Isn't it wonderful human being are more intelligent, robust, and capable of free thought and action than a mantis or a spider? And yes, something that might seem odd to you can be perfectly natural. Whoda thought? Thank God gay men aren't eating each others akulls and children. Wait, what was your point again.
You're trying to convince others of what's objectively "good" and "bad" based purely on your personal views while talking about poorly made arguments. Please..
The question is what exactly makes homosexuality and gay sex so inherently "wrong" that we need some government to regulate peoples own sex lives?
You not gay? Cool. Live your life, have the sex you want, and let others who identify with their sexual orientation do the same. As long as no one is being harmed or abused, then whether you think someone elses sex life is "good" or "bad" is neither here nor there.
Even if you're not gay do you really wanna live in a country where you can be jailed or punished if you're even suspected to be gay? Where neighbors or a vindictive person can make accusations that gets you in legal trouble? Where you can get in trouble just for knowing someone who is gay? Where a friend or family member can end up in jail one day over something so dumb?
This isn't about "defending fakkits" and I feel sorry for any woeful, insecure moron that thinks defending gay rights, a human right, requires you to be gay. In fact I question dudes who feel they can't coexist with gay men without their mind racing towards intrusive and "indoctrinating" thoughts of gay sex. Sounds like a you problem and not something the government needs to oppress everyone over. People need to grow the hell up and understand the bigger picture here. This is about civil liberty under the law and keeping already beleagured and embarrassing African goverments from becoming oppressive Christian nationalist hell holes when it should be solving much bigger priorities for its people.
These corrupt b*stards who run West Africa know all they have to do is appeal to simple minded, bigoted, Christian propaganda nonsense to make people forget about their failures.