*GRAPHIC VIDEO* Store clerk shot in the back of his head despite him complying.


Kristina Schulman Bro
Mar 4, 2015
The Real Titletown
These convenience stores need to keep their employees armed and give them training.

Crime is going to continue to spike

I agree, but then you'll have people defending these scumbags like we saw with that store clerk recently that was charged for stabbing to death that waste of air. Fortunately, charges were dropped.
May 24, 2022
i wonder what a solution to something like this is? The coli taught me a crime bill wont work:jbhmm:


May 7, 2012
Harlem, Uganda
As others said, it isn't about the money. It stopped being about the money a long time ago.

Some people just want to kill and tear others down to justify their own way of living.

have you see how many street dudes have 2x, 3x etc to their names, supposedly it means how many bodies they have
fakkin demonic


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
RIP the clerk. He didn't deserve to die and the killer deserves whatever punishment is coming his way...

That's why I laughed when people said PnB should have given up the jewellery and not resisted.

Degenerates DON'T CARE what you do because they AREN'T rational in the first place.

If they feel like killing you they'll kill you :yeshrug:

There's always the risk you can be murdered during a robbery, because you're at the mercy of the person with the gun. The reality though, is the overwhelming majority of robberies don't turn into homicides...

I was always told you fight. You don't sit there and wait to get shot. I get why a lot of people would. He might let it fly if you rush him. But then again, he might be so shocked that you fight back that you might be able to turn the tables on him.

Nobody is ever going to point a gun at me without me trying something. Especially if you're within my reach.

I understand the notion to fight for your life, and of course, there are times that is successful. Generally speaking though, it isn't a good idea to fight the gunman...

For one thing, an experienced jackboy is covering all bases to minimize your resistance before he even approaches you, so when you think you have an angle, it really isn't there. Seasoned robbers are snuffing the angles out premeditated...

The other thing, dudes that aren't seasoned, as I suspect the guy in this video isn't---because seasoned robbers aren't robbing convenient stores, there's nothing there---novice jackers are more probe to be jumpy and panicky at the sight of movement and shoot when they don't need to...

Again though, of course there have been successful fight backs, and I understand the emotion of fighting back. You never know who is on the other side of the gun though, and yes, if they want to kill you they will kill you whether you fight back or not------>but the vast, vast majority of robberies aren't planned to be killings, robberies that result in killings do so because they are typically botched during the initial crime, or the robbery was a planned hit on a disliked individual anyway...

Most dudes that rob not looking to kill anyone, robbers have way more robberies than kills under their belts, if they have any kills at all, though it is also true that guys who rob for a living invite gunplay...

In practice it's never a good idea to pass the gunman off...

A life for a life. It's alright. Mandatory death pentalty for all murder that's not an accident or self defense.

Nah, murder is so circumstantial. Rape and sex acts against children are worse than murder and those don't carry death penalties at all...

He's probably responsible for multiple murders by himself and finally got caught. Anybody doing shyt like that with no hesitation has most likely done it before multiple times.

I'd bet cash this is the first robbery attempt this dude ever did, or he's pulled 3 to 4 tops, and that he's probably never shot anybody until now...

People in this country are fukking lost. They dont have these type of problems in japan and most of europe

Which is the real harsh truth, but muhfukkas here wanna buck against a system that's proven to work in other nations. This country's obsession with guns is a direct correlation to the gun violence here, but somehow muhfukkas refuse to acknowledge this as fact...

i wonder what a solution to something like this is? The coli taught me a crime bill wont work:jbhmm:

The solution won't happen in the United States Of America, which is to eradicate the proliferation of firearms...

have you see how many street dudes have 2x, 3x etc to their names, supposedly it means how many bodies they have
fakkin demonic

That dudes be lying bro...


Oct 8, 2014
i wonder what a solution to something like this is? The coli taught me a crime bill wont work:jbhmm:
I mean...

The penalties for capital murder are life or the death penalty.

I don't think there's any penalty based deterrents to situations like this.

The guy wasn't factoring in a lenient justice system when he decided to pull the trigger and murder somebody


May 1, 2012
RIP the clerk. He didn't deserve to die and the killer deserves whatever punishment is coming his way...

There's always the risk you can be murdered during a robbery, because you're at the mercy of the person with the gun. The reality though, is the overwhelming majority of robberies don't turn into homicides...

I understand the notion to fight for your life, and of course, there are times that is successful. Generally speaking though, it isn't a good idea to fight the gunman...

For one thing, an experienced jackboy is covering all bases to minimize your resistance before he even approaches you, so when you think you have an angle, it really isn't there. Seasoned robbers are snuffing the angles out premeditated...

The other thing, dudes that aren't seasoned, as I suspect the guy in this video isn't---because seasoned robbers aren't robbing convenient stores, there's nothing there---novice jackers are more probe to be jumpy and panicky at the sight of movement and shoot when they don't need to...

Again though, of course there have been successful fight backs, and I understand the emotion of fighting back. You never know who is on the other side of the gun though, and yes, if they want to kill you they will kill you whether you fight back or not------>but the vast, vast majority of robberies aren't planned to be killings, robberies that result in killings do so because they are typically botched during the initial crime, or the robbery was a planned hit on a disliked individual anyway...

Most dudes that rob not looking to kill anyone, robbers have way more robberies than kills under their belts, if they have any kills at all, though it is also true that guys who rob for a living invite gunplay...

In practice it's never a good idea to pass the gunman off...

Nah, murder is so circumstantial. Rape and sex acts against children are worse than murder and those don't carry death penalties at all...

I'd bet cash this is the first robbery attempt this dude ever did, or he's pulled 3 to 4 tops, and that he's probably never shot anybody until now...

Which is the real harsh truth, but muhfukkas here wanna buck against a system that's proven to work in other nations. This country's obsession with guns is a direct correlation to the gun violence here, but somehow muhfukkas refuse to acknowledge this as fact...

The solution won't happen in the United States Of America, which is to eradicate the proliferation of firearms...

That dudes be lying bro...
So should murderers die or not ?

Or they should be spared until rapists also die?