Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty

One has to ask: do the leaders of the region even know what has been going on in Haiti? Surely they know about the 2004 US/Canada/France-led coup d’etat against Haiti’s democratically elected president, and the Chapter 7 deployment of a United Nations occupation force(euphemistically known as a “peacekeeping” force). Indeed, it was Lula’s Brazil that led the military wing of that occupation that brought nothing but violence and devastation to Haitian peoples. Brazil's active participation in that occupation led to the migration of thousands of Haitian workers to Brazil, where they provided cheap labor to build the infrastructure for the Olympics and World Cup. The savage racism experienced by Haitian migrants in Brazil, combined with the disappearance of work, led them to flee overland throughCentral America to the U.S.-Mexico border in search of asylum.

The leaders of the Americas must also know about the Core Group - the self-selected, unelected group of foreigners, with representatives from the European Union, the U.S., Brazil, Canada, that was created during the early months of the occupation. The Core Group continues to control Haiti’s internal political affairs. They certainly know that the UN still occupies Haiti; after all, it is the left’s “anti-imperialist” darling, Andrés Manual López Obrador (AMLO), who is serving, along with the US, as “co-penholder” and writing the UN Security Council’s imperial policies on Haiti. Similar to Brazil, will Mexico’s bid to play power-broker in the region comes at the expense of Haitian people and Haiti’s sovereignty?

AMLO must know what he’s doing. Afterall, even as it gets celebrated for its “leftist” credentials, the Mexican government continues to collude with the U.S. Border Patrol to militarize its southern border against migrants, and enforce the U.S. “Remain in Mexico” policy. Meanwhile, Haitian and other Black migrants continue to suffer racist abuse in Mexico.

It is not lost on me that there is a deep-seated, racist view of Haiti as exceptional–and therefore exceptionally difficult to engage. The constant refrain from anti-imperialist groupings in the West is that Haiti is so “complex” and its sociopolitical terrain so difficult that there’s no way to truly understand what’s going on there. During a recent webinar against U.S. imperialism in Latin America, I brought up the current UN/US occupation in Haiti, only to have the host soberly agree with me that this was, indeed, an important problem to engage, but that, perhaps, Haiti needed a separate webinar. Many webinars later, discussion of Haiti’s destruction by a brutal Western imperialism, continues to get short shrift.
Link: The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty | Black Agenda Report
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Mar 11, 2022

Ppl who don’t live in the Caribbean can’t understand Haitian instability is a drain on the region. Countries don’t have the resources to absorb thousands of refugees every 5 years from Haiti.

Countries are demanding a permanent solution as it’s not sustainable. To highlight how this isn’t just a Haitian problem, Trinidad is dealing with the influx of Venezuelans who are changing the cultural landscape of their island.

It’s not fair to citizens to deal with guests constantly

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Ppl who don’t live in the Caribbean can’t understand Haitian instability is a drain on the region. Countries don’t have the resources to absorb thousands of refugees every 5 years from Haiti.

Countries are demanding a permanent solution as it’s not sustainable. To highlight how this isn’t just a Haitian problem, Trinidad is dealing with the influx of Venezuelans who are changing the cultural landscape of their island.

It’s not fair to citizens to deal with guests constantly
First of all …the international intervention (with help of the Caribbean nation DR) in Haiti early 2000’s cause the Haiti instability and the increase of Haitian immigration to different parts of the Caribbean

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty


While we celebrate the rise of another “Pink Tide” in Latin America, the emergence of a truly multipolar world, with new economic and political alignments, it seems clear that Haiti will continue to be on the outside of “leftist” imaginations - beyond, of course, the non-specific words of “solidarity” thrown its way.

In a discussion on Twitter about the ways that Haiti appears - and dismissed - in global discourses, a colleague, Vik Sohonie lamented , “Haiti is unfortunately where all good will, solidarity, and Third Worldism goes to die…The ‘int’l comm’ that occupies it, as you know, is Nepali, Brazilian. You get looked at funny elsewhere in the Carib if you compliment Haiti. It’s astonishing.” He’s not wrong. One of the reasons that the brutal UN military occupation of Haiti could fly under the radar was because it was populated by a multi-national and multi-racial military and civilian force. The US admitted as much, as revealed in the Wikileaks files. Former U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, Janet Sanderson, lauded the occupation force (MINUSTAH) as a cheap source of US power in Haiti, as it is made up of a multinational coalition of western and nonwestern forces, including countries ranging from Benin and Kenya to Brazil and Ecuador, who seem all bent on using Haiti as their training ground.

