benefitted from a less traditional filmmaking approach. Several of the plot points revealed by Disney CEO Bob Iger (Han meets Chewbacca for the first time, Han wins the Falcon) read as low-hanging fruit, and the self-aware sensibilities of Lord and Miller may have been able to put a creative spin on those beats. Howard, by contrast, is a more classically Hollywood director – known best for straightforward dramas like Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. There’s no denying he has talent behind the camera, but some might fear what this means for Solo in the long run.

Other than completely erasing Lord and Miller’s input, the other concern here is the increased budget for Solo, as Star Wars films are never cheap propositions. The Force Awakens‘ reported production costs were $245 million, while Rogue One (which went through its own issues) sported a price tag of an even $200 million. Solo was likely going to be in that range even if everything went smoothly, so it will be interesting to see what the budget ends up being. There will be pressure on the spinoff to perform well at the box office, and while Star Wars is always a commercial lock, Solo is set to face stiff competition in the summer, so time will tell if it crosses $1 billion like its predecessors.



What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County

Couple things on this: we don’t know whether it’s a good thing or bad thing that he did it and we will never know. Period. We will never see what lord and miller shot. So we have no way to compare.

Second thing we knew Kathy and crew weren’t happy with the movie as is so it stands to reason he’d basically redo the entire thing from the ground up. That’s what happens when your script gets tossed to the bushes when production starts so yeah that was always in the cards.

And third, there was no way they were going to let any of what lord and miller did stand.


May 12, 2012
:mjlol:Stupid af title "a star war story"

yeah, they need to dump this shyt. people are too goddamn stupid though, so you'd hear that a lot of people say, "I didn't even know 'Solo' was a Star Wars related movie!"

just like a ton of people thought fukkin Jyn Erso from Rogue One was Rey from The Force Awakens and that was the next episodic SW movie.


The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
can't say I'm looking forward to this. Don't really care what Young Han did.

Somewhat looking forward to the Boba Fett flick.

just like a ton of people thought fukkin Jyn Erso from Rogue One was Rey from The Force Awakens and that was the next episodic SW movie.

wow...really? :russ:

Jimmy ValenTime

A really good Lawyer
Jun 2, 2012
The Bronx
yeah, they need to dump this shyt. people are too goddamn stupid though, so you'd hear that a lot of people say, "I didn't even know 'Solo' was a Star Wars related movie!"

just like a ton of people thought fukkin Jyn Erso from Rogue One was Rey from The Force Awakens and that was the next episodic SW movie.

my girl bless her heart was like why is carrie fisher old in this movie and young in the one from last year :russ:

did this in my movie seat :picard:
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