Gather round, I have a story to tell.....


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Maaan im not tryin to be that guy but the way you write is getting annoying....i really want to see how this plays out but u killing me when you start to talk about something and soon as it gets interesting you say...but ill finish that later...or.. .im a come back to that in the future....fuk all that.. get to the fukking point!!! shyts longer than most short storys and i feel like you're talking in circles without reaching any destination....condense that shyt!!! Like shyt is so spread out and all over the place that when u bring up certain people again ive forgotten them and dont nobody wanna go back and reread a previous long ass post just so they can remember who or what u talking in point: by the time u decide to finish whatever u were saying about carlos ill most likely forget who the fukk he is and what u said about him in the first place...:comeon::comeon::comeon:
Stop trying to be General Mills and wrap this shyt up, B

Events are being told in the order in which they happened. When I stop speaking about something and say I'll come back to it later its because that particular thing ended there and carried on at another point further down the line. Only way I can be sure to remember absolutely everything is to tell it in the order in which it happened

shagnificent belafonte

I am he who lurks...
Sep 9, 2013
Events are being told in the order in which they happened. When I stop speaking about something and say I'll come back to it later its because that particular thing ended there and carried on at another point further down the line. Only way I can be sure to remember absolutely everything is to tell it in the order in which it happened

I see your point....guess im just impatient...

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
:francis: Read this entire thread before bed brahs
Pray the Our Father

Matthew 6:5-13 (KJV) And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
I'm 26 years old and been going through, battling, experiencing, seeing things almost my whole life. I've seen and felt demonic spirits, angels and encountered witches and satanists.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Don't have fear, for when you start to walk righteously. You will have attacks in your sleep, they don't always have to necessarily be spooky or violent, just a lustful dream counts. Just had a false awakening where I realized I'm not truly awake. I was roughed up a bit. Saw my room weirdly dim. Got pulled from my bed to the ground. Saw a portrait of white Jesus aka Cesare Borgia that I don't even have in my room, just hanging aboved my bed. It was just going in and out of sight. What OP faces is on a higher level.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Im working at the phone shop my boy hooked me up with in cambridge, im at uni but still working 5 days a week aswell and that thought keeps bugging me. Every single time i was at work i get this recurring thought, this voice telling me that a witch was gonna come into the store and i'd know her when she does. I told some Nigerian girl i worked with that i kept having this thought but she didn't really say anything. Looking back now im not sure what kind of reaction or response i was expecting from her. Anyway this thought went on for weeks, every time i was at work at some point during the day it would be start bugging me. Then one day this girl walks into the store, i notice her immediately cause she was dressed in all black and she just looked like there was something off about her. She walks to the back of the store and grabs a pair of headphone, at that point one of my work colleagues goes to talk to her, im right at the front at one of the counters so i cant hear what they saying i can just see him talking to her. She ends up walking away and coming straight towards me. She puts the headphones on the counter but she is staring down the whole time, no eye contact she is just staring at the ground. I pick up the headphones scan them in and its at that point i notice shes wearing a necklace with a pentagram on it. I say 'i like your necklace' in an attempt to start a convo about it and she looks up at me for like a spilt second, she finally lifts her eyes away from the ground and looks up at me for a brief second and then looks straight back down, grabs the headphones and throws the money down on the counter and speeds off out the store. The colleague who was talking to her before then comes up to me and asks if i saw her arms, i said no and he said he went to ask if she needed help and she saw her arms, she had cuts going all the way up both arms like she'd been self harming. He asked her what happened and then when she walked away from him and came towards me.

