i think one thing we can agree on is that the sun is much more praiseworthy than 'god'. Or the Egyptians that worshiped the sun.e.
i think one thing we can agree on is that the sun is much more praiseworthy than 'god'. Or the Egyptians that worshiped the sun.e.
Yes, absolutely.
Rational thought is about believing something is true only when you see evidence. I don't have it in me to be irrational. How is this a choice?
Flying spaghetti monster is the hypothetical creator.
Yes, this is a rational reaction. Well done. When the irrefutable evidence is brought then the person asking for proof changes his mind. As long as guy's just saying "Hey there are other lands up in the heavens" everyone else in Biblical times are perfectly reasonable to dismiss his claim.
i think one thing we can agree on is that the sun is much more praiseworthy than 'god'
We don't know, but there are many hypotheses. First of all, it might not make sense to ask what started this event ... if time is a function of space ... I digress. Personally I think the universe always existed but in another form..... a universe that always expands and contract in a cylindrical fashion... but again, no one knows.
lol fine. But that doesn't scare me into believing. Dont' be surprised when Krishna doesn't accept you. Don't be surprised when Allah doesn't save you. My point is anyone can SAY anything is true... how do you demonstrate your belief actually is true.
Right, now we get into the No True Scotman fallacy. Dude, your entire positon is based upon logically fallacies and wishful thinking. Whatever. Good luck with that.
Right..... do you not realize people who are Christian disagree with your interpretations of the bible?
What specifically in the book of Daniel?
Yup. People who thought the Earth was spherical were insane until there was a good reason to demonstrate that was actually true.
But, the thing about @King-Over-Kingz position is that he's not in the shoes of the "round-Earth" folk. He's in the camp that argues the Earth is flat. Thoughtout history, time and time again, people thought natural events in the world had some type of supernatural cause. Lightning bolts are because Zeus is mad and is throwing lightning at the Earth. The great Juju is upset, so the nearby volcano is erupting. Supernatural explanations has been the default for our ancestors. They knew some things, but they didn't know as much as we do now. That's exactly how building upon knowledge of the past works.... and in addition, people a thousand years from now will look at us as idiots as well. Of COURSE species change over time ... they'll probably wonder why there was ever a debate about evolution at all. Anyway, going back to my point .... For everything the human species thought had some supernatural explanation, exactly ZERO have been actually shown to be caused by some deity or being beyond our realm. I'd wager that the origins of our universe is no different.
blindly, i might addI'll worship the One that brought the sun and all other things into existence
Perfectly reasonable to reject a true claim without proof huh?
Posted in another thread but kinda applies to this one too.
People are only saying God is good because their scared... Scared of going to hell but chances are you'll still end up there because well your lifestyle's arnt anything like God wants them to be no matter how many times you shout God is good and type it on message boards. Let's see if you still shouting God is good when your bytchass is burning in hell. If anything we should be hoping he doesn't exist because if he does way more people are going to suffer than live in eternal bliss. At the root of it all we are slaves to a supreme being who says worship me or die.. does that sound like someone you wanna love? Not really but keep on pretending because your scared.
So why is it more logical to believe that the universe always existed, or somehow always expands yet still remains orderly over a Creator creating it?
I'll be fine with idols/demons rejecting me just fine. As for allah, allegedly, Mohammed said this was the God of Abraham. So I should be on the straight and narrow if this is the same Being that Abraham worshiped.
Who cares?
Study to show yourself approved. I aint throwing nothing out here for these folk
They werent wrong because there was no proof now were they?
They got what they wanted. A world without God Almighty. And now, when you or your kids deal with the fukkery of this generation and the ones before it, I wonder how you'll be feeling?
YOU'LL NEVER disprove God All science can do is look at "reality" and observe.
But they can never find out what happened in the beginning. There will just be this blank peace of information missing there. That is the cause of all existence right there. But science will never figure it out.
I'm off this thread
God's friendly, fire loving Iranian cousin. God is a total goon compared to this guy. His prophet look more moist than fresh pound cake compared to real killers like Moses, Zoroaster was the drake of ancient zealots.
blindly, i might add
never mind the fact that to the mayans, you wourself would be a pagan.
Because the science supports a naturalistic universe. We don't know if a supernatural realm exists for a god to be in. The time when it's reasonable to think that idea is true is when there is evidence not built on logical fallacies.
Fact is your idol is no more justified than the hindu's/muslim/etc. Again, believe whatever you want... doesn't make it true just because you say it is
Well, I do. You think you're right, and they think they're right. I want to believe in as many true things as possible. If you're picking and choosing which parts of the bible you think is true, and it happens to be wrong, you might just caused both your soul AND mine if you convince me you're right. What if people at say Westboro Baptists are right, and god wants a strict, literal interpretation of the bible. How do I determine which of you are right? You don't think that is an important question?