And thats not even counting all the games that 99% of people had on ps2 but yall a$$holes are gonna say "it wasn't exclusive"
Like the entire tony hawk series(which was goat during the ps2 era)
ssx tricky
soul calibur 2
Nba Street vol 2
Guitar hero
Yet yall on here hyping up skies or arcadia like that wasn't a dreamcast game
Fair enough.Matter of Opinion.
Like do yall really know the library the ps2 had?? Lets get the obvious out the way.
Recently saw some guy on a YouTube say the GC was more powerful than the PS2. Is that for real?
Just ignore the OP. He's been on a trolling extravaganza recently.
Yeah, that's the same reason @jalamanta threads always go platinum. But that's not company I would want to be associated with. Don't turn into @jalamanta Jr. He's such a terrible poster that manages to troll the entire forum somehow. I guess you gotta give him credit for that, but shyt is annoying as hell for us that see what he's doing. You're close to becoming his protege.
Seeing people say they are cognizant of me trolling or they think "it got to him"(as dumb as that is), it's funny seeing these threads still get responses. Dudes secretly love this shyt.
Dreamcast was more powerful than the PS2. PS2 just has the GOAT library.Was never a huge fan of it overall, but Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Animal Crossing are two of the best games I've ever played. Those are the only two games I ever put serious time into. I used to work at a video store so I would rent a lot of stuff for free, but that's all most GC games were, IMO -- rental quality games. I remember being very disappointed by Super Mario Sunshine.
Recently saw some guy on a YouTube say the GC was more powerful than the PS2. Is that for real?
You troll okay but you'll never replace the GOAT arcadium troll @dBoyFresh*212. May he rest in peace.
Seeing people say they are cognizant of me trolling or they think "it got to him"(as dumb as that is), it's funny seeing these threads still get responses. Dudes secretly love this shyt.