8 pages and not one picture of Monica Rambeau?
She was in the original Secret Wars scrapping with the best of them.
Marvel despite being far more progressive than DC in it's female characters have not been as historically successful in solo titles for female characters. Most of the popular female Marvel characters are part of a team, or are gender spin-offs of male characters. This is also largely true in DC, but their female solo titles tend to do better.
Carol Danvers the second Captain Marvel has been pushed a lot by Marvel. I liked her the most in Secret Invasion, outside of that, she was mostly just the person Rogue got her powers from. The writing in her books just hasn't been that interesting. She has the same problem Hal Jordan has, and that she is a fundamentally uninteresting character, who has had the misfortune of having lots of writers who didn't try to be innovative. Most of her writers, like Hal Jordan writers seem to like that these characters are so boring.
Monica Rambeau has always been my favorite Captain Marvel. Lots of potential, some cool moments in the mix, and writers a little more willing to take risks. Kamala Khan is also a lot more dynamic than Carol Danvers. I cannot help but think that a lot of people who write Carol Danvers stories don't have many role models in mind when putting her in situations. Marvel would like her to be their Wonder Woman, but she just doesn't have the appeal. At least She-Hulk writers inject humor in her books.
That said, I don't have a problem with Danvers being in the MCU, or in MvCI. Even though she was kind of generic in AEMH, she added to the roster by being there. Sure I would like to see Rambeau or Khan in MCU, but to be honest I am just happy to see BP finally get the movie that was promised to us back in the 90s.