General that Obama fired is organizing militias across America in preparation for the election


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
That reminded me of this Biden quote last year :mjlol: :heh:

It's funny that everyone got mad at dude for saying F-16's will be used against American citizens.
However, if those American citizens are trying to outright overthrow the government, declare war and kill public officials, what do you think is going to happen?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm neither trolling nor clueless.

The truth of the matter is these mindsets have been around since the country's foundation.

These ideas are resilient and change to fit the times, they have largely existed in some form or another
for over 300 years.

These ideas don't disappear, they just find a new place to gestate, whether it's going to various message
boards and social media hangouts or meetups at night with white hoods. You can't stamp it out through suppression
because you can't stop grandma or grandpa or their father or their mother or their friends from influencing them.

It does not matter what they do or don't see on television or whoever the president is.

Anyone fool enough to believe that if it isn't spoken about or just ignored, it will go away is either remarkably fukking stupid
or naive.

Like I really struggle to understand how anyone Black on this website is fool enough to think this shyt ever went away
in any meaningful capacity. We have an entire television channel that broadcasted these ideas through various dog whistles
on Fox News. That was around when I was in elementary school, now we have the same reactionaries and their legion
of followers in new voices like Ben Shapiro or Candance owens and before Fox New or Twitter or Youtube or Facebook or any
of these things existed there were always safe havens in communities across the country for these ideas to remain.

You're out of touch with reality. Of course racism doesn't completely "disappear", but its prevalence and strength is vastly reduced when it becomes taboo in society.

300 years ago, the entire population was so uniformly racist that slavery was legal everywhere and even the most "liberal" white man wouldn't let one within a half mile of his daughter.

150 years ago, slavery was banned in the north by the free choice of every population, banned in the south by force, Black men were holding office as US Representatives and (in rare cases) even Governors and Senators, but the assumption that Black persons were inferior to White was still nearly universal among the White population.

75 years ago, schools were still segregated by law in a large portion of the country, eating places were segregated, swimming pools were segregated, and interracial marriage was illegal in many states....but there were tens of millions of white people who legitimately believed that all men were truly equal and that skin color mean nothing in terms of moral value or superiority.

Today, even tens of millions of conservative White people honestly believe that racism is wrong. Interracial marriage is common as hell, even among regressive idiots. The favorite Supreme Court Justice of Republicans is a Black man married to a White woman, and the favorite Supreme Court Justice of liberals is a Black woman married to a White man. The product of an interracial marriage ran for president and won with the highest % of the vote of any candidate since Reagan.

Does racism still exist? Of COURSE it does. You see me on here calling out racism all the time. But to pretend that there's been zero progress in attitudes towards Black people in the last 300 years? That's just trolling-level contrarianism at this point. 300 years ago, damn near every single white person with very few exceptions consciously believed that Black people were inferior and acted on that belief. Today, even if you count the ones that are "hiding" it, the total prevalence of racism is vastly reduced from then and the ones who are willing to act on it are even fewer.

now we have the same reactionaries and their legion of followers in new voices like Ben Shapiro or Candance owens and before Fox New or Twitter or Youtube or Facebook or any
of these things existed there were always safe havens in communities across the country for these ideas to remain.

Of course there are places where racist ideas remain. No one ever said we would achieve utopia. But would you rather have your open racist be powerless wingnuts on the fringes of society, or would you prefer they get elected into the presidency and control our troops and federal officers?

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Dude either went insane or was compromised to such a degree he’s completely off the reservation now. I’d imagine he’s under heavy surveillance. But the issue is how do the feds proceed knowing any action they take will be deemed political? This dude is a clear traitor, he’s been seen on tape dining with Putin (and Jill Stein), and is plotting political violence. Something has to be done.


Aug 9, 2013
People on this website are really just idealists who think you can vote away naziism.

It's like thinking you can pray away the gay.

You cannot stop someone who gives not a single fukk about how things are ran.

If I'm being honest, I think our government is worried about further radicalizing this element
and creating a permanent homegrown terrorist group. I don't even know if they know how to stop it
at this point, they've let it run for so long in the name of capital and capitalism that trying curtail it only
reinforces their "victimhood".
It's not idealism it's cowardice.

By not seeing it they can pretend it doesn't exist and go along voting and pretending that's making all the difference.

When you can actually see what Mike Flynn and those groups he's organizing are doing, coupled with the fact that the democrats that are currently in power are doing absolutely nothing to stop or even slow it down, it brings home the fact that a day is coming where these people are going to stop talking and take action. Make no mistake about it, the government could stop it today if they really wanted to. But them not doing anything should tell anyone with any sense everything you need to know.

A good percentage of this board doesn't even have a gun in the house, and alotta those same people think these white people out here are their friends. Not to mention the ones with white wives and lovers living out in white areas.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Theyre cacs, no one will do shyt.

