Gwyneth Paltrow usage of the N-Word on Twitter. This dude makes valid points


May 3, 2012
^ It's not hypocritical...he didn't say he held those who used the word in contempt or harbored any hatred for them, he (like me) simply said he didn't agree with the word's usage. We don't have an obligation to run from those we disagree with...there's something called 'agreeing to disagree'.

According to your logic, he shouldn't post anywhere that's hip hop, or anywhere that's young, black or urban. The culture is wayyy bigger than any word or even any genre of music, and if he happens to be apart of the culture, wtf do you expect him to do? Go to an Alt-Rock forum?


May 1, 2012
^ It's not hypocritical...he didn't say he held those who used the word in contempt or harbored any hatred for them, he (like me) simply said he didn't agree with the word's usage. We don't have an obligation to run from those we disagree with...there's something called 'agreeing to disagree'.

According to your logic, he shouldn't post anywhere that's hip hop, or anywhere that's young, black or urban. The culture is wayyy bigger than any word or even any genre of music, and if he happens to be apart of the culture, wtf do you expect him to do? Go to an Alt-Rock forum?
I can read, I know what he said. He said that he doesn't agree that people should use the word, yet he has chosen to hang out with people who use the word. That's hypocritical. It's not about running away from anyone, it's about who he has chosen to run to. If you don't think that people should use the word then what sense does it make to voluntarily hang with people who do use it? If you stand for something then stand for it. My analogy seemed simple enough. I'm against homosexuality so you'll never catch me hanging out with gay people. You can agree to do disagree without supporting behavior that you dont agree with. This isn't about the culture, he's not even a fan.


May 3, 2012
"My analogy seemed simple enough."

And I think that's the's way too simple. What if he used the word his whole life and than got an epiphany..does that mean he should abandon his friends? Maybe he posted on SOHH way before he grew into that opinion, or maybe his love for the culture this site depicts is stronger than his hatred of a single word...either way, it's too flawed an argument.

He doesn't have to be a fan of the music to be a product of the culture. It's a weak discussion. Obviously you chose hiphop...but most of us was born into this shyt...


May 1, 2012
"My analogy seemed simple enough."

And I think that's the's way too simple. What if he used the word his whole life and than got an epiphany..does that mean he should abandon his friends? Maybe he posted on SOHH way before he grew into that opinion, or maybe his love for the culture this site depicts is stronger than his hatred of a single word...either way, it's too flawed an argument.

He doesn't have to be a fan of the music to be a product of the culture. It's a weak discussion. Obviously you chose hiphop...but most of us was born into this shyt...
I wouldnt care if any of that dumb shyt you just typed is true, he's still a hypocrite. I'm not trying to tell him, you, or anybody else what to do. I'm simply calling it as it is. You can have all of the excuses for being a hypocrite in the world, that doesn't stop you for being a hypocrite.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
shame on her cac ass saying such a thing like shes the joan of arc of that word and gonna burn down the stigma involved with a "white" woman saying it.


This is an interesting angle, and is not entirely without merit.

But I agree with whomever said that you have to put this squarely on the artists.

I mean, Jay and Kanye are clearing TRYING to start a dialogue on the use of the word “nikka”…the problem is, they’re not giving the proper context to this crusade of theirs.

And that’s the problem I have with it.

But I’ve said repeatedly on SOHH for YEARS that (1) white people can’t logically explain or justify their desire to use the word “nikka”, and it ultimately boils down to an issue of inclusion, and (2) ultimately, a white person can do whatever they want, just know that if you say that around the wrong people you may get a completely different reaction than you would from, say, the Black friends in your inner circle who may not care that you say it…..ere’body ain’t the same, so tread lightly.


May 3, 2012
I wouldnt care if any of that dumb shyt you just typed is true, he's still a hypocrite. I'm not trying to tell him, you, or anybody else what to do. I'm simply calling it as it is. You can have all of the excuses for being a hypocrite in the world, that doesn't stop you for being a hypocrite.
So because I personally don't agree with the usage of the word, I should avoid hanging out with 99.9 percent of the people in my own demographic. Not have friends, not get p*ssy, and not be 25 and black in New York City.


I would be a hypocrite if I used it myself.


May 1, 2012
So because I personally don't agree with the usage of the word, I should avoid hanging out with 99.9 percent of the people in my own demographic. Not have friends, not get p*ssy, and not be 25 and black in New York City.

What would you call a white person who claims not to be racist and against racism who also chooses to hang out with whites who are openly racist? A hypocrite, amongst other things. It's not even about you personally but if the shoe fits then wear it.

