Amount of coli dudes going to Ghana: 0
Amount of people who claim they never wanted to leave their homeland and hate America going: 0
Amount of people actually going: I say not much
People only like to talk the talk but theyd never give up everything the white man gives them that makes their lives so comfortable
Not sure what the point of this post was, and please explain as it went over my head.
The segments of Americans who became expatriates in past decades, will likely be the segments who become expatriates in the future....artists and mid-career professionals. The "I was planning on relocating, but then I saw a youtube video" crowd is just flapping their gums, as usual. This isn't a boat ride from the Florida Keys to the Bahamas. hehehehe
But I think you would be surprised by the number of less vocal coli members who fit the profile for expatriates and who might end up exploring their options.
Someone used the term pioneer earlier, and it fits this scenario. Pioneers are cut from a different cloth.