this is obviously a cry for help. you need to learn to summarize and get to the point. that's a skill that'll help you in life. your justification for this behavior is ludicrous. you are right. i dont have to read this sh1t. but when u keep updating and it keeps showing up on the first page of "The Ladies Room" its a problem. you might be better off wrting all this in ur diary. in there, u can type all the titangraphs u wish.
Does it hurt your eyes when you see it? Does it require enormous amounts of energy to not click on the thread when you don't want to? Never knew it simply appearing on the list among the many other threads in the first page was such a burden.
Once again as I said in the very first original post of this thread. I WILL NOT SUMMARISE because I am leaving in as much detail as possible. The fifth bullet point on the very first post.
You know the name of the thread, so ignore it from now on if you wish, close you eyes quickly whenever you see it if it helps. This is just a sharing of experiences in the hopes somebody anybody reading it may be having similar experiences and not knowing what is happening and it may help them understand, in the hopes it opens some eyes to what is going on around you in this world while your so focused on the trivial, what it isn't is a cry for help, how can any one of you possibly help me?