Mantle Drunk
All Star
As soon as you crashed your car you should have
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dont try to sugar coat it, you were over the legal limit, plus driving distracted, and you could have killed someone.
you got the punishment you deserved.
Like we needed you to tell us you were white when you called the cops on yourself
You called the cops on yourself while you were doing something illegal
You didn't wonder why Petrino was telling people not to call the cops after his crash?
what state do you live in?
I stay in California and man I fukked up really bad. Got a lawyer and now everything looks .
I remember everyone saying first time DUI aren't that serious so don't know if that helps.
I got a DUI a few weeks. smh. I blew a .092 the first time, then got taken to the station and finger printed. I sat in the station while the cop wrote up my tickets then he gave me another breathalyzer and that time I blew a .071. After that, he gave me a ride home and hit on me in the car. Good times. My court date is in October. FML.
girls have it so easy
The cops loved me. They told me I was the nicest one they brought in that night and the one who took me in told me that it will probably get dropped since it's my first one and I'll just have to pay a fine. He even invited me out to a bar. Lol.
Whatever you do, dont go without legal representation when u go to court. At least a public defender, but that wreckless charge gnna come back to haunt ya breh!!
You're right, but like I said i blew a .1 i didnt crash because i was drunk I crashed because I was switching tapes or checking my phone for the time or something, I knew that there were no cars on the road. I wasn't really even drunk just technically.
I'm not a proponent of drinking and driving, but my friend bartends at this place so i was gettin free drinks and she asked me to wait til her shift ended (1:30)
Now I knew I was driving so i paced myself, only two drinks an hour, a lot of water. I'm following this bytch back to her crib and I check a text for one second and BAM...hit a pole. Called 911 and cops and ambulance were there within seconds. It's my first (and will be my only one), had to stay in county overnight and all that shyt. I only blew a fukkin .1 it wasn't even cause I was drunk that I crashed it was me being a dumbass distracted driver.
Now on to the thread: anyone have experience with this? It's my first offense and besides a few minor misdemeanors I have a clean record, do you think it'll just be fines and maybe a course I have to take? Community service?
By the way I am ashamed that I drove drunk i was blinded by the p*ssy being thrown at me I shoulda had a homie scoop no need for preaching in here. Just want some info on what to expect from fellow DUIers.