Must be a coincidence that the competition miraculously fell off every time a great dynasty team won multiple chips in a short span
Of course.
As building a dynasty is always built off the model of red auerbach. Where red was about total domination.
as an actual science. That extended to present to future.
So when a dynasty is generally created in the nba. They have to have a front office.
that actually Is engineered.
to re-enact components of the red auerbach's dynasty model to win. So in that get down or lay down build to actualization. The rest of the league.
who is populated without similar purposeful auerbach styled management. Will become fodder. Simple as that.
Anyone saying less. Did not study auerbach. Or even know gateway information on people like John Thompson, Bill russell etc. To even the people trying to counter and thwart auerbach like Jerry west as a player and in scheme as an executive.
People wonder why there is jordan.
Fate changed auerbach's plan to keep jordan from winning.
Yet lebron will not stick.
It is because red already figured out.
how to systemically beat the model of player lebron is in Elgin baylor.
Just like how the celts of the eighties did not fear any Frontline. As the rubrick to beat Wilt. Began with red auerbach scouting to defeat Wilt chamberlain.
So that scope and purposeful style if coaching and administration. Was aware, prescient and active.
As early as some would say.
beginnng with Wilt.
being in the eighth grade practicing with the celtics.
So any dynasty is rooted in emulating what red auerbach supplied to the nba. Where in that.. by creating a dynasty. You can only create a dynasty. By enacting upon theories of carni-ism, corporate espionage, planning, execution, purposeful sabotage, etc.
All those factors that play out to create the feel and look during an nba dynasty. Are not by mistake and sheerly by red auerbach design and actualized execution.
in industry and nba professional cultural nature.
Art Barr