The girl in the first post repeatedly tell people in interviews she's not born of different parents her Mom and dad and grand parents are haitian. Yea they themselves may have had gotten mixed in with French or Spanish invaders but either way it is what it is. She says she's 100% haitian and reps Haiti so I can't knock her. I still love my dark haitians.this nikka posting the lightest skinned Haitians on that island and then says they're not mixed
yeah nikka, their nationality might be full haitain, but they skin too light to not be mixed somewhere down the line. That girl ancestors were raped by white dudes breh
she hot tho
Haitians cool but we all know Jamrock runs the Caribbean tho
If you read the book Sex and Race Vol.1 by J.A. Rogers it goes deep into that mixing of people from all over.
Either way I'm not too bent on skin color nowadays I know us Haitians come in all shades and we can't control who those wicked men raped in the past so if a fellow bro or sis is light but they repping they land we can't push them aside. We all black at the end of the day if you get my drift.
BuddyOmar said:I love yall Haitians but yall nikkas can't dress for shyt. They would always wear US Polo association, middle of the mall jewels, and Pumas and legitimately think they were stunting.
But i love yall and your bizarre names.

I'ma post some haitian chicks I know of.