Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of


Aug 6, 2012
Well, considering the US has occupied them 3x, overthrown their elected government multiple times and has helped keep them poor for 200 years along with the UK & France, do you blame them? :heh:

It's the same reason so many African and non-White countries are siding with Russia & China in a bunch of ways.

The US/UK/France order of treating everybody like slaves who gotta bow down to their asses is over.

Napoleon & his liberal bootlickers can be sick about it, but as Biggie said "Things Done Changed"

The European Union’s top foreign-policy official showed how the colonialist mentality is still very much alive on the continent.
EU foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell said “Europe is a garden,” which is “beautiful” and superior to the vast majority of the countries on Earth. On the other hand, he claimed, “Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden.”
Borrell argued that “the world needs Europe,” because it is a “beacon” that must civilize the rest of the world.
The enlightened Western “gardeners have to go to the jungle,” he insisted, because if the supposed barbarians are not tamed, “the rest of the world will invade us.”

Borrell delivered this overtly racist rant at the inauguration of the European Diplomatic Academy in Brussels on October 13.
According to the official transcript, published at the EU website, Borrell said the following:
Europe is a garden. We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity and social cohesion that the humankind has been able to build – the three things together. And here, Bruges is maybe a good representation of beautiful things, intellectual life, wellbeing.
The rest of the world – and you know this very well, Federica – is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could invade the garden. The gardeners should take care of it, but they will not protect the garden by building walls. A nice small garden surrounded by high walls in order to prevent the jungle from coming in is not going to be a solution. Because the jungle has a strong growth capacity, and the wall will never be high enough in order to protect the garden.
The gardeners have to go to the jungle. Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means.
Yes, this is my most important message: we have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world.
The EU foreign-policy chief failed to mention that, for more than 500 years, European colonialist powers have run the most violent empires in human history, overseeing mass genocides, racialized chattel slavery, ethnic cleansing, and constant wars.
Instead, Borrell continued later in his remarks portraying Europe as a superior “beacon” of civilization:
Believe me, Europe is a good example for many things. The world needs Europe. My experience of travelling around the world is that people look at us as a beacon.
Why [do] so many people come to Europe? Are there flows of illegal or irregular migrants going to Russia? Not many. No, they are coming to Europe but for good reasons.
Keep the garden, be good gardeners. But your duty will not be to take care of the garden itself but [of] the jungle outside.
In the same speech, Borrell claimed Europe is superior because of its “institutions”:
There is a big difference between Europe and the rest of the world – well, the rest of the world, understand me what I mean, no? – is that we have strong institutions. … The big difference between developed and not developed is not the economy, it is institutions.
Here, we have a judiciary – a neutral, independent judiciary. Here, we have systems of distributing the revenue. Here, we have elections that provide a free for the citizens. Here, we have the red lights controlling the traffic, people taking the garbage.

The big difference between us and an important part of the rest of the world is that we have institutions.
Despite his implications, countries across the Global South do indeed have independent judiciaries, tax services, free elections, traffic lights, and garbage collectors. But the EU’s top foreign-policy official apparently believes that the majority of the world’s population consists of illiterate knuckle-dragging cavemen.
Borrell evidently could see that his comments were racist, so he cautiously added, “I cannot go to emerging countries and build institutions for them – they have to be built by them. Otherwise, it would be a kind of neo-colonialism.”
But while he superficially rejected neocolonialism, Borrell’s remarks reflected a blatant neocolonialist mentality.
And the EU foreign-policy chief’s use of the term “emerging countries” made it clear that his rant was aimed specifically at the formerly colonized nations in the Global South.

EU is waging a new cold war to integrate ‘post-Putin Russia’ into West-led hegemonic system​

In the same October 13 speech, Josep Borrell obliquely acknowledged that the West is fighting a new cold war against Russia and China.
“Now, we are definitely out of the Cold War and the post-Cold War. The post-Cold War has ended with the Ukrainian war,” he said.
Borrell made it clear that the EU’s goal is regime change in Moscow, to create a “post-Putin Russia” that can be integrated into the Western-dominated imperialist order.
“After this war [in Ukraine], it will become a period of instability and we will have to build a new security order,” he implored. “How do we integrate Russia – the post-Putin Russia – in this world order is something that will put a lot of work for people thinking on diplomacy, and on how to practice and to implement it.”
In the address, Borrell also praised US diplomat George Kennan, who was himself a staunch cold warrior and architect of the “containment” policy against the Soviet Union.
Borrell called this moment a “time of exceptional change,” and said, “We live in a world of power politics. The rules-based system that we defend is challenged like never before.”
“And we are certainly living also a ‘moment of creation’ of a new world. Because this war is changing a lot of things, and certainly it is changing the European Union. This war will create a different European Union, from different perspectives,” he added.
In the entire speech, Borrell only once acknowledged criticism. “There are people who say that this war means the end for the European Union to have a foreign policy because we are following blindly the United States,” he conceded. But he insisted that this is false, and that Brussels is creating its own independent policies.
Borrell’s remarks followed a similar address given the day before by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the EU Ambassadors Conference in Brussels.
As Multipolarista reported, von der Leyen warned that China and Russia are “threats” in a “war for the future of the entire world.”
The EU leader declared the China-Russia strategic partnership a “global challenge” to Western hegemony, and she called for weakening their influence in the Global South, cutting their access to raw materials, opposing Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, and expanding the EU.
EU leader Ursula von der Leyen said China and Russia are "threats" to Western hegemony and the proxy war in Ukraine is "a war for the future of the entire world"
She called to weaken their influence worldwide
Full video: EU calls China and Russia ‘threats’ in ‘war for the future of the entire world’
Article: EU calls China and Russia 'threats' in 'war for the future of the entire world' - Multipolarista pic.twitter.com/YwtVpOg5K3
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) October 15, 2022

