Life is absurd. Lean into it.
While I think society is unbelievably fragile and is all based on perception, and I have never doubted the capacity for malice ingrained in humans, I think having a multipoint national network with like-minded individuals is critical.Educating people on how to build a prepper group or "NEST" is excellent, but discretion is vital in a SHTF situation, so only a fool would register their group online. I personally believe any Nest should consist primarily of family. Being a prepper in a SHTF situation is akin to being a lottery winner. The more people that know, the more you and your Nest is put at risk for harm.
Depending on the level of SHTF; short of an extinction level event, which only come around every eon or so, think an asteroid, nuclear war, etc; a communication network is critical to reorganize society. Organization is a feature of society, not a bug. Whoever gets a leg up on that at the onset will have a better chance at survival. Only moronic militias would have their first rule of engagement be violence and isolation. You just have to have the right systems, applications, and processes in place to survive. Problem is people don't have these things and exclusively rely on the government to save them.