Gather round, I have a story to tell.....


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015



Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Alright so lets continue......

So after that incident with the kid and his fortune telling mum, and the demonic presences that must have been in that house hence the fear i felt, nothing much happened for a long time except the usual normal things, the black shadow figures i'd see, hearing my name being called and the senses of fear i'd get. Knowing what i know now im just very sensitive to the spirit, as you will read evidence of as i continue telling you these things. I seem to not only know things are spiritual dangerous before i even consciously have a clue but i feel the same in places. I'd get these same feelings of fear and just bad discomfort when im in a place or around somewhere where there has been some sort of demonic or witchcraft activity. The story with the kid was the first example of that, i felt it as soon as i stepped through the door and all i could see was this hallway and the door at the other end but as soon as both feet stepped into that house, that fear hit me, i had a feeling of discomfort inside me. That was also happening during these times when i was young but again i didn't quite know what it was. I had a friend that lived round the corner from my house, we were both Ugandan and his mum and my mum were friends for years so obviously i used to go round there to chill a lot. They used to go to some Catholic Church tho on Sunday's like five minutes walk from where we all lived, i went with them maybe two or three times but every single time i stepped foot in that church it was the exact same feeling as that kids house. A wave of fear and huge discomfort, i couldn't sit still it was bad. That continues until today, there's a similar incident that happened much later in life. I cannot step into a catholic church without having this feeling and catholic churches are probably where i have this feeling the worst. It has never died down, whatever catholic church i enter i'm hit with these feelings. I have always hated Catholic Churches as a result, i know now how the catholic church is demonic, just pagan and occult teachings mixed in with and packaged as a blend of Christianity and the Pope himself is a satanist, i didn't know any of that at the time tho i just knew it produced that reaction in me. I am convinced a lot of satanic rituals take place in the basements of catholic churches.