While I think that you can enjoy your life as a young black person without associating with people who use the word, I feel you. It would be near impossible to be a hiphop fan while being someone opposed to anybody using the word. The only way to do that is by compromising on that belief. There's a difference between making a personal decision to not use the word, and taking a stand against anybody using it. Personally I don't use the word unless I'm around people I'm comfortable with, but I don't think that the word should be banned or anything. It's more about the context than the actual word in my opinion. The poster that I was talking to claims to be against anybody using the word.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
the world stops whenever Jews or fakkits are mentioned but, we take things too serious :rudy:

Yeah, I have to co-sign this to the fullest, as well.

But, as I'm sure you understand, the aforementioned two "groups" are also the ones who hold all the money and power. So their outrage is going to be far more impactful.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
And I would definitely not tell them they are being too sensitive about some shyt I dont understand. Damn talk about arrogance. Why whites and uncle toms dont get this... I dont know.

This is what it boils down to, people trying to dictate to others how they should feel about something.

And there are alot of people doing that in this thread.

Like, people have different experiences which may denote different connotations surrounding that word, we can’t assume all Black people have the same experiences with respect to that word such that we should all summarily dismiss its usage from non-Blacks, that's pretty insensitive to alot of BLACK people (I mean damn, talk about Black-on-Black crime).

Accordingly, you can’t dictate how someone else feels about the word's usage, particularly if something about its usage offends them. You can totally disagree with it, with the premise for their position, disparage their opinion, whatever....knock yourselves out.

But there is no one who can justify TELLING someone how to feel on this subject.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
What would you call a white person who claims not to be racist and against racism who also chooses to hang out with whites who are openly racist? A hypocrite, amongst other things. It's not even about you personally but if the shoe fits then wear it.

While I think that you can enjoy your life as a young black person without associating with people who use the word, I feel you. It would be near impossible to be a hiphop fan while being someone opposed to anybody using the word. The only way to do that is by compromising on that belief. There's a difference between making a personal decision to not use the word, and taking a stand against anybody using it. Personally I don't use the word unless I'm around people I'm comfortable with, but I don't think that the word should be banned or anything. It's more about the context than the actual word in my opinion. The poster that I was talking to claims to be against anybody using the word.

well first of all, im honestly befuddled by your definition of hypocrisy, using your definition of hypocrisy i am definitely a hypocrite, im personally against homosexuality i think its gross, but that is the limit of my beef with them, i dont have a gay friends but i dont support discrimination against gays and i dont avoid associating with them or have any personal beef with them, i just think what they do in bed is disgusting,

so i am definitely a hypocrite when it comes to homosexuality using your definition and i plead guilty

i think the united states is a racist ass country, but i still live here and i support this country every way i can, which would make me a hypocrite under your definition, so i plead guilty

there are a lot of white people that have racist ass family and acquaintances and they still associate with them, so pretty much every white person that says they are not racist is a hypocrite

and the list goes on, using your definition that associating with somebody that thinks or does something you are against makes you a hypocrite is a ludicrous definition and would basically encompass every human being alive which makes it a useless definition

so instead if using your capricious/arbitrary definition, lets use the actual dictionary definition

Hypocrite | What is the Definition of Hypocrite? |

a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

maybe im reading something wrong but under the definition of hypcrisy you are hypocrite if you do something that contradicts what you preach, so i would be a hypocrite if i was using the word nikka

i understand that you apparently have beef with me preaching against the word nikka and associating with people that say the word nikka but you will have to do some research and come up with a different word, hypocrisy doesnt describe what i am doing

another thing you need to learn is the definition of hip hop

there is a difference between hip hop culture and rap music, rap music is simply one of many elements of hip hop, so being hip hop doesn't require that you like or listen to rap music, anymore than it requires you to participate in the other elements of hip hop like breakdancing or DJing

so i use this definition of hip hop, thats why i dont feel any need to actually listen to rap music or give a fuk about it to post in a hip hop forum, (i wont even get into the corporate ownership of most rap music which would bring up the question of whether rap should be considered an element of hip hop anymore, thats another thread, yall aint ready for that)

but if the owners of the board say this is a rap music forum and not a hip hop forum then you may actually have a point and ill stop posting here, have one of the owners PM me if that is so or link to the forum rules that say that this is a rap music forum, cuz i thought this was a hip hop forum


