Again lil bruh,I'm not better than the next black man however I am more socially and political aware than the average black man following this new school hip hop mentality.
You asked how far my self respect has gotten me over the years?
The way I carry myself DEMANDS respect a matter of fact when I'm in public ppl salute me.On a few occasions people of different races offered me positions at their company. I can go on with different examples but you get my point.
Why do you wish to use that word without realizing the implications that come along with it. Again if you look at yourself as a nikka then your behavior behavior will reflect that.
Are you saying there is ABSOLUTELY nothing we can do on our own to counter white supremacy?
This is the self defeatist mentality that is so prevalent on the forum.
You suggesting that black people are mentally incapable of changing self destructive behavior patterns due to white supremacy is basically saying that we as individuals are defeated thus we should give in to white supremacy.
Who raised you with such an inferiority complex.