You have any eggcessories?Big green egg
U got it backwardsSaw this earlier...Know your beef:
Know what you’re buying. This picture has store beef(right), and farm beef(left). There is an obvious visible difference between the two but the differences don’t stop there!
1. You may notice the color difference in the picture. The store bought is pumped full of additives and preservatives, including propyl gallate, to protect against spoilage due to long term air exposure.
2. There isn’t a guarantee of where that beef came from, OR how many cows are in it.
Yes, it may have the USDA label on it but as long as that animal was packaged in the US, it can be called a Product of the USA.
And yes, the meat in the right package is not from one single cow, rather scraps from multiple cows. It may have come from Argentina, Canada, or Brazil.
3. The beef on the left is fresher, darker and is farm raised beef. It is filled with more nutrients & flavor. The ground is also from one cow and not just low quality scraps from multiple cows.
Buy from a local farm
Yea I just bought the ninja woodfire pellet grill. I live in an apartment and can't have a real smokerI am on overkill with the grills/smokers - my wife thinks i am addicted
I have a Phoenix gas grill ( the company i work for had a steep discount with them, they stopped right after covid)
a traeger wood pellet grill/smoker
A masterbuilt wood chip smoker
A masterbuilt Electric Pellet smoker (got it from work as an anniversary present)
and recently bought a Ninja woodfire grill/pellet smoker combo
for convenience - I have been using the ninja woodfire lately, and i like it.
it does cook a little faster and you get a semi smoke ring but it does flavor the food quite well.
Its never gonna replace a true smoker, but for theease of use and the easy cleanup, i am not gonna compain.
I also inject , have bluetooth thermometers and cook to temp (ALWAYS)
gonna smoke this saturday for our meal prep for the next few weeks
Chicken Breasts
Chicken thighs
Veggies Squash - zucchinis, peppers, corn on the cob
and some Steaks or Pork chops for dinner Saturday night
I have apple, cherry, charcoal, Hickory & Alder pellets to Experiment with.
I am on call and will be trapped at the house anyway, might as well do something productive.
I slow smoked a 10 lb shoulder to make some Pulled pork a few weeks ago and it was flamez.
breh - I been using that woodfire grill damn near every weekend since May.Yea I just bought the ninja woodfire pellet grill. I live in an apartment and can't have a real smoker
I also want to take it with me camping.
breh - I been using that woodfire grill damn near every weekend since May.
I should have gotten the XL, but i just wanted a starter unit to try it out.
no complaints here.
I reverse seared some steaks last weekend while using the smoke/grill function at the same damn time!!!!!
I am sure i will get tired of it eventually and go running back to Traeger, but the time saved and cleanup convenience is a plus.
If i am having the family over - of course, the big guns come out, but for now - i am cool with the woodfire
I cruise youtube for cooking tips for the woodfire
here's the reverse seared steak one i found
Man how often yall buying these flavor bars....why are these things such garbage
I keep my shyt covered and clean it 2......this grill 5 years old and I already need new grates.
Yeah that's about the time they need to be replaced. I just buy some cheaper ones on Amazon.