Wear My Dawg's Hat
So 25% Black and most likely 75% White. Interesting. I wonder why they didn't go with a light skin actor. The actor playing APC is doing a good job. But it would have put his actions in context especially historically if they casted a lighter skin actor.
Giancarlo Esposito is a fine actor, and is top-notch in pretty much every role he plays.
Powell passed for white while attending college.
Anyone who has listened to the lectures of Harlem's legendary historian Dr. John Henrik Clarke over the years, comes to this series with the understanding that Adam and Malcolm were actually quite fond of one another. Dr. Clarke was close to both Malcolm and Powell.

It was Dr. King who Powell had some hard feelings about.
Powell was as tall as Malcolm, just as commanding, and his near-whiteness was a key part of his influence with "Negroes" and as well as whites at the time.

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