It isn't just places tho, i get these feelings with people as well. A lot times, especially as i got older and still these days, i can just catch eye contact with someone and immediately know, i'll get that feeling within me and i'll just know exactly what this person is involved in, whether they are involved in witchcraft or satanism. That though depends heavily on how i'm living my life, i'm not perfect so if i'm living in sin that doesn't happen often. The times when i'm not in sin and i'm walking strong and in the word it is strong, ill instantly recognise witches and satanists on the street, ill recognise people who are demonically possessed and they also ALWAYS recognise me. It leads to weird moments man, Whenever i feel it and look at them they are always already looking right back at me, with similar expressions on their face of shock and amazement. Its like they know i know. The demonically possessed are worse, the demons in them expose themselves whenever i notice them, with them it isn't just the feeling but its their eyes. The eyes are the gateway to the soul so it makes sense these things with people always happen with eye contact. The eyes turning white with no pupils is something i have seen many many times when encountering someone who is possessed, all will be explained in order of the story. The demons a lot of times also can't keep their mouths shut, they will scream at me, shout abuse at me and threaten me, this has happened so many times in shops, walking down the road, at my last job. Other people there can never understand whats going on but i always know, as soon as i catch eye contact the feeling hits me and then the demon within the person will react. I mention this now because the first time it happened was also when i was around this age, 9 or 10. I was walking home, i can't remember where i was coming from because it was quite late and as i was walking down the road there are three people walking towards me. Some goth tattooed up cacs dressed in black, the one i notice tho is the one closest to me. He was bald wearing a black vest and black shorts, tattoos all over his arms and legs. Symbolic tattoos that i didn't recognise at the time. Again this is a very vivid memory which is how i know its a significant one, but i feel that fear and unease as i'm getting closer and i look at his tattoos and they are making me feel uncomfortable. As i look up at his face he is staring right at me with a weird look on his face. Like a mix of anger and surprise and i'm now just staring at him cause the feeling intensified as i made eye contact, he stares at me up until the very point i pass him. It was weird and its still a very vivid memory. That feeling with people though also happened in churches, its why i don't trust churches at all. Many times i'd be hit with the same feeling as soon as i saw a pastor. My mum would take me to church on Sundays, black Pentecostal Christian churches and i'd see the pastor and it would hit me. It would then always be these pastors going around with 'holy ghost' power touching people and they fall on the floor shaking about, looking like seizures and demonic possession. I'd be in churches where the pastor has touched people on the head and now they are laughing uncontrollably and the whole church is praising the power of the holy spirit and i just feel absolutely horrible inside. The same feeling as that kids house, as seeing that guy, the same feeling when i felt the presences and saw the shadow figures. The same feelings of mistrust when i saw the pastor, and a couple times i'd be motioned to go to the front, when he touched me tho that feeling in me would intensify and i would never fall over, never flap around, nothing would ever happen. That confused a couple pastors, i could see a couple of them looking at me weird, a couple of them would grab me harder, always speaking in tongues also, they would end up almost squeezing my head trying to get me to fall over or something and nothing would happen and then they would give up. The thing is none of this is in the bible, no where in the bible did someone pray over someone or touch someone and they began laughing in hysterics, so why do Christians believe this is of God. Google Kundalini spirit and you will see the same thing going on in Hindu services. The call it a primal form of 'energy' that results in spiritual 'awakening' and 'enlightenment'. A load of occult and satanic wording there. All the Hindu Gods are simply demons in disguise. In their rituals they honour demons unawares. Witches do the exact same thing, display the exact same behaviour. My question is if this behaviour occurs in the realm of the satanic, and it is no where observed in the bible, then what evidence do we have to believe it is from God? If it isn't from the bible then where it is from? Christians don't ask these questions because all you have to do is attach the name of Jesus to something and Christians will foolishly buy into it. The bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. I in later life have sat in churches and heard pastors preach things I've read in satanic and occult books, what they are saying isn't in the bible? I've heard pastors teach messages about opening your spiritual 'eye' in the centre of your forehead. Sounds a lot like your third eye, the bible doesn't teach that but foolish Christians just buy into all of it because before he started he cherry picked some biblical verse and said that and then said amen and praise Jesus two or three times, so now the church will believe everything he says. Study Satanism, the occult and witchcraft and then go into a Christian bookstore and buy the 5 most popular books in there (excluding bibles). When you will read you will notice a lot of things in them you wont find in the bible, but you will recognise from what i told you to study. Lucifer has fully infiltrated the church, and he has placed his agents within the church. A lot of these pastors also just make the mistake of craving to have some sort of spiritual power, and to be able to perform miracles to show everyone they are a big man of God, that gives Satan an opportunity to deceive.

