FX & Donald Glover present Atlanta Season 2: Atlanta Robbin' Season


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Funny thing is something similar happened to me a month ago. I was a Best Buy and I was checking out and I paid with a $100 bill and they all were looking at me weird cause they didn't have change for it.... took them like 15 minutes before they could finally check me out. I was like :gucci:
IMO, it's because most folks make purchases using a debit or credit card. So you & Earn needing to pull out $100 bill just looks :flabbynsick: & :mjpls:.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
lmao black people cant like animals now? You dont gotta treat em like people but that dont mean you can hang them and drown them you dumb c*nt.
fukk outta here you mad af because you're proven wrong with literal facts.

Giving black people bad names with your ignorance. Best be trollin

Man just leave, maybe because I'm in the south but every nikka I know been to a dog fight or know where one was taking place. I don't condone the shyt myself but I'm not gonna get worked up about it. It is what it is.

Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
:lolbron:I wasn’t ready for that race at the end.. I had to look like :lupe: is that really Mike Vick??i gotta be sure since the Justin Bieber episode that had everybody including Lil Zane at the celebrity basketball game but not the actual Beiber(which was well done in a very crafty way, Donald writing skills around that is phenomenal) And is he really about to race him??? Low key I was hoping he won but it wouldn’t be Atlanta if Earn has won. I like that it’s honest in the fact that you have a period i life when you stay taking L’s. He hasn’t taken this many since the strip club.


Brooklyn the planet...
May 2, 2012
Brooklyn son
If Alfred/ Paperboi drops Earn has his manager that some hoe shyt. Earn has worked hard to get Al in positions to excel in the rap game but Al has constantly shunned any type of fame or anything he perceives as a knock to his street credibility.

Earn sets up the in office performance at that fake Spotify: Al doesn’t even try and walks out

Earn tries to steer Al away from his drug/street life: Al shots a nikka and they get arrested.

Earn set up Al for the rap snacks endorsement: Al turns it down

So if paperboi has anyone to blame for why the rap shyt isn’t paying off as he feels it should, he is partly to blame. Earn may not be as connected as the Clark Country manager but he is using what he has to get paper boi in position to make moves

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
ehh... I agree they need to let it go but why the fukk people still love Mike vick?
Breh he hung dogs :scust: disgusting nikka. fukk mike vic.

It's like when OJ got locked up we were like but he ran over 2k yards!
He fukking gutted his wife like a fish breh he should be in prison forever.

Mike a fukking dikk man no matter how fast he run.

Just because white people bytch about shyt way past its due date dont mean we should be praising devils.

Like it's not theft or some petty shyt. He straight up tortured the fukk outta dogs for years. Thats cold shyt.
STFU nikka. :dahelldog:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
If Alfred/ Paperboi drops Earn has his manager that some hoe shyt. Earn has worked hard to get Al in positions to excel in the rap game but Al has constantly shunned any type of fame or anything he perceives as a knock to his street credibility.

Earn sets up the in office performance at that fake Spotify: Al doesn’t even try and walks out

Earn tries to steer Al away from his drug/street life: Al shots a nikka and they get arrested.

Earn set up Al for the rap snacks endorsement: Al turns it down

So if paperboi has anyone to blame for why the rap shyt isn’t paying off as he feels it should, he is partly to blame. Earn may not be as connected as the Clark Country manager but he is using what he has to get paper boi in position to make moves

There comes a time when family IS business. Earn’s Uncle tried to Hip him to game in the first episode.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
shyts gon be foul too. Yet another case of "white people know better" :smh: There's alot to be said about Paper Boi this season too. The only reason he even knows Clarke County is cuz earn got him into FuzzBeed, doing the same shyt as CC, and he walked out. Deal on the table with Rap Snacks and he turns it down, etc.

I understand that for someone NOT interested in being a rapper but for someone that is and is stressed about being broke he has an easy time turning it down left and right. He just wants what he perceives instantly without any of the dirty work required to get there. That and Earn being financially irresponsible (even though he's opening doors) is gonna lead to a powder keg situation.

It’s a little deeper than Paper Boi just being a fukkboi and leaving Earn high and dry.

Donald Glover has said on numerous different occasions that a lot of his frustrations in the industry stem from him having to make White Gate Keepers comfortable to allow him to do what he wants. It was an issue with his record label when he was trying to put out his second album. It was an issue with the series when he had to lie to FX and tell them the show was something it wasn’t. It’s been the BANE of his existence as an artist.

The encounters between PaperBoi and Clark County are a VERY subtle nod towards the gross imbalance of power in the entertainment industry. Season 1 touched upon it in the first episode where Earn had to go through back channels and bribery to get Paper Boi on the radio. Season 2 is showing you, that once you get to a certain point. You HAVE to have a white gate keeper in your corner to have access to the type of career you want.

The point isn’t that Paperboi is turning down endorsements, it’s that the endorsements he WANTS are out of his grasp. Clark County straight up said “They aren’t trying to make opportunities for Black People” it’s a one at a time thing. And Clark’s white manager has the connections to make it happen. These are connections that Earn wouldn’t have access to, because the SYSTEM is designed to keep white people in charge.

Look at the EP credits for Atlanta. You have two white people in addition to Donald and his brother Stephen. Paul Simms and Diane Mcgunigle. They are the white gatekeepers that were necessary for Donald to even get in the door to make Atlanta possible.

