Mister Terrific
It’s in the name
Insects cannibalize each other so they can have the energy to create more off spring. A grasshopper female will eat their mate so they can have the energy to produce eggs. Good and bad doesn’t exist in evolution, it simply what’s best for the survival of the species.Very poor rhetoric.
Just because Africans did something before colonialism, like gay sex, doesn’t make gay sex inherently good.
Many pro-alphabet arguments are poorly made. Yours is on par with them saying “it exists within nature!” as if grasshopper females don’t eat the eats of the males after mating, which is perfectly natural but not inherently good. Or how female spiders eat their young to survive. It exists in nature but that doesn’t necessarily make it good.
You have no idea what you are talking about and I felt my IQ drop reading this nonsense.
If you don’t like homosexuality get the fukk out. Russia needs men to man the trenches