Anyway i am now about 14/15 and from the years 9/10 to 14/15 it had just been the usual until one particular day. I was at my mums house but was standing outside my grandmas room who was living there with us by this time. She ain't really my grandma shes my mums aunt but we call her grandma. So anyway I'm stood in the hallway just outside the door, my mum, little sister and grandma are inside the room watching the TV, as i'm stood in the hallway i see from the corner of my eye a black figure again appear right at the other end of the hallway in front of the door to my mums room. Remember whenever i used to see these black shadow figures i would turn to look at them and they'd be gone. So this time i tried to look at it without turning my head, basically just moving my eyes and tried to focus on it from the corner of my eye, thinking let me try to finally see what this thing is. As soon as i do that my entire body starts to violently shake and i begin shivering loudly. My arms are stretched out and i can't move its just this involuntary violent shaking. Im trying to turn my head now so i can look down the hallway at it but i i'm struggling its like i'm paralysed. It was like i was having a seizure standing up. I finally manage to turn my head to face the other end of the hall after about 30 seconds of just violently shaking and immediately its gone and everything stops, i can move and i'm no longer shaking or shivering. No one noticed a thing tho, and it wasn't like their backs were turned to me, they were sat horizontally to me so surely they should have seen me from the side, i was shaking violently and shivering loudly but no one noticed a thing, their eyes never moved from the TV. I was scared but never mentioned it to anyone, even till this day I've never brought that up to them. That was the first actual physical experience, they'd be more tho.
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Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Soon after that i moved out of my mums house to live with my Dad. Parents are separated and my Dad had always wanted me to live with him for years, finally my mum agreed so at age 15 i switched schools and went to live with my dad. After the incident where i was violently shaking i started to take things more seriously, well slightly more seriously. I moved away from constantly telling myself i was just imagining it and started to consider the possibility that this was demonic. I still wasn't going to tell anyone tho, i thought who could i tell, i knew exactly how i'd look, people would think i'm insane and tbh i just wasn't comfortable telling people. To this day i can't really tell people in person. The vast majority of my friends and family have absolutely no idea, and the ones that do know don't know in full detail, like i said the first time i actually detailed anything was a post i made right here on the coli Christmas day 2013 and certain things happened that lead me to posting it, but i will get into that later. This thread right here is the most detail i will have ever gone into concerning it ever before. It is usually the holy spirit that moves me to tell people. Unless i feel a strong urge within me to tell someone, i can never ever open up to people about it and its significant because every time i have opened up and told someone it has been for good reason, they always had something to tell me or it lead to something happening. There are no coincidences. But anyway at this point at 15 i was 50/50 with dismissing everything and doubting my sanity and actually considering that this might be real, the thing that confused me was if this was indeed happening then why was it happening to me? I began praying every night against the works of the enemy. I made sure every single day to pray for all plans Lucifer may have for that night to be frustrated and destroyed and made that prayer every single day for YEARS constantly, never went a day for about the next 4 years without making that prayer. So I moved in with my Dad and we lived in that flat for 3 years before we moved and living in that flat was one of the worst periods of my life. Demonic presences were overwhelming in that place, i had friends come over and say the flat felt weird and spooky. This is again friends that knew absolutely nothing of my experiences, and knew nothing of the things that would happen to me in that house.

My Dad used to work really bad shifts, so he'd leave home at about 3am in the morning and not come back till about 7pm earliest on weekdays except Fridays were a lot of times he wouldn't come back at all. We lived there for three years and EVER SINGLE DAY for three years i woke up at 4am on the dot. It didn't matter if i went to bed at 8pm or 2am, i would wake up at 4am on the dot, i would be completely alone in the flat when i awoke and i would wake up to the most intense feelings of these demonic beings, the most intense feeling of fear. I knew they were there and they were the reason i kept waking up at 4am on the dot. There was a digital clock right by my bedside and it would be the first thing i saw every time when i woke up, i'd see the time 4am every single time, for the entire three years we lived there. Sometimes it would be so intense i had to get out the room, i couldn't stay inside the room i would go and stand in the hallway. As soon as i stepped in the room that fear was incredible, i would be looking around expecting to see something just pop up any second, i was expecting something to manifest any second it was horrible. I'd have to leave the room and stand in the hallway and go into prayer before slowly going back into the room. It would always be a while before i felt at ease, before they would leave and i could go back to sleep. There were days where i had to leave the house entirely, i couldn't be in the house i had to get out and i'd be outside the house praying outside before i could go back in. I didn't know what it was about that place, maybe the people that lived there before were into serious satanism, maybe they were just turning the heat up on me at this stage of my life. I found out later that not long before we moved there someone had committed suicide by jumping off the roof of the building. A girl who lived in the building went all the way to roof of the building and jumped off, killing herself. No one knew why she did it, maybe that was somehow related., maybe she lived in our flat before? I don't know but things really did intensify. Not only was there the waking up 4am every day but there were a couple of significant incidents.

