GAY AGENDA STRIKES AGAIN: Schools’ Funding Cut if Gay Students Are Bullied


Mar 18, 2013
americans are dumb as fukk... we really need to just stick to sports

Only shyt u said that makes sense. First of all I question how valid that article is. I think if it was real it would be bigger news instead of forum bs. Second of all if u really honestly believe there is an agenda to turn children all over the world gay, u are an idiot bro.



May 1, 2012
Disgusting. Lets not forget homosexuals owned slaves and raped black men and their sons during slavery. Them piggy backing our movements has always been one of the greatest injustices in human history.


May 7, 2012
you dummy................ white gay men were sodomizing blacks ever since they stepped onto the boats

did u even read the plan parenthood proposal? i even circled where the agenda clearly stated to "Increase Homosexuality," but like the rest of the sheep you probably ignored it to spout the usual rhetoric.

Here, read it this time

All yall gay supporters are naive as hell about how far these pervs are tryna go. We got movies about tranny nannies, homo sitcoms, gender bender cartoon shows, and young impressionable kids are soaking it up. They are putting chemicals in the fukking baby forumula to increase estrogen, and you'ignorance misleads you to believe that the babies are born :wrist: You listen to news shows hosted by gays whether you realize it or not, and you expect a fair and balanced perspective? lol

Americans are dumb as fukk... we really need to just stick to sports



May 2, 2012
Perfect example of nikkas being walking contradictions. :smh:

nikkas will be the first ones to whine and bytch about not being accepted, but will be the most un-accepting motherfukkers out there.

"How dare you compare black rights and gay rights like they're the same thing! :angry: Let me compare homosexuality to bestiality, though, because that's totally the same thing! :troll:"



The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012

1) Both of those articles explain that the rationale is that you can't take 1st amendment freedom of speech rights from people who think homosexuality is wrong; you can't abridge their speech.

That isn't "legalizing bullying".

2) That didn't awnser my question anyway: why is the onus on the school systems for the acts of the children whom that poster said "can't make rational decisions"?

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
For the final time,

Racism = 500 years of colonization, slavery, and class subjugation, a slanted justice system, and a caste system that exists to this day to prevent Black kids equal opportunities from birth to get good health care, jobs, education, and a fair shot if they ever hit the justice system

Homophobia = A disagreement about a lifestyle and an individuals sexual preference.

BIG difference.

Until gay people build the richest country in the history of the world only to be denied the opportunity to experience it's wealth for itself.

Then it is nothing.

And also, why do people keep acting like Civil Rights was about being "accepted"? Since when was Malcolm X and the Black Panthers asking White people to "accept us"?

It was about White people PAYING for the sins of their forefathers who had cheated Black people out of hundreds of years of building this country into the richest country in the world.


Fukkk a crakkka.

I don't need their acceptance.

Give me what you owe me. The whole 40 acres and a mule you were supposed to give my great, great granddaddy and you can go fukk yourselves.

What if nongays get bullied?

Are they just going to have to deal with it?

Yup, because according to the the "It Gets Better" crew, fat kids who wanna commit suicide aren't important.

all those people get shytted on, but none of them get disowned by their own parents and family like a gay person does. I was a fat kid getting shytted on but i always had the support of my fam and i never felt like offing myself and my fam always been poor and latino and as much as life was hard none of us ever felt like killing ourselves and we always had each other. Gay kids get alienated by everybody in most cases and they shouldnt have to go thru that shyt at school. Too many 10 and 12 year old kids have been committing suicide recently and this is just a measure to try and curb it and personally i see nothing wrong with it.

So now only gay people get disowned?

People get disowned for premarital sex, drinking alcohol, drugs, not going to the college of their parents choice, getting tatted up, dropping out of school, etc. .

It depends on the family and their value system. If you come from a hardcore Christian/Muslim/Jewish family, damn near anything could get you disowned.

And kids kill themselves today because they are WEAK. Softened up by a society that panders to them from the day they are born and fills their head with this bullshyt mentality that the world owes them something and the minute that the world doesn't accept them for WHATEVER reason, they give up and quit.

That's not specific to gays. You got that going on all over this p*ssy ass generation of kids pumped full of antidepressants.


Mar 18, 2013
I wonder why y'all are dodging the question of why is there no funding cuts for racial bullying, height bullying, weight bullying, etc.


