Biden just called zelemsky president putin. Expect that clip to be in rotation
there is a high enough concentration of black people in the swing states that matter to advantage the democrat in an incontestable fashion if they come out.we know black people are going to vote for him.
what about everyone else? be honest, do you see democrats specifically calling for youth or white women to vote for Biden? they banned tik tok, then went on there to get youth votes. they are not talking specifically to white women but instead women in general and lgbt+. black women will vote for dems, what about their white and latino counterparts?
i feel like we're the only demographic that dems are trying desperately to cater to...despite the fact that we've already voted heavily for them for decades.
new york is apparently a swing state now and behind closed doors union leaders are questioning biden's ability.
yet i dont see any talking heads calling for them to go and vote, specifically.
if people are willing to vote for a corpse over trump, then it won't matter who is on the ticket, right? it's democrats over everything.
SO RUN SOMEONE ELSE. if Trump will lose no matter who is running because he's an existential threat, RUN SOMEONE WHO ISN'T LIKELY TO DIE BEFORE 2030
kkk prodigy? that’s a reach.
trump is a nazi. if you care about the black community, you come out and vote against him.
it’s not rocket science.
if you think biden is no better or even slightly comparable, you are a smart dumb militant with very little education and a low iq.
then you’re a smart dumb militant who doesn’t care about black america.I'd rather the couch I'm not gonna waste my vote with people who eulogize kkk members and call them their teachers...You act as if we forgot...
then you’re a smart dumb militant who doesn’t care about black america.
biden ain’t a nazi.neither does biden by your logic...footstool..
biden ain’t a nazi.
there are levels to this.
good luck being a useful idiot for nazis.Im sure there is...
Clooney runs the man you wanna vote for...good luck with that vote
maybe i was unclear.there is a high enough concentration of black people in the swing states that matter to advantage the democrat in an incontestable fashion if they come out.
black people are definitely coming out in november.
so, biden’s apparent decline - which isn’t supported, i should add, by any verifiable analysis - is immaterial.
if black people vote, the democrat wins.
good luck being a useful idiot for nazis.
lemme know how that works out for you.
cac women have been trending blue in the off-election races since the midterms. i see no reason to believe that will change in november.maybe i was unclear.
my point is, black people will vote. there is historical and contemporary data to support that, as well as polls. that doesn't guarantee a victory.
because we know they will vote, it's incumbent on the democrats to secure other voting blocs to ensure a victory.
the fact that new york is a swing state is a big issue. it's been historically blue and relying on black people to change that is foolish.
Michigan, again another big swing state, will most likely go to trump at this point given that a big voting bloc of muslims and youth are anti-biden for his stance on Gaza. they voted uncommited in the primaries and will sit out the election if peace talks arent resolved by november. THAT is a major concern.
don't even get me started on CAC women. they are watching as their rights are being stripped and still polling, specifically sub urban white women, in favor of trump.
it's incumbent on democrats to devise a winning strategy and not rest on their laurels; they are doing the exact opposite at this point.
cac women have been trending blue in the off-election races since the midterms. i see no reason to believe that will change in november.
where are you reading that new york is a swing state. you might be mistaking “blue dog” for “independent” or even “maga.”
new york is still solidly blue and will not vote for trump in november.
meh, i don’t buy it. new york was the site of one of covid’s greatest death tolls. if you recall, trump deliberately prevented medical equipment from making it to new york.
Deep Blue New York Becoming Battleground State Thanks to Biden
Democrats are warning that New York is becoming a swing state this
New polls show Biden slipping further behind Trump in critical swing states
Adding to Democratic concerns about President Biden's candidacy, new data forecasts an electoral map leaning more heavily towards Donald Trump. To walk us through these new numbers and the current electoral landscape, Geoff Bennett spoke with Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy
please hop off the copium and see reality for what it is
not that i think she will be the nominee, but kamala would handily beat trump. you all severely underestimate just how many people object to trump, memories of his botched response to covid still fresh in their minds.