Almost as soon as that was over i thought that was the confirmation of that recurring thought i had been having, i immediately thought there was something off about her when i saw her and then the pentagram necklace and her reaction to me bringing it up felt like confirmation to me, at first. Then another set of thoughts started to bug me, i started to think well what was the point of that then? I had this recurring thought which must have been a warning or a heads up from God, but what was the point if she had just bought some headphones and then ran off. Then i started to think about how cliche she was, a girl dressed in all black wearing a pentagram necklace it was bait, why would i feel that recurring thought for weeks before if it was gonna be that bait. I began to think what if she was a decoy? If this recurring thought was a warning from God, and i assume the warning is because this witch is gonna be sent to me, wouldn't the devil also be aware i was receiving this heads up, and if so wouldn't the logical response be for him to first send in someone to make me believe that was who the warning was about? By the end of that day all those thoughts were going through my mind, but by the time i had finished worked and went to chill at my boys Frank and Nates yard i had forgotten about it all.

Two weeks later then girl walks into the store with her mum, white girl, blonde and really good looking. She goes up to one of my colleagues who is serving at the counter to the left of me, the shop is empty apart from them so im standing there just chatting to another nikka that was there covering from a different store. He tapped me as soon as she walked in and he was watching her hard. My other colleague serving her, and im talking to the other don but hes baitly looking back at her every couple seconds and i notice that shes watching me, i can see from the side of my eye shes looking directly at me and i turn towards her a couple times and each time we catch eyes immediately and she smiles. Shes was nice but i wasn't on tryna talk to her, especially with her mum and and the fact that the other guys in store were all baitly watching her so i pay her no mind. She picks out a phone and then goes she needs all her data transferred over so that colleague goes down to the office to do it, her and her mum leave the store and then a couple minutes later she comes back on her own and is just standing around for time waiting for her phone. All the time shes watching me, every time i looked in her direction she was always already looking right at me but again no matter how good looking she was i didn't feel like talking to her. About 40 mins go bye she still standing around, the other nikka walked up to her and tried talking to her abit, didn't seem to get far the convo last like 2 minutes then he walked back over to the counters. I go downstairs to ask my other colleague whats taking so long, he just says transfer is being long, plus he was going thru all her photos looking for nudes. This guy was gay btw but he always did that, male or female if they dropped the phone in for repair or needed stuff transferred he'd look for nudes, tells me it will be about 5 minutes longer and to let her know. I go up there to tell her and she just smiling the whole time im talking. She ends up getting her new phone and she leaves. A few days later shes back but she comes in with this guy, they walking around the store and she talking to him but keeps turning around to look at me, again i pay her no mind and they both leave. A week later shes back on her own this time, says she needs help with something so two guys start helping her but they both tryna move to her at the same time. Im at the back of the store and again she keeps looking over at me so i walk over there and slowly join the convo, i chat to her for a couple minutes then i go back to doing my thing and she leaves. About 10 minutes later im serving a customer at the counter at the front and she walks back in and interrupts and goes sorry but i forgot to give you this earlier, and hands me a piece of paper with her name and number written on it and she leaves, i save it in my phone and throw the paper away. Had the number for a week but i never texted or rang her and infact the only reason i did cause i was chilling at Franks yard, i had told him about her the day she gave me the number and he asked me if i had texted and i said i hadn't and he kept telling me to do it. I had shown him her profile pic on whats app so kept saying ring her so i did, she was at a party when i rang said she couldn't talk but messaged me as soon as i put the phone down and we started messaging from there.

