And about nobody checking Walder Frey for his bytchassness before all this shyt jumped off, has there really been any conflict between families and houses of that magnitude other than the Iron Islands trying to rebel and Robert's usurping. It just seems like other than the Targryen invasion, everybody kinda falls back if it ain't nothing too major. Nobody trusted Frey, but he hadn't performed a blatant act of aggression for the other families to ride out on him like that. I wouldn't even count Aegon's takeover as eschewing tradition. He was from a foreign land and came with dragons on deck, so it wasn't a feat that could be easily duplicated by others. Westeros is governed by tradition. It's why the RW was so shocking and why now the Frey house is looked down upon even more now that it was before. Lot of people looked at it as a despicable, cowardice act, but it was done in cahoots with a major power player in Tywin, so they couldn't do shyt about it.