Retired troll
The first time i spoke about these things ever was here on the Coli, a post i made on Christmas day about 5 years ago. i have alluded to stuff since then but today ill take the time to explain it all. Everything i will say to you is true, it is my life up until this very day. Whatever you think as a result is up to you but i pray everyone reading ultimately picks up on the message i believe my life is being used to share. Things to bear in mind tho.
- This is a very long read, so i have spoilered it. Read it all if you can be bothered, i know how people on the coli don't like reading but i'm deliberately leaving in as many details as i can so it will be long.
- The names of individuals will be changed, i don't know who is on the coli and i don't know who is watching. No details will be given on places as well. I am from London tho, that's all your gonna really get.
- I started typing it up and it was taking long, i need to sleep. so im gonna do it in parts. Just keeping watching this thread, ill continue in the posts i make.
I'm 26 years old and been going through, battling, experiencing, seeing things almost my whole life. I've seen and felt demonic spirits, angels and encountered witches and satanists. Things follow me, no matter where i go i find myself in these situations. Started to realise almost everyone i have ever met and everywhere i have been hasn't been coincidental, i don't believe in coincidences. I don't quite understand why but i know there is something i'm supposed to do, there must be a reason Lucifer is so concerned with me, why they don't just leave me alone and hopefully posting this here is the start of whatever that thing is. Everything i will say isn't for a fun ghost story or for my benefit but all so you understand that the spiritual is real, it is more real than everything we can see and feel, the world as we know it as a lie, a beautiful illusion to distract us from the truth, the truth that heaven and hell is real, so is Lucifer and so is God. God is rel and he is Jesus Christ.
The very very first thing i remember was something that occurred when i was about 5 maybe just turned 6. I was very young and knew nothing about what i know now, didn't understand what was even happening for the early stages and then i did know but was just in denial for a much longer time, but in hindsight this incident is telling. Its evidence that they knew me, the demons from a very young age, or at least they were watching me. I was about 5 i believe and it was late and was coming home from going out somewhere with my mum and one of her friends. I was sat in the back seat, my mum was driving and her friend was in the passenger seat, must have been like half 10 or 11pm it was really late and we turned onto my road, as my mum went to park a car drove past us going the opposite way and as it did the driver turned towards us staring as he drove past, his eyes tho were completely white, no pupils and i remember just feeling fear as soon as i saw him. My mum and her friend both saw it and were immediately like whoa what was that to each other then just moved on. I also didn't pay much mind to it at the time, but every once in a while up until today i remember it, and its still very very vivid whenever i do and years later i learned how big that moment was. I know now that was for me, the driver of that car was possessed and the demon recognized me but moving on...
So after that things progressed slowly, for the first couple of years i would became aware of these beings being there whenever i was alone, i could feel them there. Cant explain to you how you know something is there without seeing it but that's how it was for the first couple of years, all i got was a strong sense of fear whenever they were there. You know when your so scared you feel your about to throw up, that's how these things made me feel. Its also as if i knew where they were when they did appear, i would stare at certain places in the room, like the same way cats and dogs just stare and babies. I would get this strong sense of fear throughout my body that would hit me like a wave, like when you visit a really hot country and step off the plane for the first time the heat hits you like a wave, that's how the fear hit. I would also hear my name being called very audibly in my mums voice, sometimes even when my mum wasn't in he house and i was home alone. It would get me every single time, i would run to my mum and be like yea, and she'd say i never called you or the times she wasn't there i would get up and run to the kitchen or her room and then get there and not see her, then i'd remember actually she went out i'm home alone. I'd also put these things down to me being paranoid or my mind playing tricks on me. I'd also see things tho, I used to see figures from the corner of my eye, I'd be in a room on my own and i'd see a black figure appear from the corner of the my eye, i could never make out any facial details but it was a clear human like silhouette but just completely black. I'd see it appear in the corner of the room and as i turned to look at it it would always disappear. The silhouette would always also come with that fear. I would also just get small glimpses of things, this still continues to this very day, it has happened as i was typing everything i have typed so far. Imagine there is like a huge sheet in front of you, like a room partition and there were people on the other side of that sheet just walking around doing there business but you couldn't see any of that because you can't see through the sheet. Now imagine there are now small rips in the sheet, a few long narrow rips in that sheet. Every time someone walked past that rip you would get a glimpse of them as they did, just a glimpse. Well that's what i see every single day. Its like that Sheet is a veil placed over our eyes and behind that sheet is the spiritual, and we can't see the spiritual because that sheet acts as a partition to stop us from viewing whats on the other side. Well my sheet seems to have rips in it so i see things. In rooms, when walking down the street i will get a small glimpse of something, ll see things move. Only ever lasts for a second so its like something is just walking past that rip in the sheet but sometimes even for that second it is vivid, i can clearly see something and then it disappears. This doesn't scare me anymore, i'm used to it now it happens every single day but back then when i was young i was scared, but again would put it down to my mind playing tricks on me.