I ended up talking to this girl everyday for like a month and a half, she was from Cambridge but was actually studying up in London so we never saw each other in the time but used to talk all the time. I wasn't too bothered at first but after a day or two of talking to her i liked her already. We had so much in common immediately, from both loving rap which surprised me, her dad had worked for MI5 for 20 years, was involved in the princess diana case aswell and now worked for the UN, he was based at the hague earning 6 figures. She was a posh sounding white girl so i was shocked when i asked her the first album she ever bought and she said DMX. Her favourite artists at the time was Kendrick Lamar, this was not long after GKMC and Kendrick was mine too. I remember saying on here before that i have only ever met like 3 women in life i could have intelligent non completely trivial conversation with, she was one of them. I spoke to her everyday cause the convo was noting like any girl i'd ever spoken to before, it wasn't the usual, we'd be debating stuff and going from talking about religion to Sigmund Freud, the convo was never dead, she was intelligent and sharp witted. The first time i met up with her was actually on her birthday, she went to some club told me to come so i got nathan to travel down to london with me, we got their mad late and then couldn't get in cause Nathan sparked a zoot across the road before we went in, i took a couple tokes and then when we got to the door bouncer refused entry. I rang her and told her and she dragged all her friends out the club so that we could go somewhere else where they let us in. It was about two days after that tho when talking her that a thought hit me. I remembered the recurring thought about the witch all the time before, and then the girl who i believed was a decoy and thats the first time i thought to myself, what if this girl here now is the witch? That thought then started to bug me. Everything seemed to be tailored made for me, from both loving rap and we had so much other stuff in common, even small stuff like her telling me she always has a film playing on her laptop whenever she goes to sleep, i do the exact same thing, all the convos we had, all the stuff i could to her about. I could literally have a convo with her about anything i thought of, anything that came to mind, any idea or question i had. I thought about her Dad, his career made me suspicious and that thought bugged me so much that day i actually messaged her. I sent her a message saying you know what, im starting to feel like someone has sent you to me. Her response was 'Someone has, but you'll never know' We will call her name Leah.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
Tbh, my ex Leah is the hardest thing for me to talk about, cause to do that I have to own up to things that were foolish and stupid of me, especially considering what I had seen and been through up until that point. I was stupid because there were a lot of signs, alot of warnings, alot of things happened involving here. I should have known, in fact like I said in the last part i suspected already, but I didn't want to admit it, I ignored incident after incident and spent two years in a relationship with this girl just cause I loved her. Till this day I have told nobody about the full scale of things that happened concerning her because im embarrassed by the fact I stayed with her after most of these things. She was the first person I told absolutely everything too, and she didn't flinch or doubt for a second. I've had Christians and Muslims I know react shocked and taken aback but it was nothing to her, that alone should have confirmed to me this was a world she was used to.

Anyway we had been talking for a while, and it was just before we decided to officially be in a relationship I rembreme her Mum walking into the store one day on her own. Same gay colleague served her but I remember her watching me hard the whole time. She never spoke to me tho, just watched me. I didn't even know of that meant anything but I was creeped out by it at the time and it sticks with me vividly. We started dating and it was pretty early on into the relationship I started telling her about the stuff that happens to me, I've said before I can't ever talk to people about this unless I feel a urgent or a push to or I'm just extremely comfortable with talking to them, the later of which never happened except with her. Nothing fazed her, there was no shock or horror she just listened intently and said she believed ever word I was telling her, and it was almost from the very next day stuff started happening. She llwas doing a master's degree and had her accomadation in an expensive area in central London, paid for by the UN because of her Dad, UN were also covering the cost of her master's degree too. It was at her accomadation I ignored the very first obvious signs of something not being right about her, things her room was decorated with. On her desk she had a decent sized Buddah statue, I knew of Buddah statues, as I've said before they are a magnet for demonic presences and activities and Buddah heads and statues are a common feature in the house of the modern witch, the very well educated, very presentable extremely attractive women who from appreances you will never suspect are involved in witchcraft. Like I said at this time I had already had the though of what if the the girl sent to me previously was a decoy and this girl here, Leah was the real witch I had had a feeling for months was gonna walking into my shop and approach me, so the Buddah statue sent another warning siren off in my head when I saw it, but I ignored it, it wasn't the only thing. She had three shelvea on the wall to the right adjacent from the bed, and iyn the top shelf were two framed photos of Owls, again Owls was a warning sign, an occult favourite as anyone who has heard of Bohemian grove would know, Drake loves Owls too on a side note. On the shelf below that was a sleeve for a vinyl record wierdly just hanging there, can't remember what the record was, some old thing I had never heard of, I don't even believe there was an actual vinyl record in the sleeve but on the front of the sleeve on full display as it was hanging there on the middle shelf was a big hexagram. Again I ignored that, all this stuff was constantly in her room as I was there so I ignored it every time I was there and I ended up spending alot of time there. Basically lived with her at a point, I had a toothbrush there, she wanted me to stay round everyday, If I went back home after two days she would starting asking me to stay round again. She asked me to leave clothes at hers so I had alot if clothes at her place, she do my laundry. Another thing I ignored were the set of coloured candels she had in her bathroom. Anyone who knows of witchcraft knows of coloured candels, the different colour candels are used in different types of spells. Alarms bells ringing the first time I see all this stuff but again I'd just ignore it, despite all I knew and had been through, despite the most weird thing about all of this which was, whenever something like this would occur, I would see something or something would happen that would get a warning, a voice going off in my head warning me about her she would instantly know. The minute I'd hear a voice in my head, the second I got a thought about her and how she could very well possibly be a witch she would instantly ask what I was thinking. A couple times she asked, 'does it seem like I'm a witch?' and she'd have that nervous smile on her face whenever she asked. Whenever I had a thought about her and the spiritual she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking the second it crossed my mind and I didn't even have to be in the same room as her, I didn't even have to be anywhere near her. There were a couple times she rang me out of nowhere, alluding to spiritual things that had JUST happened to me or a thought I had JUST had concerning the spiritual, like she knew, already knew in detail what had happened or she knew in detail the thought I had just had despite me being miles away. I ignored all those signs on demonic consultation and more. As I talk about this I will get into these incidents in detail.

