The eye thing with Liotta is intentional, I think, during the dinner scene, everyone comments on it, "He's content to be a jerk", "you don't talk much, you don't eat much", and he's doing it right at that moment, he smiles, but his eyes are flat, because he's thinking what in the hell am I doing here, with these two psychopaths who have a body in the trunk, and are joking with a 77 year old woman, saying we need a knife to cut off the hoof, when Henry knows they are going to stab/cut up the body with his mother's knife.
As Henry gets in deeper and deeper, this is his default look. I just watched these scenes last night. I have the two dead even, you can't take anything away from either, and I think it's foolish to try to.
People who didn't like the cocaine scenes, have probably never done coke, or sold coke, because I can say, I was doing a lot of both in high school, and this girl used to say I reminded her exactly of Liotta in that scene, which was hilarious.