Girl crashes car, kills her sister in streams her death smh**WARNING:VERY GRAPHIC**


Jun 11, 2012
No social media IS the problem. Social media has helped to up the anti on the stupidity, and narcissistic actions acted out due to the perceived attention received. And where and the hell is your argument going? You're all over the place. Part of the direction of your argument is that humanity has always been dark- which it has. What we're talking about here is attention, and how social media has created more of a need for people to do stupid shyt for validation. Social media has helped to create more of a need of this, since people, especially a long of young minors are not receiving the proper attention and validation in the home. People are placing their entire validation, and self worth on receiving likes, and followers on facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat ect; with people basing their entire lives around the internet. These problems that we're seeing today did not exist 15-20 years ago. People were not endangering their lives, and the lives of others for likes, and if the did, you rarely heard about it unless it was some dark web type shyt. This girl in this video is a perfect example of the current culture that the dark side of social media has produced. To livestream the death of a loved one is very sick, and as I stated; 15-20 years ago would have been something unheard of.

The truth. Had to fall back from fb because of the level of narcissism, attention whoring and etc that was on there. It was lame as fukk watching grown ass men and women begging for attention, likes, shares and all this pointless nonsense. I tried to do the same thing but I felt miserable and down doing it like it felt uncomfortable talking about my everyday life when I had nothing to show. I was literally embarrassing myself on that shyt. The thing is that people really equated that craziness with actual genuine approval and etc. The thing is that a majority of the people know me on there. Hell, I don't even get wtf fb and social media is for anyway.

Now if you're someone that is against that shyt, people think that you're crazy or have something to hide or whatever. I have nothing to hide so whatever.
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2016
The truth. Had to fall back from fb because of the level of narcissism, attention whoring and etc that was on there. It was lame as fukk watching grown ass men and women begging for attention, likes, shares and all this pointless nonsense. I tried to do the same thing but I felt miserable and down doing it like it felt uncomfortable talking about my everyday life when I had nothing to show. I was literally embarrassing myself on that shyt. The thing is that people really equated that craziness with actual genuine approval and etc. The thing is that a majority of the people know me on there. Hell, I don't even get wtf fb and social media is for anyway.

Now if you're someone that is against that shyt, people think that you're crazy or have something to hide or whatever. I have nothing to hide so whatever.

Yessir. I only use social for business. For that purpose, and ONLY for that purpose is it a necessary evil. Honestly if you're over the age of 25, and you're not using social media for some type of business, then those people that are on it aren't doing shyt with their lives. Im 25, and honestly, Ive watched the advent of internet transition into internet 2.0, along with the rise of social media, and for this reason, Im glad that I was born in the early 90s. People around my age aren't doing a whole lot of attention seeking bullshyt. Hell most people from 25- 30 are too preoccupied with kids and a family, or too focused on trying to build. Facebook is too boring, and Ive got better shyt to do then to sit on the computer all day, seizing up folks, and comparing my self to other nikkas; trying to one up them. I only follow about 60 good people on there. The rest I've deleted, because either their inactive, or because of them posting too much of that bullshyt. I ain't got nothing to hide, or nothing to prove to anyone. I value my privacy, and staying in my lane.

Kind of off subject, but I think the older millennials, and the kids born in the early 90's are some of the last of their kind with any sense of morals, dignity, or self respect.


Jun 11, 2012
Yessir. I only use social for business. For that purpose, and ONLY for that purpose is it a necessary evil. Honestly if you're over the age of 25, and you're not using social media for some type of business, then those people that are on it aren't doing shyt with their lives. Im 25, and honestly, Ive watched the advent of internet transition into internet 2.0, along with the rise of social media, and for this reason, Im glad that I was born in the early 90s. People around my age aren't doing a whole lot of attention seeking bullshyt. Hell most people from 25- 30 are too preoccupied with kids and a family, or too focused on trying to build. Facebook is too boring, and Ive got better shyt to do then to sit on the computer all day, seizing up folks, and comparing my self to other nikkas; trying to one up them. I only follow about 60 good people on there. The rest I've deleted, because either their inactive, or because of them posting too much of that bullshyt. I ain't got nothing to hide, or nothing to prove to anyone. I value my privacy, and staying in my lane.

Kind of off subject, but I think the older millennials, and the kids born in the early 90's are some of the last of their kind with any sense of morals, dignity, or self respect.

To be trill with you, would say that in terms of an age group that social media has affected, that has been undetermined at least from my observations. I've seen people from their 70s and older to people who are in their preteens that are wilding out on that shyt. They most definitely don't use that shyt for any constructive purposes other than to communicate with whoever, attention seeking, or looking for a ego boost with the likes, friend lists and whatever.

In terms of attention seeking, I've seen many people do that varying from the humble bragging to the extreme. Anything that will get them noticed for some likes. The point is they don't have to say anything because it's a choice for them to drop their business hence Facebook asks the question "whats on your mind?" Facebook is essentially a stranger though it pretends or gives the illusion that it reflects the person that is using it. If the average person was to be asked what's on their mind by a stranger they have never met before or don't know, they aren't going to tell that person what's really on their mind. That's a personal question that would be invading that persons privacy. It could be used against them which is why theres shyt like Miranda rights and the fifth amendment which protects someone from dry snitching. Basically social media is nothing more than info collecting database where willingly give up their info and the government and businesses use that shyt. Facebook, Twitter, snapchat, MySpace, instagram and etc has made people forget that to the point where it's a societal norm if someone isn't using either platform, people tend to think something is wrong with them. It's expected for someone to have that shyt and if they have it, they have to use it in a certain fashion such as liking posts, having a lot of friends, followers or following people, sharing or retweeting, posting photos, filling out their bio with personal info, telling where they work, what they are doing, what they plan on doing and etc. It also doesnt help that a lot of these social media sites are basically connected such as instagram and Facebook where if you have one, you have the other. Same with google. If you use one, you using the other. They already got you without you knowing it. It's unavoidable. They are forcing people into this shyt too. When I got this smart phone two years ago which was the first smart phone I ever brought in my life, the store I got it from was phasing out flipphones. They let it known that i HAD to buy a smart phone and if I got the smart phone, I HAD to buy a data plan. That's the key word. They made it known that this is what it was about I'm 2015. That was Verizon too. they were not willing to take no for an answer. Then they also have GPS too where at any given time, whoever can track your device whether it's your home computer, tv, ps4,xbox, car, phone and etc, they KNOW where you're at and could turn on that camera to know what you're doing at what time. Anybody can hack your phone or whatever to know your business without you knowing it for real. It's scary.

I think the sad part is that we have been programmed to accept that it's okay to not have any privacy. That a lack of privacy or sharing your business is okay. This has been the case since September 11th, 2001. The idea to protect the national security of the nation is to basically give up personal info or not hide shyt and if someone does, they are hiding something or are involved in something that might be a threat to national security. Since then, it's been nsa, the Patriot act, and all sorts of shyt.

Personally, I grew up around 911 so I remember how it was before the smart phones and social media which brings back to another point, before social media, there were chatrooms, Web forums and some social media and networking sites though it wasn't called that. There was backplanet and migente. Back then, there was always attention seeking or people striving to be popular. Some did it by any means possible. Basically there were always narcissists, attention seekers, socializing and etc. There was an acceptable idea that it was okay to be anonymous or to not share info. As time went on, that changed and then social media came up and it became the norm. shyts crazy.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
the girl is probably in shock and nursing a concussion (also the article says she was under the influence as well) so thats why shes' so out of it. She's also an idiot too so consider that as well.