Another incident that stuck with me, a small insignia coincidence I'm sure it would seem to all you reading this but again I don't believe in coincidence, and the way these words send a shot of electricity through my whole body left off another alarm bell. I went out with her to some bar in London and we met my boy Mark there, we all jamming talking and he brings up the fact that my whatsapp pic was a pic of her, she had changed my profile photo to a photo of her, and he said as soon as I saw that photo I thought damn she must be a witch to get him to do that. A jolt of electricity went through my whole body as soon as those words left his mouth, it felt like yet another warning, he didn't know what he was saying but God was speaking through him again warning me, but I ignored it again. It was then that the first incidents started to happen. It started to happen on a regular basis, at least once or twice every two week, that we'd be in her room talking and all of a sudden the tap in the bathroom would turn on. We'd hear it straight away because it wouldn't be slightly in, the tap would be turned all the way on suddenly with water gushing out fast. When it first began it happened every other day, and after the second or third time I told her this is because of all my experiences I've told you about. I also suspected a demonic presence was also being facilitated by her Buddah statue and the vinyl sleeve with the huge hexagram on the front but I never actually said that. And it was after that started happenin that she began to tell me about things. Spiritual experiences of her own. She told me how she visited a clairvoyant a couple times, not too often but a couple times over the last few years because of her mother, her mum had been visiting this particular clairvoyant for years, since before she was born on a regular basis and her mum and then also encouraged her to start seeing her so she had gone to this clairvoyant a couple times. She told me of the first visit where the clairvoyant had told her that she was 'favoured' by the spirts and they wanted to use her, to speak through her. It was not long after this she said that the brother or a girl she went to school with died, she wasn't really good friends with this girl but she started to get voices in her head urgaing her about a message she should deliver to this girl. It bugged her so much she ended up telling the girl at like a house party and the girl burst into tears at the accuracy of what she said, she had told her things that apparently only the brother who had passed away could have known, but it was these voices in her head that had told her to say that. I was excited when she told me this, I stared going full detail into my experiences and warned her of the nature of demons and everything I knew, warned her against clairvoyants. At that point I was now convinced I had met this girl for a reason, just like I had met many others before and since. I assumed that reason was she was at a crossroads, demons attempting to deceive and work their way into her life and I had come at the right time to warn her and preach Jesus Christ. That belief led to me ignoring more and more signs further on that she wasnt as innocent and naive as this scenario suggested, it played to my ego and made me believe I was here to save her and warn her so she doesn't end up down a dark path unknowingly rather than acknowledge all the signs that actually she was already walking down this path and I shouldn't trust her. Looking back now I'm not sure too whether my experiences and our talks were leading her to think about turning away from these things and that's why she told me, there are other things I'm about to get into that leads me to believe she was considering repenting at one stage. However maybe she threw me a bone by telling me about the clairvoyant experiences and voices telling her to deliver messages to people, I was being bothered in mind and spirit about her, alarm bells were constantly ringing and voices in my spirit telling me not to trust her, maybe she knew and hence had to give me something to frame the narrative in a way where I wouldn't just cut her off and run away from her, I knew the warnings and the feelings and although I didn't want to leave her I knew there was some spiritual implications to how I was feeling, so maybe she played the innocent angle. Still many things happened that should have exposed her' 'innocent angle' as a work but again I ignored all these things