Firstly it was in this flat that sleep paralysis began, that lasted for years. At one point it was almost every day, now it is very very rare. The first time i woke up, again at 4am but this time i was paralysed, i couldn't move and i could feel them. Never been so scared as that moment, even though even worse things happened to me after this, but that moment right there was the most scared I've ever been. I could feel them and i couldn't move, i couldn't leave the room like i would usually do, i couldn't speak so i couldn't pray like i usually would. I felt like ok now they about to fully appear so i closed my eyes and just kept repeating Jesus Christ over and over again in my head and within a couple seconds i could move, the sleep paralysis ended and the feeling of fear disappeared. I was so shock though i couldn't get back to sleep. The next day the exact same thing happened, i woke up again 4am, again my Dads gone i'm completely alone, again the fear hits me like a wave and again i am completely paralysed but this time i saw a hand come up from under my bed and it grabbed my foot. The second the hand grabbed me the fear was on a next level. Fear almost like a physical thing, like i can feel fear throughout my whole body. Fear was more than just an emotion it was a physical thing i could feel, i could have had a heart attack right there. I then blinked and when i opened my eyes after that millisecond of blinking everything had gone, the paralysis, the hand it had all gone i could move and talk, it was as if i woke up from a dream but the fear was still there. I dismissed it in the end as just being a dream but I could still feel the touch though on my foot, it gripped my foot hard and i could still feel where it had grabbed me, that was one thing i couldn't explain. There was still pressure on my foot right where it had gripped me. From then on sleep paralysis started to occur almost every single day for the next like 2 years while i lived there, always accompanied with that fear. Still waking up 4am on the dot every single day to that fear but now with sleep paralysis packaged in. I would immediately call on Jesus Christ in my mind and that would end everything almost instantly but it kept happening still, the next day it would happen again. There was a day, a particular Friday where my dad hadn't come back, it was around 10 and i'm in the bathroom having a bath before going to bed. As i am sat there in the bath the fear hits me and in my head i'm like something is here, i sat there in the bath completely still now, just looking around this small bathroom, at the same time i'm thinking something is here though i'm also telling myself how crazy i am for thinking this. As im looking around the bathroom the toilet roll which was on top of the heater grabs my attention, i'm now watching it not taking my eyes off it expecting something to happen, i know something is about to happen and sure enough it moves, it slides a few inches across the top of the heater by itself. I knew that was gonna happen, i knew it was going to move before it did. That was the first time something like that happened but it wouldn't be the last, which i will go into. Something weird and paranormal would happen but i would know its going to happen before it does, i'd be just sitting there waiting for it to happen. I got straight out that bathroom, could still feel the presence of a being in my room so i went into prayer again and after a while everything went and the fear disappeared. I refused to allow myself to think on that toilet roll moving though. Whenever i did i'd just say to myself nope, that didn't happen, i either imagined that or it was an illusion but it never moved i'm just going mad. That's what i told myself, i had to stay in that flat by myself the majority of the time so whatever i needed to say to make it easier i said. It is a madness being shock to be in your own house.

It was then after these incidents i started to get a strong feeling, like a word from God telling me if the demons couldn't get to me they would start to attack a family member. Bare in mind i was fighting off these paralysis episodes everyday by repeating the name Jesus Christ in my head whenever i woke up at 4am. I then after a couple weeks of this thought in the back of my mind i get a phone call from grandma at my mums house. My mum had gone on holiday so it was just her and my little sister in the house. My little sister had moved into my old room, which was significant because something had happened in that room that i was not aware of but came to find out years later, again ill get into that at the appropriate time. Any she tells me the night before in the middle of the night my little sister wakes up screaming her head off, grandma is woken up by her screaming and runs in the room. She tries to calm her down but my little sister is acting like she doesn't recognise her and is just screaming. Grandma then picks up her phone and rings my mums friend, the other Uganda women who lived round the corner and she sends her daughter to come round and see whats going on. They then ring an ambulance but by the time the ambulance comes round my little sister has calmed down and is now back to her senses but still wasn't talking and looked scared. After a little while she was fully ok but didn't know what happened, she didn't remember anything about it. I've tried a couple times since then to ask her about it but she says she doesn't remember anything about what happened. When grandma was telling me what happened over the phone she put it down to a nightmare but i kept thinking about that message, that nagging thought i had been having in the back of my mind that if they couldn't get to me they would attack a family member. Again that was the first time but wouldn't be the last i'd have a thought like that come warning me of a future event which would then go on to happen. After that day i added asking for protection for my friends and family to the prayer i was making every day about frustrating the plans of Lucifer.

