George put his heart and soul into this franchise.
Most artists feel some type of way when their art is critiqued/heavily scrutinized.
George damn dear died getting this franchise off the ground, and it consumed his life. He had a lot of ideas for other movies. He said Star Wars just became a monster and took over.
Remember, this was only going to be one 1 movie. He made it too long, split into 3 movies and the rest is history.
Do some fans go overboard? Yes. That sh*t with Kelly Marie Tran was totally uncalled for.
Personally, I f*cks with the prequels, in spite of their problems. Hey, it's Star Wars.
However, some of the critiques (not personal attacks) were/are warranted.
Revenge of the Sith, the best of the prequels, would not have been released in its form had the fans not justifiably expressed their angst toward Jar Jar in Phantom Menace. It was a bad move on George's part to initially have the entire prequel Trilogy with heavy importance placed on Jar Jar. However, George, unlike Disney, listened to the fans. Attack of the Clones wasn't great. A mixed bag.
By the time Sith arrived, he made a good movie with Revenge of the Sith.
The fans love George. They love his strengths as an artist (Concepts, characters, worlds, visuals), but they just loathe his weaknesses (Dialogue, screenwriting, and some miscasting). And his weaknesses (as well as some strengths) were on full display at least with the first 2 prequels.
If the Whills were along the lines of Sith, people would get with it. If they were more like PM and ATOTC, then they would be justifiably criticized.
What you are seeing with Disney/Lucas Films is when there is no voice or creative person in charge. Just corporate type folks. They only know numbers.
It is the same reason why Marvel succeeds and DC fumbles. WB is all up in DC's sh*t and meddling. Marvel (Disney) let's Fiege do his thing.
Both DC and Lucasfilms are struggling, but there is one difference: DC listens to the fans. Only problem is they f*cked up sh*t more by trying to fix things.
But again, at least they are trying to right the ship.
Disney/Lucas Films, don't think there is a problem. They are blaming the fans. Pointing the finger. Them Solo number spoke volumes though. But again ,they are still copping pleas blaming it on fatigue. :nicki: