I don't even go on south street anymore. Last time I went the energy was so chaotic and negative that I knew that it was a place I no longer wanted to be around. I was just going to get some food but it just felt like something could go down at any moment..........a few weeks after that my therapist's best friend's son got killed in that mass shooting over there.
Philly as a whole is just awful now.
South Street, Rittenhouse, King of Prussia, Center City.....places where it felt like there was never violence, things regularly occur now.
Yeah, people in Philly don't even chill in Philly. It's the counties or Jersey. The crime is fukked up and government doesn't ca
Philly night life died when A.I leftPhiladelphia is so bad now that it's almost impossible to get food after 10 pm during the week downtown. Like nothing is open.
Silk City is barely open now......There's barely any clubs. I've grown to hate this place.

Bro all your information is incorrect.Statistically post pandemic is the worst period in the history of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia never had 450 murders in the 90's. In fact by 1999, Philadelphia was down to 292 murders.
As crack started flooding the streets in the mid-80s Philadelphia only had 263 murders in 1984 and 274 in 1985 in a city of 1.7M which is a little bit more than today.
Philadelphia has had 500+ murders the last 3 years and even Center City at night when I was there had a menacing aura with teenagers mobbing everywhere. This city is eating itself alive and a lot of kids don't even find their rec centers and parks as safe spaces.
Philly always had a high murder rate even when Italians and Irish made up most of the city in the 1920s and up. It's just Philly nature to be violent. I believe this shyt is cursed.I agree with your overall point.
But, the height of the crack era violence nationally was late 80s/early 90s. Most cities saw the highest homicide numbers, and per capita homicide rates in their histories during that stretch.
Philly from 1989 to 1991 averaged more than 450 homicides.
The return to anything close to the killing field numbers of that era is frightening, and nothing to be dismissed. Several cities saw homicides and per capita hom. rates equal or surpass their historic peaks the past few years. Philly surpassed the murders and hovering around the rate.
Famous Philly entertainers like Meek, Uzi, Embiid all live in NYC
False Meek and Uzi live in NYC but Embiid got a big mansion in Villanova. Some of the Eagles and 76ers players live in Haverford and Main Line. Hurts just bought a big ass house in Haverford. They stay in Philly.
Yeah we did. We had 500 in '90, 440 in '91. I said 450, because we hovered around there for a while...but it was around 440. A good portion of the 70's were bad, the whole Black Mafia era. The Rizzo era, Wilson Goode era and Rendell eras were horrible. 2020 was 560, the highest ever, but this year will probably be around 400. I have no clue what it was last year...I'm not even paying attention.
There were always teenagers everywhere though. Any block away from a high school was a danger zone. Richard Allen dudes used to hang out at Broad & Girard and try to rob kids and adults alike at Broad & Girard. Franklin was a war zone HS. Ish was always happening around Community College because of the kids that hung around Franklin. South Street was always kiddie hop center. If you didn't go with a group, you were getting robbed. There were shootings, and murders in the Penn Relays. Shootings and murders at basketball games...HS and summer leagues. The recs were NEVER safe after dark...and that's still only in certain neighborhoods. I grew up in a rough part of North, and I couldn't even go around to our rec because someone was always getting shot. Mind you, there was a police station directly across the street. Downtown was always dangerous because it was a hotspot of traffic, and from there you could quickly and easily disappear into another neighborhood.
The only difference I see is that I'm an adult now, so I hear about more of them, instead of the ones only in my neighborhood. The same menacing kids I grew up with, the ones still around,
And a lot of them do live in Philly, and Meek is in Philly damn near every day, and has a house here. Uzi here like once a week. Teddy P lived in Philly, Patti still lives in Philly. Marvin Harrison is on his old block like everyday. Most of the other athletes got houses on City Line, or in Conshohocken, or Cherry Hill. And most of them that played here, manage to stay around the area. No one be wanting to pay that high ass Philly tax, when you can go right outside the city and save. And plenty of actors lived downtown.