yup..thats shyt is real.,..some cats get it how they live...grimey lol
My crew and I got thrown out of magic city behind dudes trying to vulture in on our bottles. We were down there for the bears game, 7 deep in that first area between the H part of the stage. Had 3 bottles was turning up all night and as it got crowded, this bum dude kept edging his way into our area, eventually around 1-2am as we got faded he got bold enough to just pick up a drink. My boy sees him and goes clean off, we hear the commotion and all dip over to see what the problem is, security sees 7 dudes rolling on homie and decides to bounce us all
Worst part was we had just ordered a 4th bottle and it came right before it kicked off.
One of the guys straight up tried to stuff it in his pants as we were being told we had to leave, someone saw him and made him put it back down. I'm still upset thinking about that money left there, that bum dude probably got our bottle
I got hella videos from that night as we got thrown out, had to literally pick up one of my boys and stuff him in the back of the truck because he wouldn't chill from cussing at security etc lol. It was a mess, but fun. That was the last time I had a club night like that.
Woke up the next day realizing I blew 6-700 dollars.. Fcuk the club.