Why is it so easy for these nonwhite and oppressed nations to come and serve U.S. and Western imperial interests in Haiti? Could it be that they, too, have imbibed the dehumanized and, frankly, racist views about Haitian people? Is Haiti’s Blackness seen as the root cause of its problems and struggles – even by many Black people? One would think so if one reviewed the recent actions of the leaders of CARICOM who, also, deploy the dehumanizing language and white supremacist assumptions about Haiti that is the foundation of Western imperialist actions in the country.

This wasn’t always the case, of course. Back in 2004, under the leadership of PJ Patterson, CARICOM at least spoke up against the US/France/Canada coup d’etat against elected president Jean Bertrand Aristide (and this was despite his often problematic public positions against him). Jamaica was even threatened with sanctions - by the Bush Administration's Condoleeza Rice - if it attempted to provide Aristide asylum. The other bold voice was Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who railed against the coup and later provided direct support to Haiti’s masses through the PetroCaribe fuel subsidies.

Where are those voices now?

Perhaps if people in the region saw Haiti less as an abstraction and more as a place with real humans, citizens of the world, with the same claims to rights and livelihood, confronting a white supremacist imperialism, they would recognize the current denial of its sovereignty. Until that time, the Leftists of the Americas are betraying a people that have given so much to the struggles for sovereignty and independence in the region.
Link: The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty | Black Agenda Report


Mar 11, 2022
First of all …the international intervention (with help of the Caribbean nation DR) in Haiti early 2000’s cause the Haiti instability and the increase of Haitian immigration to different parts of the Caribbean

What? Lol this would almost make sense if there weren’t mass migration since Duvalier. There’s two going on three generations removed from the island.

Every island nation has felt this instability. Like when does it end?

You got protests in Mexico, Chile, Brazil about the same damn thing

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Brazil’s Haitian Training Ground
Brazil’s Haitian Training Ground
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva reviewing Brazilian soldiers stationed in Haiti as part of the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti; 2008. (Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/PR Agência Brasil (ABr))

Brazil is setting up for a run-off election between right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro and “leftist” former President Lula da Silva. While Lula received the majority of the votes, he did not receive the 50% of votes needed to avoid a run-off. Bolsonaro performed better than expected, receiving 43.2% of votes to Lula’s 48.43%. There is great hope placed on a Lula win, particularly for those hoping for the “leftist” trend in the Americas to continue. But support for Lula should also include recognition of some of his problematic decisions when he was president – if only to ensure that they are not repeated. One of the more under-discussed actions by Lula during his presidency was the agreement to allow Brazil to lead the international military occupation of Haiti (euphemistically called “peacekeeping”) after the U.S., France, and Canada orchestrated a coup d’etat against the country’s democratically elected president in 2004.

The occupation, a chapter 7 deployment of a UN Stabilizing military force to Haiti (with the acronym MINUSTAH), was brutal and wreaked havoc on the Haitian community, who had to suffer homicides, rapes, beatings, and a cholera epidemic that killed approximately 30,000 people. Brazil’s military stayed in Haiti from 2004 to 2017. Meanwhile, Haitian people are still dealing with the aftermath of that occupation, which continues under civilian control, denying them self-determination. As far as we know, Lula has never apologized for Brazil’s prominent role in the occupation.
We are reprinting this article from 2011 to remind people that it is our responsibility to keep “leftist” leaders honest. While we support the leftward shift in the Americas, we have to remember that one country’s self-determination should not come at the expense of another’s. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Link: full article

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Haiti's White War Lords

Jafrikayiti, also known as Jean Saint-Vil, is an Ottawa-based author, radio host and social justice activist who publishes in English, Kreyòl and French on his blog Jafrikayiti.com . He recently wrote the article entitled, To Solve the Crisis Permanently, Force the US to Stop Backing Notorious White Warlords in Haiti in Black Agenda Report. He joins us from Ottawa to discuss his article on the white Haitian oligarch class and provide analysis on events in Haiti. This is the first part of two-part interview. We will hear Part 2 next week.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Struggle against Imperialism continues in Haiti

Latin Waves host Sylvia Richardson speaks with film maker/Journalist Kevin Pina about Haiti and the recent waves of protests against another invasion The 2004 coup that removed the democratically elected president Jean Bertrand Aristide now marks over two decades of invasion in Haiti. The ongoing occupation of Haiti by USA, Canada, France and Brazil under the guise of humanitarian aid, the import of cholera by Nato forces and Ottawa’s participation and diplomatic leadership for a new foreign military intervention.