May 1, 2012
well first of all, im honestly befuddled by your definition of hypocrisy, using your definition of hypocrisy i am definitely a hypocrite, im personally against homosexuality i think its gross, but that is the limit of my beef with them, i dont have a gay friends but i dont support discrimination against gays and i dont avoid associating with them or have any personal beef with them, i just think what they do in bed is disgusting,

so i am definitely a hypocrite when it comes to homosexuality using your definition and i plead guilty

i think the united states is a racist ass country, but i still live here and i support this country every way i can, which would make me a hypocrite under your definition, so i plead guilty

there are a lot of white people that have racist ass family and acquaintances and they still associate with them, so pretty much every white person that says they are not racist is a hypocrite

and the list goes on, using your definition that associating with somebody that thinks or does something you are against makes you a hypocrite is a ludicrous definition and would basically encompass every human being alive which makes it a useless definition

so instead if using your capricious/arbitrary definition, lets use the actual dictionary definition

maybe im reading something wrong but under the definition of hypcrisy you are hypocrite if you do something that contradicts what you preach, so i would be a hypocrite if i was using the word nikka

i understand that you apparently have beef with me preaching against the word nikka and associating with people that say the word nikka but you will have to do some research and come up with a different word, hypocrisy doesnt describe what i am doing

another thing you need to learn is the definition of hip hop

there is a difference between hip hop culture and rap music, rap music is simply one of many elements of hip hop, so being hip hop doesn't require that you like or listen to rap music, anymore than it requires you to participate in the other elements of hip hop like breakdancing or DJing

so i use this definition of hip hop, thats why i dont feel any need to actually listen to rap music or give a fuk about it to post in a hip hop forum, (i wont even get into the corporate ownership of most rap music which would bring up the question of whether rap should be considered an element of hip hop anymore, thats another thread, yall aint ready for that)

but if the owners of the board say this is a rap music forum and not a hip hop forum then you may actually have a point and ill stop posting here, have one of the owners PM me if that is so or link to the forum rules that say that this is a rap music forum, cuz i thought this was a hip hop forum
I just read the first few lines since you aren't posting in complete sentences. What I got from what I did read was that you think that I have my own definition o the word hypocrite. Well I don't have my own definition, hypocrite is defined as a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. I say that if you voluntarily choose to hang out with people who throw the n word around freely then you haven't really taken a stand against the use of the word. I'm not advising you to leave the site, I'm advising you to get real with yourself as far as what you do and don't stand for. Making a personal decision not to use the word and taking a stand against anybody using it, are 2 completely different things.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I just read the first few lines since you aren't posting in complete sentences.

thats too bad, i dropped a lot of jewels in my incomplete sentences

What I got from what I did read was that you think that I have my own definition o the word hypocrite.

yeah you do have your own definition of hypocrisy

and i am also saying that i plead guilty under that definition

Well I don't have my own definition, hypocrite is defined as a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

yeah, i know what the definition is i just posted it

I say that if you voluntarily choose to hang out with people who throw the n word around freely then you haven't really taken a stand against the use of the word.

that's your opinion, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, i appreciate that, that still wouldn't go with the definition of hypocrisy

so you are saying that jesus, who associated with sinners, was a hypocrite?

so people i associate with have to agree with me on everything?

so you are saying taking a position of freedom of speech is a hypocritical position?

you have the right to view associating with co-signing but applying associating with people as co-signing people is pretty much making every human being a hypocrite

i just point blank disagree that associating with people means you have to agree with everything that they do, thats just some sh*t you are pulling out your ass, its dumb, retarded and its obvious that its dumb when you start applying your definition to other situations

i understand that my posts have caused some type of angst or discomfort but you need to find another word to attack me with because the only way i can be a hypocrite is if i use the word myself

I'm not advising you to leave the site,

but you where asking why i post on this site where people say nikka, which implies that i shouldn't be posting here, so i was explaining that that there are different parts of hip hop

for the record and FYI

i post here cuz im hip hop, i dont post here cuz i listen to rap music

I'm advising you to get real with yourself as far as what you do and don't stand for.

im advising you to understand that associating with people does not equate to co-signing everything they do, i dont get why i have to explain this, are you retarded?

on top of that there is the issue of freedom of speech which means you cant go around telling people what words they can say

Making a personal decision not to use the word and taking a stand against anybody using it, are 2 completely different things.

sure they are different things, but whats your point? you just contradicted yourself

you are the one that said that if you take a personal stand not to use it you also have to take a stand against anybody around you using it or else you are hypocrite and now you are saying those are 2 different things?

are they the same thing or not?

but bottom line, there is no need for back and forth, if you say associating with people that say nikka makes me a hypocrite then i plead guilty under that definition, its not a big deal, i dont respect your corny semantics enough to give a fuk