GOP Congressional Candidate: Diversity is 'a bunch of crap and un-American'


May 21, 2012
Buh buh but, both sides...
Buh buh but, liberals are the problem!

GOP congressional candidate: Diversity is 'a bunch of crap and un-American' - CNNPolitics

GOP congressional candidate: Diversity is 'a bunch of crap and un-American'
Sophie Tatum


Seth Grossman is seen in an image from his campaign site.
Washington (CNN)A Republican running for New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District thinks diversity is "a bunch of crap and un-American," according to comments he made in a video posted to YouTube by a progressive super PAC.

"In my view, the best way to bring diversity to the Republican Party is for Republicans to openly say that the whole idea of diversity is a bunch of crap and un-American," Seth Grossman can be seen saying in the video uploaded on June 6 by American Bridge 21st Century, which monitors GOP candidates.

In the video, Grossman goes on to quote the Declaration of Independence and says, "the Constitution was designed to incorporate that idea of the Declaration of Independence that everybody is treated equally under the law. Now, what diversity has become, it's been an excuse by Democrats, communists and socialists, basically, to say that we're not all created equal, that some people, if he -- if somebody is lesser qualified, they will get a job anyway, or they'll get into college anyway because of the tribe that they're with, what group, what box they fit into."

Grossman's campaign did not immediately return a request for comment. He won the Republican primary in New Jersey, and the National Republican Congressional Committee endorsed his bid for Congress on June 6.

"Congratulations to Seth Grossman on his victory tonight. I look forward to working with Seth to expose Trenton insider Jeff Van Drew for his record of shady backroom deals and tax increases on New Jersey families," NRCC Chairman Steve Stivers said in a statement, referring to Grossman's Democratic opponent, state Sen. Jeff Van Drew.
In the just over two-minute video, Grossman goes on to discuss why he thinks diversity has become "an excuse by Democrats" to say "we're not all created equal."

"You know, women, African American, Hispanic; they're chopping us up in these different pieces and getting us fighting against each other instead of spending our time saying everybody should be judged by their own talent," Grossman said.

Grossman also tells the room, "Once we say that the Republicans want these traditional ways that made America great for all these years, then maybe African Americans would realize when we enforce our immigration laws, there will be more opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds.

"When we talk about women saying, well, we need special care for child care, we need this credit and that credit, say, wait a minute, when America was great, one parent alone earned more than enough money to comfortably support a family," he continued. "That's what happened before we chopped Americans into these different boxes and saying, I'm entitled to something because I'm part of this group."


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
I’ve never voted for a republican before, but there are a lot of people of different races who believe in this statement right here:

“You know, women, African American, Hispanic; they're chopping us up in these different pieces and getting us fighting against each other instead of spending our time saying everybody should be judged by their own talent," Grossman said.

Grossman also tells the room, "Once we say that the Republicans want these traditional ways that made America great for all these years, then maybe African Americans would realize when we enforce our immigration laws, there will be more opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds.“


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
I’ve never voted for a republican before, but there are a lot of people of different races who believe in this statement right here:

“You know, women, African American, Hispanic; they're chopping us up in these different pieces and getting us fighting against each other instead of spending our time saying everybody should be judged by their own talent," Grossman said.

Grossman also tells the room, "Once we say that the Republicans want these traditional ways that made America great for all these years, then maybe African Americans would realize when we enforce our immigration laws, there will be more opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds.“
Democrats mastered propaganda. They studied that black people do not read for themselves and only look at headlines. I read that and was like :ehh:.

Black people cant continue to get bullied by these people with their own agendas to give their vote for something that doesn’t benefit them.


May 21, 2012
I’ve never voted for a republican before, but there are a lot of people of different races who believe in this statement right here:

“You know, women, African American, Hispanic; they're chopping us up in these different pieces and getting us fighting against each other instead of spending our time saying everybody should be judged by their own talent," Grossman said.

Grossman also tells the room, "Once we say that the Republicans want these traditional ways that made America great for all these years, then maybe African Americans would realize when we enforce our immigration laws, there will be more opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds.“

This line of thinking SOUNDS good but is false and not backed by any data. Immigrants do not take away significant opportunity from Americans. They compete mostly amongst THEMSELVES.

Do immigrants take jobs from Americans and lower their wages by working for less?

The answer, according to a report published on Wednesday by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, is no, immigrants do not take American jobs — but with some caveats.

The report assembles research from 14 leading economists, demographers and other scholars, including some, like Marta Tienda of Princeton, who write favorably about the impacts of immigration and others who are skeptical of its benefits, like George J. Borjas, a Harvard economist. Here’s what the report says:

• “We found little to no negative effects on overall wages and employment of native-born workers in the longer term,” said Francine D. Blau, an economics professor at Cornell University who led the group that produced the 550-page report.