On Paul Simms involvement

No black people talk to each other like that, or need to. It’s all for white people.” (“Black-ish”’s audience is about one-fifth black; “Atlanta” ’s is half black.) FX told Glover to avoid the N-word in his pilot; the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nikka?” and “You know how nikkas out here are” could use it. Recalling the dispute, Glover exclaimed, “I’m black, making a very black show, and they’re telling me I can’t use the N-word! Only in a world run by white people would that happen.”

On the phone call that finally resolved the matter, it was a white executive producer, Paul Simms, who argued successfully for the authenticity of the show’s use of the word. Glover had brought in Simms, the elder statesman on “Girls” and “Flight of the Conchords,” to serve as what black creators call “the white translator.” “You need the translator for the three-minute call after the meeting,” Barris explained. “It’s for when the execs call the white guy to say, ‘What exactly did Kenya mean there?,’ and to be reassured.” Since then, “Atlanta” has used the N-word unself-consciously, in a profusion of ways.

Diane Mcgunigle is Donald’s long time Manager. Who was his talent agent beforehand. Guess who her husband is? Spider Man: Homecoming Director Jon Watts. You think It was a coincidence that Donald ended up having a role in that movie? Think again

The filmmaker happens to be married to former talent agent Dianne McGunigle, who repped Glover at CAA before becoming the actor, producer and rapper's manager and is currently an executive producer alongside Glover on his award-winning FX series, "Atlanta."

So when Glover's Spider-Man campaign was in full force in the summer of 2010, Watts was well aware. "I've known Donald for a really long time, so when that was all going down I was right in the middle of it," he explained to The Time

"One of the very first things I said to Kevin [Feige] when I got the job was, 'We've got to put Donald Glover in this movie. I don't know who he's going to be, or what he's going to do, but we have to figure out a way,'" said Watts.

The industry is one big Good old (White) Boys Club. What Clarke’s manager represents is that white gatekeeper who is going to REMAIN a Gatekeeper by making it all but an impossibility for someone like Earn to really put Paper Boi “on”.

Dirty D

Vikes & Raptors 4 Life
May 1, 2012
The 6

Never seen this before, hilarious tho.

It’s a little deeper than Paper Boi just being a fukkboi and leaving Earn high and dry.

Donald Glover has said on numerous different occasions that a lot of his frustrations in the industry stem from him having to make White Gate Keepers comfortable to allow him to do what he wants. It was an issue with his record label when he was trying to put out his second album. It was an issue with the series when he had to lie to FX and tell them the show was something it wasn’t. It’s been the BANE of his existence as an artist.

The encounters between PaperBoi and Clark County are a VERY subtle nod towards the gross imbalance of power in the entertainment industry. Season 1 touched upon it in the first episode where Earn had to go through back channels and bribery to get Paper Boi on the radio. Season 2 is showing you, that once you get to a certain point. You HAVE to have a white gate keeper in your corner to have access to the type of career you want.

The point isn’t that Paperboi is turning down endorsements, it’s that the endorsements he WANTS are out of his grasp. Clark County straight up said “They aren’t trying to make opportunities for Black People” it’s a one at a time thing. And Clark’s white manager has the connections to make it happen. These are connections that Earn wouldn’t have access to, because the SYSTEM is designed to keep white people in charge.

Look at the EP credits for Atlanta. You have two white people in addition to Donald and his brother Stephen. Paul Simms and Diane Mcgunigle. They are the white gatekeepers that were necessary for Donald to even get in the door to make Atlanta possible.

On Paul Simms involvement

No black people talk to each other like that, or need to. It’s all for white people.” (“Black-ish”’s audience is about one-fifth black; “Atlanta” ’s is half black.) FX told Glover to avoid the N-word in his pilot; the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nikka?” and “You know how nikkas out here are” could use it. Recalling the dispute, Glover exclaimed, “I’m black, making a very black show, and they’re telling me I can’t use the N-word! Only in a world run by white people would that happen.”

On the phone call that finally resolved the matter, it was a white executive producer, Paul Simms, who argued successfully for the authenticity of the show’s use of the word. Glover had brought in Simms, the elder statesman on “Girls” and “Flight of the Conchords,” to serve as what black creators call “the white translator.” “You need the translator for the three-minute call after the meeting,” Barris explained. “It’s for when the execs call the white guy to say, ‘What exactly did Kenya mean there?,’ and to be reassured.” Since then, “Atlanta” has used the N-word unself-consciously, in a profusion of ways.

Diane Mcgunigle is Donald’s long time Manager. Who was his talent agent beforehand. Guess who her husband is? Spider Man: Homecoming Director Jon Watts. You think It was a coincidence that Donald ended up having a role in that movie? Think again

The filmmaker happens to be married to former talent agent Dianne McGunigle, who repped Glover at CAA before becoming the actor, producer and rapper's manager and is currently an executive producer alongside Glover on his award-winning FX series, "Atlanta."

So when Glover's Spider-Man campaign was in full force in the summer of 2010, Watts was well aware. "I've known Donald for a really long time, so when that was all going down I was right in the middle of it," he explained to The Time

"One of the very first things I said to Kevin [Feige] when I got the job was, 'We've got to put Donald Glover in this movie. I don't know who he's going to be, or what he's going to do, but we have to figure out a way,'" said Watts.

The industry is one big Good old (White) Boys Club. What Clarke’s manager represents is that white gatekeeper who is going to REMAIN a Gatekeeper by making it all but an impossibility for someone like Earn to really put Paper Boi “on”.

Interesting stuff about Donald and his real life partners.