I just wish they'd vote third party instead. It's so frustrating to me that people think they can either choose one of two parties or stay home.
In 2016, Electoral college electors literally wrote in Colin Powell even though he wasn't running.
Third party candidates have been successful in getting over 1M votes. Gary Johnson got 4M in 2016, and Jill stein got over 1M.
In 2020, the numbers were down because of Corona and how many people really didn't want Trump to win. Biden was their only other choice with a deadly virus killing people and the guy in charge telling them its not that big of a deal. Jill Stein is running again this year and might choose a black running mate again.
If you don't want to vote, that's understandable. Voting for someone who says the stuff you believe in though sends a message. It sends the message that if these guys won't talk about what you want, the person who will has a chance however small of getting into the white house. It sends a message that people want these topics addressed instead of ignored.
You don't walk out of the McDonald's because they don't serve pizza and go past the local pizza joint, step into your car and drive off saying "that's too bad, I really wanted pizza"