My mom's family are hardcore Christians. But like most Christians in Haiti it's safe to assume they'll run back to/embrace loas when it's convenient to them. Again, I'm just assuming. I don't know this for a fact.
While my dad himself (R.I.P) despised vodou, most of his family are neck deep in it even tho they don't advertise it. I realized this when I visited my cousin (his niece) many many years ago in Camp Perrin. Something she did in front of the kav (above ground tomb or mausoleum) of our grandparents.
My mom was like...

. I'm looking at it like...

While homegirl (cousin) looking back at us like...
As for me I admire the culture and respect it but don't partake in any religious practices (Christian, vodou or any other). Some think I do because I love and play their music at home a lot and have many Facebook "friends" who are manbos and hougans I follow just to see ceremonies videos. I also join vodou Facebook groups
(nou see vodouyizan, société Makaya, société jambe malè,etc) that show ceremonies and discuss vodou. This chick in New York I'm trying to fuvk is a manbo. This other one (also in NY) who flirts with me sometime's Facebook name is "
<first name>Manbo lakou" along with her first name. Both her and her cute ass friend from VA (cutie big R.A.M. fan) are manbos and be flirting with me thinking I won't come up there and put raw dikk in both of'em for real.
Edit: Also, my sister practices.