• Some immigrants who arrived in earlier generations, but were still in the same low-wage labor markets as foreigners just coming to the country, earned less and had more trouble finding jobs because of the competition with newer arrivals.

• Teenagers who did not finish high school also saw their hours of work reduced by immigrants, although not their ability to find jobs. Professor Blau said economists had found many reasons that young people who drop out of high school struggle to find work. “There is no indication immigration is the major factor,” she said.

• High-skilled immigrants, especially in technology and science, who have come in larger numbers in recent years, had a significant “positive impact” on Americans with skills, and also on working-class Americans. They spurred innovation, helping to create jobs.

“The prospects for long-run economic growth in the United States would be considerably dimmed without the contributions of high-skilled immigrants,” the report said. It did not focus on American technology workers, many of whom have been displaced from their jobs in recent years by immigrants on temporary visas.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I’ve never voted for a republican before, but there are a lot of people of different races who believe in this statement right here:

“You know, women, African American, Hispanic; they're chopping us up in these different pieces and getting us fighting against each other instead of spending our time saying everybody should be judged by their own talent," Grossman said.

Grossman also tells the room, "Once we say that the Republicans want these traditional ways that made America great for all these years, then maybe African Americans would realize when we enforce our immigration laws, there will be more opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds.“
that shyt sounds good...then when you leave them up to their devices, its nothing but WHITE MEN running shyt, having shyt, owning shyt, making shyt... :francis:

If merit was all that mattered, a lot of whites wouldn't nearly have as much as they do now.

I mean, black immigrants alone are the most educated and still the least employed.

SO which is it? It can't be that they're lazy or uneducated.

Who does the hiring and firing? Who does the promotions? Who gives the loans? Who runs the courts and makes the laws?


Aug 25, 2015
He can't complain about "the best man for the job not getting the job due to quotas" but then be mad that immigrants are "taking jobs that should be for Americans"

Which one is it?

Those 2 statements fall into his idealogy, they don't contradict each other... at least not the way that he views them.


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
For whatever reason cacs believe they are the only people that work hard and deserve anything. They can’t fathom that someone that doesn’t look like them can be equally as smart and qualified, damn near even if it’s a white woman. So when they see minorities in these positions they always wanna assume they were given to them.

Using illegal immigration to garner Black support on some “they took our jobs” type shyt is transparent as fukk also. They never gave a damn about us before so why start now?
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I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
For whatever reason cacs believe they are the only people that work hard and deserve anything. They can’t fathom that someone that looks like them can be equally as smart and qualified, damn near even if it’s a white woman. So when they see minoritys in these positions they always wanna assume they were given to them.

Using illegal immigration to garner Black support on some “they took out jobs” type shyt is transparent as fukk also. They never gave a damn about us before so why start now?
Do you live in Miami or LA?

If not then come to ground zero of this virus. We deal with enough shyt from anglos, you don’t want it from another adversary. Especially when you had the opportunity to stop it.

LA and California was Mexico so it’s different but Miami is the epitome.


Aug 25, 2015
I read his comments... he just sounds stupid to me.

And I dont mean that offensively... I mean he just sounds unintelligent.
He's arguing platitudes while completely ignoring the real differences in racial and economic demographics.

This shouldn't need to be stated but a country that has had the vast majority of its history marred with slavery and Jim Crow era laws cannot suddenly yell "meritocracy meritocracy!!"
No, that's not how this works and they know that.

There is no meritocracy when nepotism is the primary influence in determining who gets high-end jobs
There is no meritocracy when white people are approved for loans at a rate that far exceeds black people
There is no meritocracy when for centuries you legally forbade a race to have any generational wealth (government seized upon death) and then you wonder why they are struggling financially.

This is just not a good argument.

I know what he's saying, that the democrats have divided us and pit us against each other (which is true), but we were already divided Mr. Grossman... with or without the democrats help.

We are not white, stop pretending like there is no difference between being black in America and being white.
Dec 8, 2016
My head hurts. Why can't politics be as simple as water is wet. Republicans are bigots, Democrats are con artist. What idiot would choose a bigot over a con artist? At least a con artist screws with everyone and doesn't single 1 race out giving minorities a better fighting chance.


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
Do you live in Miami or LA?

If not then come to ground zero of this virus. We deal with enough shyt from anglos, you don’t want it from another adversary. Especially when you had the opportunity to stop it.

LA and California was Mexico so it’s different but Miami is the epitome.

But where were all these opportunities for Black people BEFORE illegal immigrants came in the numbers that they have? I guarantee that if they could successfully round up every illegal immigrant and ship them back to wherever those white conservative would go back to not giving a shyt about poor black people. They don’t even give a damn about poor white people if we are being honest.