Those things were everyday occurrences almost from the age of 6/7 till 14/15 but during those periods there were also incidents that happened that i didn't understand the significance of till many years later. When i was about 8 i was walking home after being sent to the shops by my mum, the council had started renovating some houses near where we lived months before and they had just finished. As i walked past these newly built houses i saw there was a logo they had placed on the newly renovated buildings, It was a crest and I was INSTANTLY hit with fear the second i saw that crest and that fear would hit me every time i looked at that thing for a year, the first time i looked at it was bad though, fear hit me baaad. Even after i stopped feeling the fear i would still hate it because i remembered the feeling. I never knew why i was scared at the time but years later and many experiences later i started reading up on satanism, witchcraft and the occult, decided that i had to make sure i knew my enemy, and instantly recognized that the crest had a couple satanic symbols on it. Explains the fear as a kid even tho at the time i had no idea why. There was also another weird incident i remember so vividly also when i was 8. I walked into my mums room and saw what looked like a HUGE spider but it had way more than 8 legs, it was a huge spider looking thing with maybe about 20 legs and big blue eyes and as i walked in he room it ran under my mums bed. I ran out the room and told my mum. She went in there and looked around but never saw it. It was like it disappeared and as i said it was HUGE, something that big couldn't just disappear. Recently i have debated with the thought that it was actually a demonic vision, i have never seen anything like it and can't explain how we couldn't find it anywhere in the room after, There wasn't anywhere for something that big to go.
When i was 8 i think the most significant moment in my life happened. Probably the reason for all of this, came into my mums room and she was listening to a cassette recording of someone talking about a vision of Hell. I sat down and decided to listen, by the end of the cassette i had tears rolling down my face and i told my mum i wanted to give my life to Jesus Christ. This was at 8 years old, and even then in the moment i meant it 100%. My mum told me about the sinners prayer and i sat there and i said the prayer and asked Jesus to be my lord and savior at 8 years old. I was a kid tho so the next day i completely forgot about that and went back to being a kid, but i know now he acknowledged that. My mum has always been a great cook, when i was 9 even started selling her cooking to other family members, aunties and uncles would come over having made orders earlier, she would have spent the day cooking and they would come pick up the food and pay her. Well one of my aunts friends visiting my aunt tasted the food my mum cooked, and told some guy she knew who was opening up a bar/club. He also ran a restaurant from it during the day and hired my mum to cook. During the school holidays when i was 9 i spent every single day there, there was a pool table at the back and the guy who owned the place would also open it up for me so i could play pool for free. Well some kid somehow turned up in this place one day. He was a year younger than me, can't remember where he was from, it was somewhere in south america and we started talking, played a game of pool and from then on he'd always come in, everyday. Got to the point where my mum knew him and so did the guy who owned the place, he'd let us take cokes from the fridge behind the bar and we'd just chill and play pool After a couple weeks of him coming in he told me he lived round the corner and said i should come chill at his house. Told my mum, she said it was kl so we walked over to his house. We got to his house, he had a key and opened the door and the second i stepped foot in that house that fear hit me like a wave of heat. I had no idea why i was scared, the front door opened up to a narrow hallway where there was another door right at the end. I stood there for a second just fear gripping me then i shut the door behind me and followed him to the end of the hall. We walked through the door which opened up into the living and immediately in the centre left of the room i saw a table with two chairs on either side of it, on the table was a crystal ball and set up on the table were tarot cards. The fear hit me again like a wave as soon as i saw that set up. There was also a huge bookshelf against the wall on the left of the room filled with books, i wonder now would sort of books were there. Again i stood there for a second in fear staring at that set up but not knowing why it scared me so much, i was only 9. Then from the right of the room a door opens and in walks this woman who turned out to be his mum, she looks at me and doesn't even say hello, doesn't ask my name or nothing she just immediately points to the table and says sit down let me tell your future. I looked at her and said no i'm alright and walked right past her into his garden. I felt so uneasy around this woman, a strong feeling of mistrust. Its another feeling i'd have many many more times. I didn't understand why i was scared but i knew it had something to do with the crystal ball and tarot cards, so i was not gonna sit down anywhere near them. I chilled with him in his garden for a couple of hours then went back to the place my mum was working and i never went back to his house again. Fortune telling when done for real is demonic, forget the con artists but the fortune tellers and tarot card readers that actually are on the ting do it by consulting demonic spirits. Its the demons that pick out the cards and tell the fortune teller what to say to you. They will then from that moment on follow you cause simply by getting your fortune told you have opened a door to the demonic. They will follow you and engineer situations in your life trying to make whatever they told you will happen actually happen so you think the fortune teller actually knew your future and it plants a seed in you where you might visit them again and again each time opening the demonic door to you a little more.
The only thing wrong I see here is your beliefs in the Holy Ghost & Jesus.
You admit that that churches/pastors are involved with demons in order to perform spells/incantations to deceive people. People fall asleep during sermons. Don’t even read the Bible & are blind to demonic activities.
You must realize at the core of Christianity something is off right?
You believe in God , yet you call on a man?