Borrell complains ‘too many’ countries abstained in UN vote against Russia​

In his October 13 address, Josep Borrell boasted that the European Union had spent a lot time and resources pressuring countries around the world to vote at the United Nations the day before to oppose the incorporation of the former Ukrainian regions of Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia into the Russian Federation.
“There was a lot of work behind it, a lot of outreach to many people in order to be sure that we were above the 140 line – which was the result of the first vote,” he bragged.
But he complained that “too many” countries in the Global South refused to condemn Russia.
“I have also to say that I am worried because there were too many abstentions,” Borrell lamented. “When more or less 20% of the world community decided not to support or not to reject the Russian annexation – for me, it is too many. It is too many.”


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The same Canada that hosted a 2003 conference to dissolve #Haiti as a nation by 2004, 200 years since Dessalines proclaimed independence, and put its remains under UN custody, is commemorating the death of Dessalines. They love to mock us.

Today, as Haitians commemorate the death of revolutionary leader Jean-Jacque Dessalines, the UN Security Council will debate sending troops to Haiti.
9:29 AM · Oct 17, 2022
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
#Haiti: 40% to 60% of police officers have connections to gangs, according to [human rights organization] Sant Karl Levêque
Haïti: 40 à 60% des policiers ont des connexion

China, then Russia spoke beginning at about 1 hour, 7 minutes, 1:07 into today's UNSC meeting on #Haiti. They are the two who could veto either the sanctions or the proposed military action, which the US will all but certainly undertake even if they do.

The question concerning Haiti - Security Council, 9153rd meeting

The question concerning Haiti - Security Council, 9153rd meeting

1:19 AM · Oct 18, 2022
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
What is Happening in Haiti? U.S. intervention and the fight for sovereignty'
Join us on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 PM for a virtual conversation with historian Vijay Prashad, Haitian-American professor and activist Mamyrah Proper and on-the-ground journalist Jackson Jean as they give us insight into the reality of the crisis in Haiti and the state of the people’s struggle.

The US wants to send troops to occupy Haiti to protect the unelected puppet regime of Ariel Henry, a longtime US asset involved in the coup against Aristide Henry was installed after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse by US intelligence assets

PSL Editorial – Haitian resistance continues as U.S. plots invasion

9:17 PM · Oct 18, 2022
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty
The Leftism of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty
While many are celebrating the potential rise of another “Pink Tide” in Latin America and the emergence of a truly multipolar world, it seems clear that the fight for Haitian sovereignty will continue to be outside of “leftist” imaginations.

It is an exhilarating time for the “leftists” of the Americas. This past week, at the 77th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, leader after Latin American leader made grand statements against U.S. and Western imperialism, the hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy, the violations of human rights, and the West’s assault on the sovereignty of smaller nations. Colombia’s brand-new president, Gustavo Petro, made an impassioned plea against the genocidal “War on Drugs.” Cuba’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bruno Eduardo Rodríguez Parrilla, rejected the attacks on the sovereignty of China and Russia. Venezuela’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Faría railed against the Western sanctions against Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, and Russia. Honduran president Xiomara Castro demanded that the U.S. stop its attempts at destabilizing her country and strongly pushed against Western policies of intervention in the region. Nicaragua’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindres, made perhaps the most explosive claims when he stated :
"The assault, the robbery, the disgraceful abominable depredation, the looting and the genocides unleashed by the colonialists and imperialists of the Earth, are the real crimes and they are the real criminals against humanity, and we denounce this….It's time to say enough to hypocritical imperialism that politicizes, falsifies and denigrates the very human rights which they themselves violate and deny on a daily basis."

Most of these leaders spoke to the urgent question of Cuba, calling for the lifting of the economic blockade against the country, and for Cuba’s removal from the US-created list of countries that supposedly “sponsor terrorism.”
Yet for all the eloquent denunciations of imperialism and the impassioned defenses of Latin American and Caribbean sovereignty and independence, one country was conspicuously avoided: Haiti. Not a single one of these countries applied their critiques of imperialism to Haiti. Sure, Cuba and Venezuela mentioned Haiti. Cuba’s representative called for reparations for the Caribbean for slavery, said that humanity owed a debt to the Haitian revolution, and stressed that Haiti needed international support “through a special contribution for its reconstruction and development.” Venezuela’s representative name-dropped Haiti within a list of countries which have suffered bloodshed from “imperialism and supremacism.”

Beyond the casual mentions, the hollow rhetorics, and the empty invocations, there were no concrete critiques of the current imperial machinations in Haiti – of Haiti’s complete loss of sovereignty through the ongoing destruction of the Haitian state apparatus, of the current occupation of the country by the Western-led Core Group, and of the repression (and violent misrepresentation) of the Haitian people as they have taken to the streets to demand their sovereignty and call for an end to foreign intervention. Instead, the extension and intensification of foreign intervention appears to be the strategic end goal of not only the usual suspects of the West, but our supposed Leftist allies in the Americas.
Link: The "Leftism" of the Americas Collapses at the Door of Haitian Sovereignty | Black Agenda Report