See this is what y'all other houses don't understand about the dynasty known as Targset. Look. If you can't sit on the throne, then guess what? You can't sit on the throne. Talking about pillows and cushions like this the era of that fatboy drunk usurper (and honorary Stark, yeah yall need to claim ya boy

) Bobby Baratheon.
Nikka, we the house of STRENGTH. We made the throne out of swords for a reason. We are warrior kings. If we find out you can't sit on the throne, we give you that

and then we see it's time to take you out the paint.
Long story short, if he was a real dragon, he could handle the throne. And you know what we do to Targset who ain't real dragons. Ask my girl Kelly C what happened to her brother (who coincidentally is also Viserys).
We don't respect nothing but strength. If you ain't strong, then why are you here?