You can create customs games and turn off sprint. Halo 5 has the most customizable settings than any Halo. Halo 5 is the first Halo with default settings that starts you off with a strong precision weapon.
These Hardcore players forget how trash Halo 2 SMG start was. They forgot how there were no BR start playlist. They forgot how we Hardcore players had to network on, joined MLG players clans, just to connect with each and play custom games with BR start. They forgot about that nightmare. They forgot how weak melee and grenades were before the patch.
They forgot how trash Halo 3 AR/Pistol start was. They forgot how a players rank didn't mean he was good. We would actually look at how many custom games played to predict how good a player was, if he didn't have at least 2k custom games played =matchmaking noob. We had to network to play BR start custom games just like in Halo 2, because Halo 2 and 3 default settings was straight ass cheeks.
Halo Reach bloom.
Halo 5 is the first Halo that you FINALLY start with a powerful precision weapon that rewards your accuracy. Power weapons are set to spawn on a set timer just like in Halo CE, so team can't camp and have to reposition to fight for power weapon spawn. AND THIS IS THE DEFAULT SETTINGS. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUILD A FRIEND LIST, JOIN A CLAN, you can actually enjoy matchmaking for the first time in Halo.
I really wish MLG events was still around so I can look someone in the eye while he bytched about Halo 5.