You are LYING to yourself if you don't see the gay agenda right in your face. This isn't a matter of "bashing" gays. Open your damn eyes.

Just because some over the top liberals somewhere came up with a stupid initiative doesn't mean theres a gay agenda.


Sep 14, 2012
This post is way too retarded.

Like cmon man you're crossing the line

Its not that they are richer per say. Its just they have more disposable money because some don't want kids or never had kids. Same would happen if you are straight with a good paying job with no kids. You simply have more flexibility.

The reason we more of this trend is because more people are coming out. Especially in white America. So like with anything. Its easier to get support once someone who was appose to it. Realize they have family and friends who are gay. Black America is heavily religious and we don't see those same type of numbers of people coming out.


Mar 18, 2013
Its not that they are richer per say. Its just they have more disposable money because some don't want kids or never had kids. Same would happen if you are straight with a good paying job with no kids. You simply have more flexibility.

The reason we more of this trend is because more people are coming out. Especially in white America. So like with anything. Its easier to get support once someone who was appose to it. Realize they have family and friends who are gay. Black America is heavily religious and we don't see those same type of numbers of people coming out.

*yawn* this is just as retarded


Mar 18, 2013
For the final time,

Racism = 500 years of colonization, slavery, and class subjugation, a slanted justice system, and a caste system that exists to this day to prevent Black kids equal opportunities from birth to get good health care, jobs, education, and a fair shot if they ever hit the justice system

Homophobia = A disagreement about a lifestyle and an individuals sexual preference.

BIG difference.

Until gay people build the richest country in the history of the world only to be denied the opportunity to experience it's wealth for itself.

Then it is nothing.

And also, why do people keep acting like Civil Rights was about being "accepted"? Since when was Malcolm X and the Black Panthers asking White people to "accept us"?

It was about White people PAYING for the sins of their forefathers who had cheated Black people out of hundreds of years of building this country into the richest country in the world.


Fukkk a crakkka.

I don't need their acceptance.

Give me what you owe me. The whole 40 acres and a mule you were supposed to give my great, great granddaddy and you can go fukk yourselves.

Yup, because according to the the "It Gets Better" crew, fat kids who wanna commit suicide aren't important.

So now only gay people get disowned?

People get disowned for premarital sex, drinking alcohol, drugs, not going to the college of their parents choice, getting tatted up, dropping out of school, etc. .

It depends on the family and their value system. If you come from a hardcore Christian/Muslim/Jewish family, damn near anything could get you disowned.

And kids kill themselves today because they are WEAK. Softened up by a society that panders to them from the day they are born and fills their head with this bullshyt mentality that the world owes them something and the minute that the world doesn't accept them for WHATEVER reason, they give up and quit.

That's not specific to gays. You got that going on all over this p*ssy ass generation of kids pumped full of antidepressants.

1: Homophobia is not a disagreement. It is hatred, pure and simple. Fear of the unknown turns to hatred. Homophobic people either hate or fear gays, plain and simple.(fear as in they think they will be turned gay :rudy:)

2: U tried to make a point and sound smart, and ended up tripping and falling on ur face. Malcom X had NOTHING to do with the civil rights movement. He saw it as begging for scraps at the white mans table.

The civil rights movement was about asking for equal rights and not to be treated like shyt WHICH IS EXACLTY WHAT GAYS ARE LOOKING FOR.

3: alot of people get disowned but most get disowned for making bad choices. An alcoholic, a criminal, a crackhead, they get disowned for making bad choices. A gay kid has no choice in becoming gay. They are just born gay. Why is it ok to beat up and verbally abuse somebody for something they have no choice in? Alot of ya operate under the assumption that people choose to start wearing assless chaps and start having sex with other men. Its not a choice as any feminine 5 year old boy is evidence of.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
This post is way too retarded.

Like cmon man you're crossing the line

Its not that they are richer per say. Its just they have more disposable money because some don't want kids or never had kids. Same would happen if you are straight with a good paying job with no kids. You simply have more flexibility.

The reason we more of this trend is because more people are coming out. Especially in white America. So like with anything. Its easier to get support once someone who was appose to it. Realize they have family and friends who are gay. Black America is heavily religious and we don't see those same type of numbers of people coming out.

Gay People More Financially Secure Despite Unique Barriers: Study

The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is in better financial health than the rest of the country on average, a recent study found.

