you need to give me some of that alternative medicine.
its not even close aside from the ass, which is probably fake.
i know the coli is hung up on white/fair skin so im not even gonna bother with it.
Chris can act gay all he wants because he got that wife of his. And he his famity is beautiful
Don't turn it into that. It's just a matter of taste, I never said Gabrielle was unattractive. I'm one of the people that always drools in Serena threads so that light skin s-hit doesn't apply.
he cheated on her and she stuck around.
They have a business arrangement not a relationship.
maybe not you, but its the general bias here.
and i'd bet this chick'll look 50 when she hits gabrielle's age.
he cheated on her and she stuck around.
They have a business arrangement not a relationship.
nikkas pulling better at the mallShe's Black, conscious, talented, beautiful, independently wealthy, no kids, has a personality and loves sports..
In other words she's a "4" on the coli...