uh... NO.Little Haiti in Miami....for all intents and purposes might as well be Haiti....you could shoot VIDEO there and convince people that it's Haiti.and there's no food you could order that they wouldn't have.
I lived in Haiti until i was 16. Lived in Miami for 12 years after that. I know little haiti like the back of my hand as we'd say in kreyol. My aunt lived in 47st North Miami Ave for years and even when I was living in Haiti I'd be in that house during summer vacation almost ever year. Little does not look, feel, nor remind me of haiti. All Little Haiti has is a lof of haitians there, period.
The only place I've ever been in the United states that even remotely reminds me of Haiti would be certain poor parts on New Orleans and it's really the architecture thats similar. When I walk down these NO streets it reminds me of the city of Les Cayes (AKA Okaye, my mom's home town) in southern Haiti. Another place I've spent many summers growing up.
Breh, Have you ever lived or been to Haiti?

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