Half Of All Women Born In The 90s are predicted to never get married The US


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
To me the bolded is the biggest difference.

I don't care what nobody says, most women don't respect men that are "equal" or below them. Once you stop being a provider or somebody they "look up to" the dynamic of the relationship changes.
The current feminist narrative that dominates our culture, that "women and men are all the same and desire the same things" , is fukking us all up. My sister is a doctor, and even though she's a self proclaimed feminist, she still believes that a husband should always out earn the wife. At her 120 gs annual wage, it's gonna be difficult for her to find a man who makes more or as much as her, and who is also over 6 foot, attractive and shares the same
desire to settle down. She's also the typical over entitled average looking 30 something year old woman. She still thinks she's entitled to a lawyer or a doctor husband,despite the fact that her colleagues are playing the field well into their 40s and most of them don't want a stressed out doctor as a wife. The way I see it, as women make more money a d focus less on raising a family, the rates of unhappiness in women will skyrocket. In 20 years time, when all these lonely and childless millennial and gen Z career women who drank the Koolaid, realise that they cant have it all, we are probably going to see a severe mental health crisis. Radical Feminists will then have to answer for their deception.
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Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
The current feminist narrative that dominates our culture, that "women and men are all the same and desire the same things" , is fukking us all up. My sister is a doctor, and even though she's a self proclaimed feminist, she still believes that a man should make more than the wife. At her 120 gs annual wage, it's gonna be difficult for her to find a man who makes more than her, who is also over 6 foot, attractive and shares the same
desires to settle down. She's also the typical over entitled average looking 30 something woman. She still thinks she deserves a lawyer or a doctor husband,despite the fact that her colleagues are playing the field well into their 40s and most of them don't want a stressed out doctor as a wife. The way I see it, as women make more money a d focus less on raising a family, the rates of unhappiness in women will skyrocket. In 20 years time, when all these lonely and childless millennial and gen Z career women who drank the Koolaid, realise that they cant have it all, we are probably going to see a severe mental health crisis. Radical Feminists will then have to answer for their deception.
This. I have three sisters going through the same thing. Sad


Music & Arts
May 9, 2014
I'm not getting married because I saw what my father went through with a woman who wants to live beyond her means, he is 67 and still working his ass off because he can't afford to retire, he will probably keep working until he drops dead while she sits at home watching TV all day and spends his money, my sisters are just as bad when it comes to spending shyt they don't have.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
They're holding out for a pretty boy corporate thug.

Or just a pretty boy.

We might as well legalize it if they all fukkin the same nikkas anyway. Bigamy and polygamy are widely practiced in Africa, right? Black women seem to like it more than monogamy, so I'm all for it.

Most women are sharing the brehs at the top. It's been this way since day 1


All Star
Jan 31, 2016
#importgang is the way to go imo.

I just couldn't trust anyone that grew up in the same country as me, especially with how the internet was retooled as a mass marketing / mind control/ brain drain machine in the early aughts. There just wasnt anything to believe in anymore once every idea and culture was accessible, and seeing how the lowest hanging fruit (culturally) was gobbled up by the masses.

Americans aren't groomed for sacrifice and ideals. We can only go as far as our self-absorption will take us...unless we meet someone who was raised differently...someone who isnt intimately connected to the American plight of easy come, easy go.

My wife was an exchange student at my alma mater. We eventually got together because we hung around the same friends, who were a nice mixed of foreign students and Americans. To say that it was eye opening and refreshing to share with people who have definite non American identities and cultures would be an understatement to say the least.

Wear My Dawg's Hat

Nov 18, 2016
The Land That Time Forgot
In 20 years time, when all these lonely and childless millennial and gen Z career women who drank the Koolaid, realise that they cant have it all, we are probably going to see a severe mental health crisis. Radical Feminists will then have to answer for their deception.

We are already beginning to hear about the Gloria Steinem-age generation of women in their seventies
and eighties who never married, never had children, their parents are deceased, and either are disconnected
from their siblings, or were an only child themselves.

Women who would have been grandmothers or great-grandmothers a generation ago, are now being found alone dead their in apartments, having passed away for weeks with no one in their lives to either care for them, or even check in on them on a regular basis.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Yea but marriage is about A LOT more than sex. I could just as easily say if you promised (to a woman with her own money already ) a woman that she would have to cook, clean, restrict her social life, raise the kids and be less available to her job in exchange for a measly commitment from a man she doesn't really need , a lot fewer women would jump at that, unless they were enticed by the potential financial security. I think the idea that women desire long term legal companionship from men is becoming antiquated and was based on the need for stability in the first place. A woman can live a very stable on her these days


Very FEW women can accomplish that...don't lie to yourself

This ECONOMY is rough even on COLLEGE GRADUATES...