May 17, 2012

dude, what are you going for here? are you trying to write a book? you're taking this "suspense" thing a little too far. Get to the point of what you're saying. Be specific and stop diccking around. i only read the last post u posted on this 6th page. and i suspect all your other stories are like this. like seriously??

get to the point!


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013

dude, what are you going for here? are you trying to write a book? you're taking this "suspense" thing a little too far. Get to the point of what you're saying. Be specific and stop diccking around. i only read the last post u posted on this 6th page. and i suspect all your other stories are like this. like seriously??

get to the point!

If you don't like it then stop reading its up to you. I haven't forced anyone to read it and I'm not

But like I have said before I type things the way I do because I'm saying things in chronological order. I'm not going to fully explain anything until the point it actually happened, it helps me remember, and some events happened and then a connecting thing happened at a later date after other things had happened in between etc.

Secondly I only talk about these things when I feel I can. If I'm not in the frame of mind to speak on this I can't, i have never in my life explained this in as much detail to anybody before, precisely because I can't speak on these things unless i have an urge to. You cant force me to hurry up and get to the point, if I wake up and I don't want to be thinking or dealing with these things then I won't post about it Everything you hearing is real experiences real events, do you have any idea what goes through my mind? Do you have any idea how hard it is to have to get up and go to work everyday and pay bills like everything's normal after all of this?

Complain cause you want everything now from your position as just an outsider hearing stories that aren't anywhere as real to you as they are to me. Again if you don't like it then stop reading but don't complain to me.
Last edited:


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
You sound like a schizophrenic OP

That's because you don't think or you haven't read.

What is schizophrenic about 3/4 people witnessing the same thing? Almost everybody I know who has ended up seeing similar things or having some involvement would all have to be schizophrenic too and we all would have to dream up the same illusions all at the same time independently of each other.


May 17, 2012
If you don't like it then stop reading its up to you. I haven't forced anyone to read it and I'm not

But like I have said before I type things the way I do because I'm saying things in chronological order. I'm not going to fully explain anything until the point it actually happened, it helps me remember, and some events happened and then a connecting thing happened at a later date after other things had happened in between etc.

Secondly I only talk about these things when I feel I can. If I'm not in the frame of mind to speak on this I can't, i have never in my life explained this in as much detail to anybody before, precisely because I can't speak on these things unless i have an urge to. You cant force me to hurry up and get to the point, if I wake up and I don't want to be thinking or dealing with these things then I won't post about it Everything you hearing is real experiences real events, do you have any idea what goes through my mind? Do you have any idea how hard it is to have to get up and go to work everyday and pay bills like everything's normal after all of this?

Complain cause you want everything now from your position as just an outsider hearing stories that aren't anywhere as real to you as they are to me. Again if you don't like it then stop reading but don't complain to me.

this is obviously a cry for help. you need to learn to summarize and get to the point. that's a skill that'll help you in life. your justification for this behavior is ludicrous. you are right. i dont have to read this sh1t. but when u keep updating and it keeps showing up on the first page of "The Ladies Room" its a problem. you might be better off wrting all this in ur diary. in there, u can type all the titangraphs u wish.