Not only do gay people earn more than the average American does, gay people are more likely to be employed, they have more money in savings and they are better at managing debt, according to a Nov. 14 survey of more than 1,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people by Prudential

1: Homophobia is not a disagreement. It is hatred, pure and simple. Fear of the unknown turns to hatred. Homophobic people either hate or fear gays, plain and simple.(fear as in they think they will be turned gay :rudy:)

2: U tried to make a point and sound smart, and ended up tripping and falling on ur face. Malcom X had NOTHING to do with the civil rights movement. He saw it as begging for scraps at the white mans table.

The civil rights movement was about asking for equal rights and not to be treated like shyt WHICH IS EXACLTY WHAT GAYS ARE LOOKING FOR.

3: alot of people get disowned but most get disowned for making bad choices. An alcoholic, a criminal, a crackhead, they get disowned for making bad choices. A gay kid has no choice in becoming gay. They are just born gay. Why is it ok to beat up and verbally abuse somebody for something they have no choice in? Alot of ya operate under the assumption that people choose to start wearing assless chaps and start having sex with other men. Its not a choice as any feminine 5 year old boy is evidence of.

1. All homophobes (according to liberals) don't hate gay people. According to you guys, making a politically incorrect joke makes you a homophobe. People who don't even think about gays get labeled as homophobes because they refuse to adopt a speech code or go out of their way to be accepting of gays.

Still, like I said racism isn't about hatred as much as it is about a slave economy that is the foundation for Western Civilization based on the blood of Africans and the land of Africa. That doesn't compare to just being "hated" or "discriminated against". They're different things.

2. You know what I meant when I talked about the Civil Rights Era. Don't fukking play semantics with me. "Equal Rights" meant making up financial and legal differences between White and Black. White people had racked up a huge financial advantage over Black people for 400 years and slanted the legal system against us. That is not about "hatred" or "not being accepted". That is about the fall out from slavery and colonization PLAIN & SIMPLE. Gay people make more money than straight people do BECAUSE you can't slant the legal or financial system against them. NOt having society subsidize your marriage is not the same thing as having people enslave you, your children, your grandchildren, and then treat your great grandkids and their kids like shyt for 400 years.

3. Sex addiction, alcoholism and drug addiction are DISEASES classified as such. People don't choose to be alcoholics and drug addicts anymore than they choose to be gay. People DO choose to drink, do drugs, and put a dikk up their asses though, which is why they're a hell of a lot closer to each other than race and sexual preference are.


Mar 18, 2013
Gay People More Financially Secure Despite Unique Barriers: Study

The gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is in better financial health than the rest of the country on average, a recent study found.

Not only do gay people earn more than the average American does, gay people are more likely to be employed, they have more money in savings and they are better at managing debt, according to a Nov. 14 survey of more than 1,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people by Prudential

1. All homophobes (according to liberals) don't hate gay people. According to you guys, making a politically incorrect joke makes you a homophobe. People who don't even think about gays get labeled as homophobes because they refuse to adopt a speech code or go out of their way to be accepting of gays.

Still, like I said racism isn't about hatred as much as it is about a slave economy that is the foundation for Western Civilization based on the blood of Africans and the land of Africa. That doesn't compare to just being "hated" or "discriminated against". They're different things.

2. You know what I meant when I talked about the Civil Rights Era. Don't fukking play semantics with me. "Equal Rights" meant making up financial and legal differences between White and Black. White people had racked up a huge financial advantage over Black people for 400 years and slanted the legal system against us. That is not about "hatred" or "not being accepted". That is about the fall out from slavery and colonization PLAIN & SIMPLE. Gay people make more money than straight people do BECAUSE you can't slant the legal or financial system against them. NOt having society subsidize your marriage is not the same thing as having people enslave you, your children, your grandchildren, and then treat your great grandkids and their kids like shyt for 400 years.

3. Sex addiction, alcoholism and drug addiction are DISEASES classified as such. People don't choose to be alcoholics and drug addicts anymore than they choose to be gay. People DO choose to drink, do drugs, and put a dikk up their asses though, which is why they're a hell of a lot closer to each other than race and sexual preference are.

1 this post is really stupid

2 The "gay community" is financially better off because gays who feel comfortable enough to come out of the closet are usually coming out of affluent white collar communities. Thats common sense.