Selling RECYCLABAL GOODS is the NO. 1 side hustle amongst working class women (18 to 39)

You know damn well you know that SIDE BABY resting on your shoulder could use a good Male support system...

It's hard out here for a Single parent much less a single person..male or female......

At the end of the day marriage is still a better option as long as both parties see each other on Equal terms

The only reason it's become outdated to a lot of women is because they can exploit the benefits of a married woman without being married.....by being a Baby mama sugarbaby or a single Thot with a few make sponsors on her team..

And the few that are married MAKE A MOCKERY of marriage by seeking it ONLY FOR POTENTIAL FINANCIAL SECURITY as YOU SAID :umad:

Which explains why the #GMB movement is soooo scrong! :ohlawd:

So which one are you? :mjpls:
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Woman of god

Dec 2, 2015
Very FEW women can accomplish that...don't lie to yourself

You know damn well you know that SIDE BABY resting on your shoulder could use a good Male support system...

It's hard out here for a Single parent much less a single woman......

At the end of the marriage is still a better option as long as both parties see each other on Equal terms

The only reason it's become outdated to a lot of women is because they can exploit the benefits of a married woman without being married.....by being a Baby mama sugarbaby or a single Thot with a few make sponsors on her team..

So which one are you? :mjpls:
Your dumb ass must have missed my prior post where I said financially independent women. I was also referring to childless women , obviously children change the situation especially if you're a single parent. And that's my niece fyi

Women who have acquired enough resources (either through networking or education) to have a steady financial independence can and do live pretty great lives. Myself and my peers are real life examples. Graduated from top universities, are in graduate or professional schools or have high paying employment, no kids, and happy. A marriage could make the situation even more enjoyable (although no guarantee) but it's certainly not required


I đź’—My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
its like I said time and time again

Commitment to a man of value is the male vagina, and men of value ain't thots.

The average woman of today has whored herself out to men left and right why would you want to pay full price for a 300,000 mile ford pinto

You gotta psend like 5,000 on a ring to ask a strumpet to marry you, then have a lavish wedding where women of today aint evne paying for the wedding anymore

you cant tell women of today what to do, shes loling and giggling as male friends post lewd comments on her instagram and follow her on snapchat , stop being so insecure :troll:

Now if you find a true gem a proverbs 31 women, a faithful loyal queen then :banderas:, but if not its better to be single than with the average broad of today.
:ufdup:#GMB needs you, breh. You been ghost.

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
Your dumb ass must have missed my prior post where I said financially independent women. I was also referring to childless women , obviously children change the situation especially if you're a single parent. And that's my niece fyi

Women who have acquired enough resources (either through networking or education) to have a steady financial independence can and do live pretty great lives. Myself and my peers are real life examples. Graduated from top universities, are in graduate or professional schools or have high paying employment, no kids, and happy. A marriage could make the situation even more enjoyable (although no guarantee) but it's certainly not required

No disrespect to the women that feel that way, but successful independent black women that don't get married and have children is not something that will help us as a people in the long run. We need as many strong black families as possible. Yeah, I know they can mentor and donate to causes, but the power that can developed from generational wealth and dynasties can't be replicated by other means.

Obviously, it's their life, they can do what they want. But as a society we need to encourage families and not rely on financial stability as a detractor from the larger more powerful benefits to marriage from a generational standpoint.

Woman of god

Dec 2, 2015
No disrespect to the women that feel that way, but successful independent black women that don't get married and have children is not something that will help us as a people in the long run. We need as many strong black families as possible. Yeah, I know they can mentor and donate to causes, but the power that can developed from generational wealth and dynasties can't be replicated by other means.

Obviously, it's their life, they can do what they want. But as a society we need to encourage families and not rely on financial stability as a detractor from the larger more powerful benefits to marriage from a generational standpoint.
I can agree with that, but that belief implies that there are a lot of great, marriagable black people everywhere. I would say that remaining single is preferable to marrying a seriously flawed black man. And I don't mean flawed in regards to superficial traits or him needing to be perfect. I mean like fundamentally flawed to the extent that it would lessen his ability to lead a family. Because black wealth and greatness is not going to magically appear from a marriage if the spouses themselves can't contribute to it