Everything i was experiencing in that house continued, again it became the norm, the waking up, the fear, the sleep paralysis, the fighting it off in the name of Jesus. It was almost an every day day routine now. Two years into staying in that place though, when i was 17 i had two very similar experiences. The first one i was again home alone sitting watching the TV, i was watching a show on ITV called bad girls, i never ever watched that show but on that day i couldn't find anything to watch so it was on. The fear then suddenly hit me and i could feel again a presence in the room. It was strong so i left the room and was stood in the hallway, i couldn't bare to be inside the room. I blinked and all of a sudden i felt like i was in a dream, i dunno how to explain it but when i'm dreaming it doesn't feel normal, its like my head feels hazy and everything moves a bit slower. Its almost like being slightly tipsy or a bit high. Anyway I was saying the name Jesus out aloud looking around the room trying get rid of this presence when i blinked and i was in this dream sort of state. I watched the programme i was watching bad girls end and a set of commercials come on, like four or five commercials. I blinked again and everything was normal, dream state gone even fear gone but the programme bad girls was back on to where i had left it before i felt in this dream state. I watched the show end and the same set of commercials happen one after another just like i had seen it. This was not Deja vu, see Deja vu is when you have a strong feeling of having been somewhere or seen something before. It wasn't i feeling, i had actually SEEN everything that just played out play out a couple seconds before. I was baffed by again i was like na, it could have been a mistake with ITV, they could have messed up. Except it happened again even more significantly later. Started with the exact same thing, the fear and me heading out the room into the hallway cause it was so strong, could still see the TV through the hallway and again i'm saying the name Jesus Christ aloud and again i blink and i'm in this sort of dream state. I was watching some comedy panel show, it wasn't that funny a comedian called Jack Whitehall was on it and i remember him cause of how much i hate him as a comedian. Anyway as i blink and it gets all dreamy i'm now watching a news report announcing Michael Jackson's death. I blink and im back on this panel show, and just like before everything has gone now, the dreamy feeling, the fear and feeling of a demonic presence its all gone. I grab the remote and turn to BBC news and guess what? Michael Jackson is dead. That got me shook, i was scared the second i saw that on BBC news. That i could not explain at all, it was almost like they were saying to me well explain this one considering that with the bad girls one i was saying to myself it could have just been a mistake with the TV station. With this one i had to grab the remote and change the channel. I couldn't not explain what had happened. Again not Deja Vu because i SAW the news report with my own eyes on the TV, then i turned the channel and it was there. That dream/vision state would happen again later, in ever worse circumstances.
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Oct 30, 2017
You need help. Them pastors can see the demons in you man. This is not the place to seek help for this kind of stuff


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
If everything op wrote is true good thing he did in accepting God.

You know, sometimes these threds pop up here and soon it is filled with atheists n trolls and shyts got derailed. However, this is a serious matter that unfortunately few people have the knowledge and the necessary enlightenment to deal with.

Understand that fears and afflictions become more real as we listen to the devil, these evil forces affect people in such a way that they end up losing their sanity by simply seeing and hearing things that our mind is not yet ready to contemplate. Therefore we must be alert and ask God to send His angels for protection every day all the time, because only they have the power to fight it.

Never ask fortune tellers about future or mediums to talk to spirits, they're not what you think they are. The spiritual world sure is scary and i advise anyone not to mess with it, a place where no human being is welcome or allowed to be...


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
You need help. Them pastors can see the demons in you man. This is not the place to seek help for this kind of stuff

The first and only time i will deviate from posting my story to reply to a post in this thread

I am not here seeking help, i don't need help, i am telling my story in order to help you. There are no demons in me, the only thing that dwells within me is the holy spirit, it is me who could sense the demonic power these pastors were using to perform their miracles.
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Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
@JOHN.KOOL can you edit it and put paragraphs in the spoilers.

I read it all and its worth reading but those "great walls of text" will make people too lazy to read.

Also edit the OP and put the whole story in the main post.

Some of us want to read it all but dont want to go through pages and pages trying to find your updates.

Maybe add pawg in the title? Lol just kidding.
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